TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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Can someone please enlight me which common interests we have with the "Democrat PKK"?

Let's say PKK is gone over night, whole leadership dead, command structure destroyed etc. what happens then? Do you think Kurdish claims on SE Turkey end? We as a nation give them more credits and attention than they deserve, and the most hilarious part is we are angry for an hour before forgetting everything and never talking about it again.
Unlike the PKK the KRG is recognized by most countries in the world, they have a US base in their territory, this is more dangerous then some armed donkeys in the mountains.

This stamp was not a mistake, it was done with full intent.


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Can someone please enlight me which common interests we have with the "Democrat PKK"?

Let's say PKK is gone over night, whole leadership dead, command structure destroyed etc. what happens then? Do you think Kurdish claims on SE Turkey end? We as a nation give them more credits and attention than they deserve, and the most hilarious part is we are angry for an hour before forgetting everything and never talking about it again.
Unlike the PKK the KRG is recognized by most countries in the world, they have a US base in their territory, this is more dangerous then some armed donkeys in the mountains.

This stamp was not a mistake, it was done with full intent.

You cant mention this stuff because the Kurds play the race card.

Whatever we say it is either racist or fascist. When the Kurds themselves have racial and fascist tendendacies.

They are claim a huge chunk of Turkey belongs to them while non Kurds who live there have to be kicked out.

Our soldiers are fighting a war to stop the breaking of our lands and country. Krg, ypg, pkk all these kurdish groups have the same goal it is an independant Kurdistan.

When are we going to wake up?


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Either they call you racist, fascist or either play the Muslim card, especially the last one was used by them to expand inside Turkey.
There are for sure Kurds in the TSK and thank them for their service but that doesn't change the fact that millions are seperatist minded.

However supporting KRG while Turkmens were left alone during Saddams Arabization politics in Kirkuk and other Turkmen majority regions, ISIS expansion and also KRG's occupation of Kirkuk is a shameful fact.

I recommend everyone to watch the latest Veryansin interview with Osman Pamukoglu and also the Mevzular video with Hasan Atilla Ugur, but only available in Turkish.


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You cant mention this stuff because the Kurds play the race card.

Whatever we say it is either racist or fascist. When the Kurds themselves have racial and fascist tendendacies.

They are claim a huge chunk of Turkey belongs to them while non Kurds who live there have to be kicked out.

Our soldiers are fighting a war to stop the breaking of our lands and country. Krg, ypg, pkk all these kurdish groups have the same goal it is an independant Kurdistan.

When are we going to wake up?

Turks have this problem of giving second chances and the benefit of the doubt to people who don't deserve it.


Something important: Supposedly Erdogan has dismissed Ersat Salihi of Iraqi Turkmen Front and replaced him with a political islamist, Hasan Turan, aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Muslim brotherhood controls Mosul, all roads in and out, the university, e.t.c.

The original Iraqi Turkmen Front twitter account is going crazy about it, just stopping short of blaming AKP-MHP and Erdogan. Saying it was an attempt by putchists to silence turkmen, a betrayal, a plot in cooperation with the PKK. Looks like Turkey sacrificing Turkmen for something, though accounts are also saying Ersat was too close to Iran.



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Something important: Supposedly Erdogan has dismissed Ersat Salihi of Iraqi Turkmen Front and replaced him with a political islamist, Hasan Turan, aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Muslim brotherhood controls Mosul, all roads in and out, the university, e.t.c.

The original Iraqi Turkmen Front twitter account is going crazy about it, just stopping short of blaming AKP-MHP and Erdogan. Saying it was an attempt by putchists to silence turkmen, a betrayal, a plot in cooperation with the PKK. Looks like Turkey sacrificing Turkmen for something, though accounts are also saying Ersat was too close to Iran.

What did you expect them to do than cooperating with Iran? Turkey did nothing when ISIS came and afterwards Barzani, nothing.


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What did you expect them to do than cooperating with Iran? Turkey did nothing when ISIS came and afterwards Barzani, nothing.

We barely even support them what a shame to be honest.

Iraqi Turkmens have their lands kicked out by the Kurds. While we welcome the Kurds with open arms. Its pathetic!!


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If we're paying Türkmen salaries, or such, what are they doing in return. I mean if they're a force that helps stop PKK activities I can understand that it's pretty messed up to change out the leader.


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Turkmens defend territorial integrity of Iraq: ITF President Turan​


MAR 30, 2021 11:38 AM GMT+3
Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF) President Hasan Turan speaks to Anadolu Agency (AA) in Kirkuk, Iraq, on March 30, 2021. (AA Photos)
Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF) President Hasan Turan speaks to Anadolu Agency (AA) in Kirkuk, Iraq, on March 30, 2021. (AA Photos)

Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF) President Hasan Turan said that after the change in the administration, the ITF will not compromise in acquiring legal rights for all Turkmens in Iraq and defending the territorial integrity of the country.

"Turkmens will not compromise to defend the territorial integrity of Iraq," Turan told Anadolu Agency (AA).

Turan also highlighted that the ITF was founded on the principle of obtaining the political and legal rights of Turkmens in Iraq.

Noting that the subsequent governments in the country tried to ignore the Turkmens in political and legal terms, Turan said, "We will not allow the Turkmens, the third essential element of the country, to be treated as second class citizens."

'The ITF will be even more unifying in the new era'

Turan emphasized that the ITF will work to bolster unity to strengthen Turkmens in Iraq, saying, “Turkmens should be strong in all areas. We will strengthen our unity by embracing all Turkmen institutions, organizations, parties and associations so that we can have a say in Iraq. We have no other choice."

Highlighting that Turkmens are not adequately represented in Iraqi politics and state authorities, Turan explained that they will take serious steps and ensure that Turkmens have the representation they deserve in Baghdad and Irbil.

'The danger of Iraq's division'

Turan stated that the Turkmens, who opposed the division of the country and who defended its territorial integrity the most, were subjected to sectarian division, "They start a conflict among Turkmens (Shiite-Sunni) in Tal Afar, but they failed."

Turan pointed out that they plan to capture regions controlled by the Daesh terrorist organization densely populated by Turkmens, and drew attention to the fact that thousands of Turkmen who had to flee are still immigrants in their home country and abroad.

According to the decision taken at the meeting held yesterday by the ITF Executive Board in Kirkuk, a change in the party's management was made.
Accordingly, Vice President Hasan Turan was appointed as the ITF President, which has been led by Arshad Salihi since 2011.

Born in Kirkuk in 1962, Turan graduated from the University of Mosul faculty of agriculture.

He continued to work in the Turkmen Justice Party in 2003, and in 2005 he was appointed as a member of the Kirkuk Provincial Council.
Turan, who was elected as the President of the Kirkuk Provincial Council in 2011, became a deputy in the Iraqi Assembly in 2014.
He has served as the vice president and executive board member of the ITF since 2018.

I really like how his name :D I really hope the changes in ITF is for the betterment.


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