Azad Ezdin, one of the terrorist organization PKK's Sinjar responsible, was neutralized in the operation carried out by MIT with UAVs.
Also the amount of intelligence work is not to be underestimated, the sheer number of those assasinations or cross border intelligence operations are CIA or Mossad level.Turkish security forces are really getting professional at drone assassinations in these past couple years. I really can't count all the news I have seen about some PKK rats being blown to pieces in their cars somewhere south of the border...
Hopefully that is only the beginning.
Why do the attacks even stop anyway? For Syria I get it. We need to wait for the right time due to diplomatical reasons(though I dont know if we will ever get a better time than Ukrainian war) but for Iraq I dont get it.
Because of the winter?
Yes the Conditions are horrendous during the Winter.
Between April and September you have a Window in which the Mountains are mostly free of Snow.
Process of Operation:
1. Air Assault 2. Landing 3. Camp 4. Camp turns into Base 5. Logistics (Roads and Bridges to that Base) 6. Caves need to be Searched and Destroyed
All that in the April > September Time Window.
Summer vs Winter
View attachment 42062 View attachment 42061
Mounting Rumors that this Year TAF and Peshmerga (Erbil Gov. Soldiers) will jointly start an big Operation against PKK in Iraq.
In the statement, it was stated that sites close to the KDP were preparing the ground for an attack with fake news.
“As we enter the year of struggle in 2022, it has been discussed in the Bashure Kurdistan press for days that the Turkish state will launch a new invasion operation, that it has agreed with the KDP and made joint plans for this. According to the news in the Bashure Kurdistan press, the Turkish state will launch its operation this year with the direct participation of the KDP.
It is written that the KDP will join the Turkish state's operation and put the peshmerga to war against the guerrilla. Similar information has been coming to us for a while. We have disclosed such information to the public on various occasions. However, it is also discussed in the press that the KDP has not given up on its decision to join the Turkish state's operation and is making war preparations.
There was a Security Council Meeting March 23rd 2022.
The National Security Council (NSC), chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan , convened in Beştepe with the national and regional security agenda.
The meeting lasted 3 hours and 45 minutes.
"The wish to advance the political processes in Iraq in a way that will consolidate the stability in the country was expressed, and the importance attributed to the security and peace of the Iraqi people was emphasized, and it was noted that our fight against terrorist organizations would continue with determination."
MGK toplantısı sona erdi
Milli Güvenlik Kurulu ulusal ve bölgesel güvenlik gündemiyle Beştepe'de toplandı. Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ın başkanlığındaki toplantı 3 saat 45 dakika sürdü
This is likely about Gas Imports through Turkey but in order to ensure safety of the Pipeline PKK/HPG needs to be finished in the region.
Chronological Order of news in the past 3 Weeks.
‘Barzani-Erdoğan meeting not official,’ says MP from Iraqi Kurdistan
A recent closed meeting between the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Neçirvan Barzani, the President of the Iraqi Kurdistan,
İran'ın Erbil saldırısı ile vermek istediği mesaj ne?
Erbil saldırısının Irak'taki cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimi, hükümetin kurulması ve IKBY'nin bölgede İran’a alternatif bir gaz tedarikçisi olma yönündeki hamleleri gibi bir dizi konuyla bağlantılı olduğu düşünülüyor. - Anadolu Ajansı
Dönmez: Irak Kürdistan'ı ile gaz alışverişi üzerinde çalışıyoruz
Enerji Bakanı Fatih Dönmez, arzu edilmesi durumunda Irak Kürdistanı ile karşılıklı gaz alışverişi yapabileceklerini ve bu konu üzerinde çalıştıklarını sö
@Barzani you support operations against PKK?It seems like the War could be initiated any Day now.
Masrour Barzani met with Turkish president Erdogan in Ankara (Head of Intelligence Fidan was present as well)
main topics of discussion are:
1. Cooperating the upcoming Turkish military operation against PKK in Iraqi Kurdistan.
2. KRG natural gas exports to Turkey. (They also likely discussed Iraq gov't formation.)
View attachment 42682
Hakan Fidan
View attachment 42683
Satellite Picture of the norther Parts of Iraq, including the approx. area of PKK activity in Blue.
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View attachment 42686
In the last 2 Weeks the Snow is almost completely gone.
It seems like the War could be initiated any Day now.
Masrour Barzani met with Turkish president Erdogan in Ankara (Head of Intelligence Fidan was present as well)
main topics of discussion are:
1. Cooperating the upcoming Turkish military operation against PKK in Iraqi Kurdistan.
2. KRG natural gas exports to Turkey. (They also likely discussed Iraq gov't formation.)
View attachment 42682
Hakan Fidan
View attachment 42683
Satellite Picture of the norther Parts of Iraq, including the approx. area of PKK activity in Blue.
View attachment 42687
View attachment 42686
In the last 2 Weeks the Snow is almost completely gone.