MİT'ten Hakurk'ta nokta operasyon: Saldırı hazırlığındaki 2 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi
The National Intelligence Organization neutralized Zeynep Aslan and Zeliha Mahcup, who were active in the armed women's organization of the PKK/KCK, in Iraq/Hakurk.
MİT's field agents detected terrorists Aslan and Mahcup, who were active within the armed women's organization of PKK/KCK, in Iraq/Hakurk countryside. It was determined that PKK/KCK members Aslan and Mahcup, who were learned to have received training for attacks against strategic targets in Turkey, were preparing to move to the country. MIT added two female terrorists to its target list. MİT, through its agents in the field, clarified the date and time when the terrorists in question will move to cross the country. Aslan and Mahcup started to be followed step by step. An operation decision was taken for two female terrorists who were wanted on suspicion of terrorism. With the appropriate conditions, MIT neutralized the terrorists with a pinpoint operation in Hakurk, Iraq.
Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı, PKK/KCK’nın silahlı kadın örgütlenmesi içerisinde faaliyet gösteren Zeynep Aslan ve Zeliha Mahcup'u Irak/Hakurk’ta etkisiz hale getirdi.