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But how Turkey has no understanding of any of this, nor any policy to counter the propaganda is truly mind boggling. So many billionaires in Turkey, would only need to buy stock in western media outlets to allow the Turkish perspective to be displayed. We don't see it.
There are so many who do realize the situation, and they sure know the way out. However, counter-anything requires a great deal of organized effort and financial support (besides political motivation) none of which we do have, at least for now.

It should be the administration to organize such efforts, individuals won’t make much of a difference in the short run. Actually this seems to be the real problem. Most DO NOT see themselves aligned with the current government. They do not want to take an inititative (and hit by lighting!), or they do not know how to. After all, this country do not raise İndividuals, just stereotypes…
EDIT: Repetitive quote deleted.
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The Post Deleter
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China is committing genocide as we talk now, its barely touched on in western media and next to no politicians talk about it.

Saudi Arabia is responsible for the spread of Isis style Islam, yet they have a better international image then Turkey. Look at what the saudis are doing in Yemen and doesn't get even 1% of the cover Turkey gets the moment she mentions syria.

And both states are doing that, in the UK i know the Saudis own a controlling share in about 3 papers.
on the contrary Uygur genocide has been a hot topic for western media and public. İt is in Turkey where its barely touched!!!

and for Sudia Arabia although they have huge investments their image is only a bit better than Afganistan. through western media it is know as a country where the woman start going to movies and allowed to drive cars recenty or brutaly killing an American Jornalist or 9/11! almost nothing else!

not related but the strange thing is you can still find a random cap driver at his 50s mentioning midnight express as the first thing when you told them that you are a Turk in States.
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Mehmed Ali

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Well , Turkey cannot much about insidious propaganda. The story about New Zealand Christchurch massacre illustrates some of the realities. The guy who committed massacres left some writings. Though an islamophob he was very selective . Mostly what he wrote was about Turks , Muslims of Balkan and Caucasus. It is for a very simple reason, that kind of people are more weary if us then the rest of so called " brothers ".
There are other reasons, for example Europe always hated Bosnians more then Albanians, probably there are different reasons for that but one , I am sure is the fact that Bosnia has never been officially " Christian " country, the only one in Europe.


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Kurds go around butchering Arabs and Turkmens aka the good guys.

According to Western media.

Settle the Arabs back in their own lands after the Kurds kick them out.


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Kirkuk and Mosul had lots of Turks guess who butchered them or kick them out

The kurds of course.

They have the nerve to play as the victim.


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DW Türkce: The planned relocation of 1 million Syrians to N.Syria will change demographics.
Sending Syrians back to their country = bad
Keeping Syrians in Türkiye = good

German funded media is supporting demographic change of Türkiye.

These Nazi c**ts make me laugh.

When it comes to ethnic cleansing the Germans are the masters of it.

Lets not forget how they were measuring peoples skulls and noses.

Mehmed Ali

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Sorry , I don't want to be repeating but how someone, be it country or private group can counter this?
How possibly you can convince liars to be truthful? These thing truly haven't got any characteristics of political ideas, these are the cultists . No truth , no fact , no evidence has any meaning to them. I stopped trying to convince them , I stopped complaining. It will come to us or them .
DW Türkce: The planned relocation of 1 million Syrians to N.Syria will change demographics.
Sending Syrians back to their country = bad
Keeping Syrians in Türkiye = good

German funded media is supporting demographic change of Türkiye.



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DW Türkce: The planned relocation of 1 million Syrians to N.Syria will change demographics.
Sending Syrians back to their country = bad
Keeping Syrians in Türkiye = good

German funded media is supporting demographic change of Türkiye.

This is not even a concern for Turkey. Such accusations have no legal grounds, therefore null and void. This is still sovereign Syrian territory, and those are Syrian citizens heading back home. Mere bullshit, to support YPG claims!


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We must not forget that Turkey has signed the UN charter regarding the handling of refugees. As the name clearly suggests these are people who were seeking “refuge” in Turkey as their lives were endangered. There are clear guidelines as to how you can handle them and how you can send them back.
I am all for “Syrian Free” Turkey. They are the biggest danger to our way of life and demographic set up. We are not of the same culture. They need to go. The sooner the better. And not just 1 million but the lot.
But whilst doing it we must be careful in not breaking UN laws and regulations. We need to do it by the book.


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We must not forget that Turkey has signed the UN charter regarding the handling of refugees. As the name clearly suggests these are people who were seeking “refuge” in Turkey as their lives were endangered. There are clear guidelines as to how you can handle them and how you can send them back.
I am all for “Syrian Free” Turkey. They are the biggest danger to our way of life and demographic set up. We are not of the same culture. They need to go. The sooner the better. And not just 1 million but the lot.
But whilst doing it we must be careful in not breaking UN laws and regulations. We need to do it by the book.
Syrians are not refugees they are temporary asylum seekers hence UN charter doesn't apply to them.


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Syrians are not refugees they are temporary asylum seekers hence UN charter doesn't apply to them.
Says who?
UN’s own site clearly states that hey are “refugees”!


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Says who?
UN’s own site clearly states that hey are “refugees”!

Extremely detailed. You should read this from start to finish.


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DW Türkce: The planned relocation of 1 million Syrians to N.Syria will change demographics.
Sending Syrians back to their country = bad
Keeping Syrians in Türkiye = good

German funded media is supporting demographic change of Türkiye.

Actually, they are not wrong

You need to think a bit deeper to see where they are going with this
First you do need to know that most of the kurdish population mainly lives around the Turkish-Syrian-Iraq border area and this is the excuse the West use to create Kurdistan

PKK is a potent card to use against Turkey and in order for the West to use it with max effectiveness, PKK should be located just beside the Turkish border in order to rile up the Turkish kurds within Turkey.

Now with this operation, Erdo will kick the PKK and Syrian kurds away from the Turkish border by 30 km and will replace them with normal pro-Turkey Sunni Syrians; this means that the kurdish demographic located just beside the Turkish border will be eliminated and it will change to Sunni Syrians thus eliminating a large chunk of the PKK strength as well as importance to the West. As a result, the PKK activites and connections may be rendered futile since the Sunni Syrians to be placed in the safe zones arent Kurds to begin with and this means that the "race" card that the PKK and kurds use is thrown to the garbage bag and this means that it is near impossible for them to communicate and rile up the Turkish kurds. Who knows this may even demotivate the radical turkish kurds. This operation isnt only to resettle refugees, but it is also used to change the Syrian dwmographics within the border and crush the PKK indirectly since killing their leaders is near impossible as they are probably in the US

That is why both the West and the HDP are in chaos. They dont know what to do since if such a scenario occured, then the most potent card they were nourishing for 30+ years will literally regress back to square one and they cant press Turkey too strong since they are busy with the Ukraine-Russia war and Turkey does have some leverage regarding this issue. A proof of that is when Erdo announced the Syrian operation, Kilicdaroglu immediately came out on the same day and stated that Erdogan is planning to escape affter he loses to Kilicdaroglu in the next elections. The question is, why wait until now to reveal such info? The answer is what he is saying is probably bullshit but is only trying to rile up the public and put pressure on Erdogan to cancel such operation and Kilicdaroglu probably did such an action after being pressed by his allies, the HDP and his masters, Western powers.

The US especially is already quite busy by China and Russia and the prospects of chinese invasion is increasing; they cant risk losing Turkey rn as they are the prime canoon fodder against them in case of war; so the west will try to put diplomatic pressure for now and try to portray Erdo as the worst leader ever and how much of a devil he is by killing kurds and setting a new operation until 2023 and then have the CHP withdraw from Syria and the US army will then slowly settle the Kurds back again near to the Turkish border and the cycle will continue and the prime proof of this is the article posted in DW


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on the contrary Uygur genocide has been a hot topic for western media and public. İt is in Turkey where its barely touched!!!

and for Sudia Arabia although they have huge investments their image is only a bit better than Afganistan. through western media it is know as a country where the woman start going to movies and allowed to drive cars recenty or brutaly killing an American Jornalist or 9/11! almost nothing else!

not related but the strange thing is you can still find a random cap driver at his 50s mentioning midnight express as the first thing when you told them that you are a Turk in States.

Turkey houses and feeds the worlds largest refugee population, many of them also being Iraqi, Iranian or Syrian Kurds. China is committing an outright genocide while being a complete dictatorship. Its been a long time since i read anything about it in the media.

Erdogan mentions Syria, nearly every news article ran stories about Turks looking to genocide Kurds. Turkey in the west receives a thousand times more negative propaganda then China does.

China commits actual real genocide, meanwhile Turkey feeds and protects the largest number of refugees in the world.

Just imagine if Turkey was doing to the Kurds what the Chinese do, imagine if we were rounding them all up and putting them in concentration camps, or forcefully sterilising the Kurdish women, or making Kurdish woman forcefully marry Turkish men while their men are taken away never to be seen again. And really think about Turkey has suffered tens of thousands of attacks from the PKK, while the Chinese have suffered next to nothing from the Uyghurs.

Think how much the media would focus on Turkey compared to how it focusses on China.

Even Russia gets more positive press in the west then Turkey does, i actually feel that in the west Turkey gets the most propaganda directed against her.


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Turkey houses and feeds the worlds largest refugee population, many of them also being Iraqi, Iranian or Syrian Kurds. China is committing an outright genocide while being a complete dictatorship. Its been a long time since i read anything about it in the media.

Erdogan mentions Syria, nearly every news article ran stories about Turks looking to genocide Kurds. Turkey in the west receives a thousand times more negative propaganda then China does.

China commits actual real genocide, meanwhile Turkey feeds and protects the largest number of refugees in the world.

Just imagine if Turkey was doing to the Kurds what the Chinese do, imagine if we were rounding them all up and putting them in concentration camps, or forcefully sterilising the Kurdish women, or making Kurdish woman forcefully marry Turkish men while their men are taken away never to be seen again. And really think about Turkey has suffered tens of thousands of attacks from the PKK, while the Chinese have suffered next to nothing from the Uyghurs.

Think how much the media would focus on Turkey compared to how it focusses on China.

Even Russia gets more positive press in the west then Turkey does, i actually feel that in the west Turkey gets the most propaganda directed against her.
I still remember my political science teacher's words: "for the West to flourish for the next 100 years, they must plunder the Med East and Africa for the next 100 years and for this to happen, they must divide the Med East and Africa into several small countries and have them fight each other and the West shall profit in between such fights. The problem is that certain nations pose a risk to such plans mainly Turkey, Egypt, and Algeria as the other nations are either already servants or are broken into smaller nations or are in the process of doing so like in Libya and Syria. Egypt is nearly gone and Algeria will soon follow and thus the only nation that should be falling but is somehow instead getting stronger is Turkey"

My teacher kept repeating on how the West was furious on how Erdogan and Turkey are changing the status quo within the middle East and how the prime enemy of the West became the TSK and the Turkish nation. He kept saying that the West will never accept seeing a strong, self-dependent, advanced Muslim army ever even if they have to eradicate the nation known as "Turkey" either militarily, or by political parties, or by corrupting the next geenration

He also kept stating how amazing the TSK was dor not losing its dormant potential after all the years that it was left to rot in and kept commenting on how the Turks are natural born fighters as @Ryder stated before in one of his posts. In fact,he kept stating how this statement was true from the recenr Russian conflict and how the TSK is way better equipped and developed even though they dont have either the Funds of Russian oil or the technology of the Soviets

He stated that the main aim for the West is to either set up the stage for FETO to come back as heroes amd control the TSK and revert it back to its former state or create a new FETO-like entity to control the TSK
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There are so many who do realize the situation, and they sure know the way out. However, counter-anything requires a great deal of organized effort and financial support (besides political motivation) none of which we do have, at least for now.

It should be the administration to organize such efforts, individuals won’t make much of a difference in the short run. Actually this seems to be the real problem. Most DO NOT see themselves aligned with the current government. They do not want to take an inititative (and hit by lighting!), or they do not know how to. After all, this country do not raise İndividuals, just stereotypes…
EDIT: Repetitive quote deleted.

The problem is that if Turks continue to ignore this propaganda it will reach breaking point. The western peoples love for PKK terrorists and anything that harms Turkey is because their media working in like with their politicians is brainwashing them. This is how you get nations to go to war against other nations, you demonise them and you portray them as a threat, an enemy.

I feel that Turkish people need to get active, they need to organise. We got move away from these party politics bullshit and start working together.


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It is reported that the operation will start in 24 to 48 hours. Russian choppers are conducting patrol flights near the Turkish operation areas.

A sizeable TAF convoy is heading south in the east Euphrates theater. I won't disclose the exact location.
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It is reported that the operation will start in 24 to 48 hours. Russian choppers are conducting patrol flights near the Turkish operation areas.

A sizeable TAF convoy is heading south in the east Euphrates theater. I won't disclose the exact location.
Any action before 72 hours, I will apologize (gladly) and state I have underestimated your vision and connections on the inside!

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