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What agreement and what that would imply? Agreement with the people of type like Meloni, Le Pen and others of their ilk? Who would love to see Russia back in the game and who dream going back to 19th century politics etc or with the type like Biden and dancing of drag queens in the primary schools? Both of them are nihilistic destructive cults , I think it is pretty clear.
What would it do to Turkey if Turkey accepts such things , what Turkey needs to do to satisfy those demented failed ideas? One way or other , it means a destruction. I think hundereds years of history shows that the mere existence of Turks troubles these people. A good example is my country, now days that " nice people " arranged that the minority of Croats and Serbs , basically have all power over us. So many Bosnian people were thinking like you. Imagine how they are bothered about you. I was born in very particular time and place. I full understand people around me.
Let me tell you something, I literally gave blood, tears and sweat for my country like all my forefathers and i am still ready but if my people become something which is foreign to all our common basic values then, I am out. I rather be buried then let those moral prostitus creat my reality .
What West wants from you is basically everything.
We don’t need to give up any of our good values. We should learn to cherish our religion without it becoming a political instrument and even influence our international relations. We need to be less aggressive, and respect different opinions. We should not beat up women and our health personel, not litter, be wary of our environment, culture, and history, resolve the street animals problem, not cheat tourists, be more civilized in traffic, learn more foreign languages, have more educated people, have more effective judicial system, less corruption, less bureaucracy etc. If we achieve this basis, which we should anyhow, then we will be seen as part of the West. West is not in decline at all. They are the technology and science producers. If we have the above we will also be part of that privileged group.


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Then, ismt this the same as surrendering the city to these guys?
Why on earth are they doing such stupid acts?
Who knows, but we can’t continue being the decent ones while rest of the world cooperate with terrorist that target our country.

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
We don’t need to give up any of our good values. We should learn to cherish our religion without it becoming a political instrument and even influence our international relations. We need to be less aggressive, and respect different opinions. We should not beat up women and our health personel, not litter, be wary of our environment, culture, and history, resolve the street animals problem, not cheat tourists, be more civilized in traffic, learn more foreign languages, have more educated people, have more effective judicial system, less corruption, less bureaucracy etc. If we achieve this basis, which we should anyhow, then we will be seen as part of the West. West is not in decline at all. They are the technology and science producers. If we have the above we will also be part of that privileged group.
I really don't think that you understand my question but let's assume that it is really the answer.
So , let's say Turkey fulfill certain norms which you believe are solely western qualities. What does it imply ? Take USA as paragon of those standards. So as we can see that many forms of crime have been basically legalised even sometimes of the most violent kinde. For example, you can enter in many cities shop take 800 900 dollars of goods, the police and security guards have no jurisdiction to stop you etc etc.
Many political, social , educational
and business position are filled in accordance to racial., gender and similar quotas not on merit.
Missive social media censorship are the norm usual on pretext of some form iist or ism.
People can loos the livelihoods or be raided by police just simply for let's say disagreeing that women can be man.
Children in schools are exposed to the grooming and rarely someone can do something about it.
Behaviour of Democratic party indicates that they strive for one party system with controlled opposition.
Anti white racism is basically celebrated as is falsification of history.
On other hand we have the right wing , one of prime examples is that charlatan, manipulator and coward Jordan Peterson. Who few weeks ago was acting as Mufti but a few days ago was parading with the settlers through the courtyard of Al Aqsa .
In other words , the conservatives who don't conserve what they should conserve.
These are 2 things which they want from you. Nothing less and even a bit more.
I think that a normal person wishes better thins for his country.
Turkish people even at their lowest periods are infinitly moraliy superior to this.
These are the cults nothing more than that, Jungs massive psychosis. We are surrounded by the madness.
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I really don't think that you understand my question but let's assume that it is really the answer.
So , let's say Turkey fulfill certain norms which you believe are solely western qualities. What does it imply ? Take USA as paragon of those standards. So as we can see that many forms of crime have been basically legalised even sometimes of the most violent kinde. For example, you can enter in many cities shop take 800 900 dollars of goods, the police and security guards have no jurisdiction to stop you etc etc.
Many political, social , educational
and business position are filled in accordance to racial., gender and similar quotas not on merit.
Missive social media censorship are the norm usual on pretext of some form iist or ism.
People can loos the livelihoods or be raided by police just simply for let's say disagreeing that women can be man.
Children in schools are exposed to the grooming and rarely someone can do something about it.
Behaviour of Democratic party indicates that they strive for one party system with controlled opposition.
Anti white racism is basically celebrated as is falsification of history.
On other hand we have the right wing , one of prime examples is that charlatan, manipulator and coward Jordan Peterson. Who few weeks ago was acting as Mufti but a few days ago was parading with the settlers through the courtyard of Al Aqsa .
In other words , the conservatives who don't conserve what they should conserve.
These are 2 things which they want from you. Nothing less and even a bit more.
8 think that a normal person wishes better thins fir his country.
Turkish people even at their lowest periods are infinitly moraliy superior to this.
These are cults nothing more than that, Jungs massive psychosis. We are surrounded by the madness.
USA is only a paragon of those standards in certain areas, mainly science and technology. Europe is much more civilised than USA in many ways. With only little effort we can surpass both societies in the majority of cases. We just need to come to our senses.


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I really don't think that you understand my question but let's assume that it is really the answer.
So , let's say Turkey fulfill certain norms which you believe are solely western qualities. What does it imply ? Take USA as paragon of those standards. So as we can see that many forms of crime have been basically legalised even sometimes of the most violent kinde. For example, you can enter in many cities shop take 800 900 dollars of goods, the police and security guards have no jurisdiction to stop you etc etc.
Many political, social , educational
and business position are filled in accordance to racial., gender and similar quotas not on merit.
Missive social media censorship are the norm usual on pretext of some form iist or ism.
People can loos the livelihoods or be raided by police just simply for let's say disagreeing that women can be man.
Children in schools are exposed to the grooming and rarely someone can do something about it.
Behaviour of Democratic party indicates that they strive for one party system with controlled opposition.
Anti white racism is basically celebrated as is falsification of history.
On other hand we have the right wing , one of prime examples is that charlatan, manipulator and coward Jordan Peterson. Who few weeks ago was acting as Mufti but a few days ago was parading with the settlers through the courtyard of Al Aqsa .
In other words , the conservatives who don't conserve what they should conserve.
These are 2 things which they want from you. Nothing less and even a bit more.
I think that a normal person wishes better thins for his country.
Turkish people even at their lowest periods are infinitly moraliy superior to this.
These are the cults nothing more than that, Jungs massive psychosis. We are surrounded by the madness.
Don’t you focus too much on western hypocrises ?

While it’s good to look at others to learn from their mistake it’s equally important to reflect on your own past.

here’s a short take on something that I’ve been thinking about.

Süleyman Soylu said that it was our religious duty to take these refugees. Or something like that. So if religious people has to act with religion as their primary guide.

Then it means the nations gains are jeapordized because religious people in government positions act with all the authority and powers granted them by their voters.

Hence religion should be kept out of politics, because religious people use the judgement day as their guide for their decisions making. If these religious people were privat citizens without political power. Their choice and action would be more selfserving and limited in the damage it causes.

Like if you take in refugees and shelter them. The human interaction with refugees that way would create a better understanding and integration than take them in throw them into empty apartment blocks and expect them to integrate.

Times passes Ghettos appear, gangs, troubles etc. I’ve worked in public housing company, so I’ve learned quite a bit of how big of a failure it is.

The safe zone is the best decision ever. We should have secured better terms for survival for those zones and taken more. And relocate faster.

I don’t know if people get the impression that I’m westernized, or that I’m someone who asks questions and criticizes a lot. But people can’t say I’m silent and passive, and I don’t accept any news as being the truth. I draw my own conclusions. Which is what a democratic free country should focus on in educating their citizens.


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Russian warplanes struck the positions around Afrin, Azez and Kafr Cenne. There are many dead and injured.


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Russian warplanes struck the positions around Afrin, Azez and Kafr Cenne. There are many dead and injured.
What I don't understand is why Erdogan allow Russia to bomb those places under Turkiye control.
Its absurd....You don't see Russia bomb places that are under control of US or SDF....

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Don’t you focus too much on western hypocrises ?

While it’s good to look at others to learn from their mistake it’s equally important to reflect on your own past.

here’s a short take on something that I’ve been thinking about.

Süleyman Soylu said that it was our religious duty to take these refugees. Or something like that. So if religious people has to act with religion as their primary guide.

Then it means the nations gains are jeapordized because religious people in government positions act with all the authority and powers granted them by their voters.

Hence religion should be kept out of politics, because religious people use the judgement day as their guide for their decisions making. If these religious people were privat citizens without political power. Their choice and action would be more selfserving and limited in the damage it causes.

Like if you take in refugees and shelter them. The human interaction with refugees that way would create a better understanding and integration than take them in throw them into empty apartment blocks and expect them to integrate.

Times passes Ghettos appear, gangs, troubles etc. I’ve worked in public housing company, so I’ve learned quite a bit of how big of a failure it is.

The safe zone is the best decision ever. We should have secured better terms for survival for those zones and taken more. And relocate faster.

I don’t know if people get the impression that I’m westernized, or that I’m someone who asks questions and criticizes a lot. But people can’t say I’m silent and passive, and I don’t accept any news as being the truth. I draw my own conclusions. Which is what a democratic free country should focus on in educating their citizens.
I am not concentrating on Western hypocrisy, that not primary question here and anyway it is given fact, nothing to add there.
What I am trying to say here , not just now but for some time you have 2 offers on the table. These are as fowls
1 This morning I watched on Fox News Tucker Carlson reporting that, I think in Georgia the new legislation is introduced that the parents can go to prison or loos a job if they don't accept that they children by age of 12 change their gender medically. Those ideas are exactly the same as pkk (;,in USA they are called anti fa) , I can go on and analyse this . Basically why wouldn't Democratic party support pkk? They are practically the same, also Kurdish irendentism grew in the places where French type of secularism was prelevant not British.
2 the same Tucker Carlson lamated a few days ago about the the tragedy of Iraq. He laments the loss of American lives and prestige, ofcourse the loss of Iraqi lives is of no consequence to him and his ilk.
Oh yes , he and his kind , if needs too be are anti fa when it comes to lecture Muslim countries. Make no mistake about it.
So you are given those 2 diabolical choices, obviously there is no other.
So whatever bad or good is in Turkey., it is by the default a lot better then what you have been offered. It , by default means , that the guy that they are against has some decency or stopping their ambitions. In those people or the offers I don't see even a tiny bit of good or decency nor any possibility for a compromise.
Putin is one of those like the fake right wing , so it is inevitable that you will get the pressure from both sides . Both these lots are the cults , obviously to do all these thing in their own way to normal person is irrational. I think both want more then what is apparent and logical, that's the reason I call them for what they really are The Cults.
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What I don't understand is why Erdogan allow Russia to bomb those places under Turkiye control.
Its absurd....You don't see Russia bomb places that are under control of US or SDF....
Because the US is strong while Turkey is still weak
The US doesnt need anyone for energy, has a stable economy that isnt bound to anyone and above all, its military is completely independent

Turkey, just like Europe, depends on Russian gas to function; thus, Russia own Turkey and Europe by the balls and Putin knows this very well
Turkey's military is still growing and many critical tech still hasnt been nationalised especially ENGINES! All what the US ought to do is embargo the sale of engines to Turkey and you will see many projects come to a halt for at least 2 to 3 years before continuing again

The problem in Syria is that Turkey is facing against 2 of the 3 biggest guys in the world ALONE! And Turkey cant get out of Syria since getting out means new terror operations within Turkish territory against Turkish citizens by the filth called as PKK and unsurprisingly, the 2 big boys USA and Russia have been supporting such groups for looooooong periods of time; mostly decades


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What I don't understand is why Erdogan allow Russia to bomb those places under Turkiye control.
Its absurd....You don't see Russia bomb places that are under control of US or SDF....

because under erdogan we are a cowardly nation, so russians exploit it every time and the more erdogan opens Turkey to Russia the easier it is for Russia to attack us.

don't worry though, the Turks will forget this incident very quickly. Just yesterday they were celebrating and talking about "gas hub" today Russia bombs Turkish controlled regions. It will all be forgotten a day later. Then when someone like me comes around reminding people of the history and not to keep making the same mistakes, they will say to me "dont get emotional" business with Russia is good.

These people will never ever learn, they are no more then prey to entities like Russia.

The Russian elite know erdogans character, the people who support erdogan don't. That's why they keep getting surprised. Erdogan has never moved the army except as a last desperate resort. He never came suddenly one night. As a results Turkeys enemies know you can back Turkey up against the edge everytime before anything happens and when it does happens erdogan is quick to shut it down.

The great irony of course is that Russia will stand no chance taking on Turkey over Syria, none. But its no use being strong if you have no balls, but if your weak and show balls you can at times win.

And the more we allow it to happen the more it invites the bully to continue.
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Frankly after bombing and killing of over 30 turk soldiers,most Turk are supposedly to be anti Russia and most likely will support of supplying any good weapons to Ukraine as payback yet some are still concerned with good relations with russia.
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Because the US is strong while Turkey is still weak
The US doesnt need anyone for energy, has a stable economy that isnt bound to anyone and above all, its military is completely independent

Turkey, just like Europe, depends on Russian gas to function; thus, Russia own Turkey and Europe by the balls and Putin knows this very well
Turkey's military is still growing and many critical tech still hasnt been nationalised especially ENGINES! All what the US ought to do is embargo the sale of engines to Turkey and you will see many projects come to a halt for at least 2 to 3 years before continuing again

The problem in Syria is that Turkey is facing against 2 of the 3 biggest guys in the world ALONE! And Turkey cant get out of Syria since getting out means new terror operations within Turkish territory against Turkish citizens by the filth called as PKK and unsurprisingly, the 2 big boys USA and Russia have been supporting such groups for looooooong periods of time; mostly decades
Currently Turkey should focus more on Russia not US.US is not bombing Turkey ally and region of control yet RUssia is bombing weekly.
What kind of ally if you can't protect them within even your protected region.


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Currently Turkey should focus more on Russia not US.US is not bombing Turkey ally and region of control yet RUssia is bombing weekly.
What kind of ally if you can't protect them within even your protected region.
Certainly US isnt bombing Turkey directly
Instead, they are the MAIN FINANCIAL and POLITICAL backers for a terrorist organisation, PKK, which has been killing not only TSK but also turkish citizens for decades and above all, want to split Turkey in half; i-e, want Kurdish predominant areas to be separated from Turkey

Both the US and Russia are assholes and prime enemies to Turkey and that is why Turkey shouldnt take sides but instead pour oil into the fire and let US and Russia kill each other in Ukraine.... period! At the same time, Turkey will try to portray itself as a nation wanting peace while it knows very well that Peace is impossible since the Ukrainians are out for revenge


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Frankly after bombing and killing of over 30 turk soldiers,most Turk are supposedly to be anti Russia and most likely will support of supplying any good weapons to Ukraine as payback yet some are still concerned with good relations with russia.

The way you have good relations with Russia is to not take any of their shit. Russians are your typical playground bully, if they can harass you they will but if they know you will kick their arse should they do something to you, they become your best friend. Underlying the Russian façade as witnessed by the Ukraine war especially seeing them flee from conscription is a cowardly character.

For me its not about having bad relations with Russia, its about limiting our economic exposure to them so that when we need to hit them and we do, it limits what they can do back. Militarily speaking there is very little they can do.

Also they are not going to nuke a country where they make billions of dollars from and then risk that nation shutting them down in the entire region. Turks don't seem to understand that at the end of the day the YPG/PKK is a just a dirty terrorist organisation that brings no profit to these powers except for its ability to be used.

Russia is the weak link in Syria, it can be broken and should be broken.

However since the jet downing we did the dumbest thing you could do, we deepened energy ties with Russia. Energy being Russia's trump card and energy dependence being our biggest weakness. Putin must be laughing at erdogan.

Like wise the attacks on Turkish controlled regions has to have a cost, send Ukraine Akinci and make a big advertisement about it. And each time the Russians disrespect you keep uping the support.

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