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Both Assad media and Turkish media are calling the different tribes "Arab Tribal Forces". There's no unified Arab Tribal Forces.
This is why you have both conflict and negotiations happening at the same time.
This is incorrect
Since Arabs are the majority in these regions they can kiss their Kurdistan project goodbye.
Majority of the land they claim in Turkiye has a Turkish majority.
Many of their land claims have them as the minority only some parts are Kurdish majority.
Is the pkk really going to give power and even autonomy to Arabs.
This threatens their own structure. Arabs will never be loyal to a Kurdish state.
None of the Turkmens, Assyrians or the Druze will accept a Kurdistan either.
I think this might be in relation to not Dez but north. Literally nothing to go from, but it's surprisingly silent from big parties to the war except for US. Or the US is going for the border.He is overestimating it by far. This is all going to be forgotten in a few weeks in my opinion.
They will fail without support, as Russia is ready to bomb, waste
Yes but they have the guns and oil. They have held this territory for more than 5 years.
So far almost all the casualties from the SDF are Arabs, very few Kurds were actually doing any fighting so far. And this is sparking tensions between tribes, because the Arabs in the SDF belong to different tribes. Tribal feuds can be serious
You just proved my point the Kurdistan project will never work because most of the lands they claim to be Kurdistan is not even Kurdish.
Now the SDF as you say has more Arabs than Kurds the Kurdistan project is even more dead in the water.
Is your point that if an ethnicity is not dominant, they do not have a claim ?
Look at southeast of our country. Azerbaijan part of Iran. Tatars and Uyghurs. It is not simple.
Also the tribal forces are not nationally conscious, they are tribal. Hence they align with SDF to get the most benefits.