Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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This is years old. PKK accounts have a few of these and put them in circulation every 6 months. Since drones were introduced in mid 2010s, PKK's main aim is not to curb military movement but produce propaganda videos. The initiative is completely with the Turkish side, because PKK can't even gather in groups of tens (because drones). They just do 2-5 person infiltration raids and try to film it for propaganda.

Search for "sarı torba" if you want to see a much common occurance.


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Don't blame the Kurds, they do their part.

Blame our politicians who are so soft to allow them even in our parliament. This is no way to fight terror.


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Shhh, the Islamists may hear you!

According to them Israel is the eternal enemy of Turkiye, they helped PKK come to the level they are today, they directed ISIS to attack us, they are the biggest evil that Turkiye faced and we should be in war with them, sending mujahids and suicide bombers to liberate the Palestinian State because we were kings and shiet and the Palestinians wet their panties when they hear that our Ottoman Sultan will rule them once again from Istanbul... I'm not joking!

These are the people that don't know or don't want to remember that we were in close coordination with Israel during our operations in Lebanon (the same places like the Bekaa Valley which Israel bombs today, hunting for Hezbollah commanders) and Syria, MOSSAD trained Turkish teams to conduct covert operations against HVTs in these countries and also MOSSAD played a role in the capture of Abdullah Ocalan. After the news came out Israeli and Turkish flags were burned in Palestine by fighters of the Palestinian Liberation Organization with the presence of world medias. In the same time PKK attacked the Israeli Embassy in Berlin, killing 3 and wounding another 14 people. I am talking about the fighters of the same PLO of which the members are fighting together with Hamas against Israel in Gaza.

Our only martyr in the sacred lands in the 21st Century came in result of a Palestinian bullet fired at us in Hebron. Little known and well covered fact by the Islamist media in Turkiye was the presence of Turkish military unit in Palestine under the Temporary International Presence in Hebron before the suspension of its activities in 2019. While on duty our forces were first attacked by protesters with rocks (both settlers and Palestinians were conducting these attacks) and then a vehicle belonging to the TIPH was attacked by a Palestinian Authority Police personnel, martyring Major Cengiz TOYTUNC, killing another Swiss national, Catherine Berruex and wounding one more Turkish officer which was on duty. Of course Islamists were fast to say that an Israeli SOF member attacked the car because the bullet holes in the bodies of the deceased were from a 5.56x45 round, while our wounded officer said that the man who attacked the vehicle wore a Palestinian Authority Police uniform. Right after the attack a fight between the IDF and Palestinian insurgents/Police erupted. Contrary to the bullshit these people are talking, yes the 5.56x45 is in the inventory of the Palestinian Authority Police. The whole situation is happening in an IDF controlled sector where any Palestinian force has nothing to do in.

Islamist propaganda was so strong in the last 20 years that the people forgot about the multiple fields of cooperation between Israel and Turkiye especially when it comes to maters of defence and national security.

Why am I saying this? Not because I want to discredit the Palestinian Cause and neglect the pain and genocide trough which the Palestinian people are going trough. I am saying this in order to remind how we managed to f*ck up things that could've been better with our own hands, managed to turn one of the strongest lobbies in the world against us, didn't change anything for the Palestinians and still manage to be best buddies with the same suicide bombers which are best buddies with Hezbollah and Iran who have the blood of tens of our soldiers on their hands while Turkiye is being ruled by an Islamist government. One may succeed at least in one thing, but we somehow managed to fail in everything.

Now while we should look at the importance to localize our disagreements with Israel to the situation in the sacred lands and expand cooperation with Israel in other regions like Iraq, Syria and the Caucasus, we are alienating even further the same people that bomb the organizations which bombed our bases before and may probably force our exit from Iraq and Syria, destroyed who knows how many weapons shipments that were going to HRE/PKK in Tal Rifat and Hezbollah in the Aleppo province.

While saying this I am not going to even touch upon the historical experience we got in Palestine, the opinion of Palestinians towards Turkiye apart from the bullshit pushed by the successful propaganda machine of the Muslim Brotherhood media and other realities. Cooperation with Israel in Iraq, Syria and the Caucasus is not an option, it is a necessity! Cooperation in the energy field between Israel and Turkiye in the Mediterranean is not an option, but a necessity! I may surprise some people with what I am going to say, but no, Israel will not suddenly cease to exist and we all should deal with this reality. We should support the two State solution, but not put the interests of totally foreign people to Turkiye in every way possible including religion (yes, you heard me right!), culture and language as a priority one before the national interest and security of Turkiye in the region. People should stop talking on repeat about these matters, blinded by Islamist propaganda. Turkiye should come first and whatever comes after is second! This is how this world works.

And before anyone tries to label me Zionist or whatever, no, I am a Muslim, I am proud of it and would never convert to another religion. I feel the pain of the innocent, I have a sensitivity towards the sacred places for our religion like the Al-Aqsa mosque, I would like to see a Palestinian State represented by the best and brightest Palestinian Government possible, so I am confident enough and trust the people who control these places. I am currently not satisfied with neither the Saudis, Israel or any other actor to rule over these places in the way we deserve as Muslims. No, I won't support suicide bombers, executors and butchers, don't feel right for such people to rule over our second most sacred place as a Muslim while in the same time they act as a direct representatives to the same terrorists who martyrs our boys in Iraq, Syria and is threatening my blood brothers without distinction between soldier, elder, women or children in Azerbaijan with annihilation and destruction.

What is happening in the sacred lands right now is no Jihad, it is fight with the participation of two oppressor regimes with the innocents being killed the most by the oppressor with the biggest bombs and/or sharpest mind. Nobody choses where he will be born.
This is no Islamist issue IMO

I believe none in this forum said that Turkey should fight for the Palestinians etc.... In fact, many including me, clearly stated that Turkey should watch both the Palestinians and Israelis burn to hell. The palestinians are reaping what they sow after betraying the Ottomans.... period!

However, what truly baffles me is how ppl still believe that Israel can be a friend! Israel as an entity is violent by nature, and is in a constant fight with its neighbouring countires.

Israel, believes that a major chunk of Eastern Turkey rigthfully belongs to Greater Israel, while have demonstarted clearly on numerous occassions that they woupd never allow a country stronger than it within the region. Israel has been one of the biggest critics for Turkey's participation in the F35 program, has been supporting Greece EEZ claims and PKK Kurdistan even before Erdogan came to power. Just open Youtube and watch older videos on Jewish Zionists talk about how PKK's kurdistan is a crucial step towards greater Israel etc...

Even the recent German-Turkish fiasco regarding the shadow embargo of Nuclear turbines is reported to be pushed forward due to jewish and greek lobbies in Germany......

Shall we rewing time back a bit, during the early 2000s when the Turkish-Israeli relations were at its peak, and remember when Israel used to sell defective drones to Turkey at dohble the price?

Many ppl seem to forget that Israel's foreign policy is based on absolute supremacy and this is directly threatened by Turkey. All the surrounding nations are being armed by the West which Israel controls but now Turkey emerges with its own domestic, high quality, NATO-standard, west independent, cheap weapons and ppl expect Israel to remain silent

Thus, I will say it again and again, the ones who created and supported the PKK for all those years were the US and Israel; the ones who gave Iraq to Iran were the US and Israel. The ones who supported radicalism in Syria (primarily Assad) were the US and Israel

and yet, after all this, ppl believe that this is an Islamist issue and that Turkey and Israel are best friends. Loooooool



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Don't blame the Kurds, they do their part.

Blame our politicians who are so soft to allow them even in our parliament. This is no way to fight terror.
The PKK infiltrated the local kurds forcing them to adopt anti-Turkish agenda

The law permits any party to have representatives in the parliament as long as they have certain number of votes and win certain areas etc...

What the PKK did is weaponising Turkish law against Turkey by brainwashing a decent chunk of the kurdish-origin population living in Turkey

For them to be kicked out, the basic rule of democracy in Turkey will be crushed and a dictatorial regime will eventually surface something that Turkey isnt ready for at all rn
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