Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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this is on us, we shouldnt declare our intentions so openly 🤦‍♂️
Not really
The whole world will know whether Turkey acts or not
Hell, ppl can track all of turkish planes movements through the internet and tracking sites

Moreover, it is necessary to declare such actions so that Turkey can say that we "warned" you in case of any casualities
The problem is that such things may work with Russia or Iran but the US doesnt give a fq and will just use it as an excuse to reduce Turkey's standing and I dont think this is the right time to piss the EU a lot since the UK has already finally begun to co-operate in the TFX engine


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this is on us, we shouldnt declare our intentions so openly 🤦‍♂️
Russia, as I understand, is decisively staying off the equation. On the other hand, US statements such as ”We are worried!” do not point to a strong US objection, but rather a warning that says “we are not yet convinced!”. The news of a “large scale operation” is out there, on purpose, to feel the pulse, and negotiate if necessary, before a go ahead… Just like in previous operations…

EDIT: A reason why I have dismissed talks on a sudden, decisive move (already underway as suggested by few) by the armed forces!
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Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Usa was always keen to protect Iranian interest. People who think that somehow current Turkish administration is at leat partially to blame then they can take look at the desert entities, after literally paying triliones of dollars, they are less safe then ever before. Even though the Bedouinships are in principle totally harmless. All that they want is to multiple, eat, drink , defecate and dance for while on stage and every now and then philosophise to some people from Sub Continent. Even as such they are in the way.


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Usa was always keen to protect Iranian interest. People who think that somehow current Turkish administration is at leat partially to blame then they can take look at the desert entities, after literally paying triliones of dollars, they are less safe then ever before. Even though the Bedouinships are in principle totally harmless. All that they want is to multiple, eat, drink , defecate and dance for while on stage and every now and then philosophise to some people from Sub Continent. Even as such they are in the way.
Why do you say the US is keen to protect Iranian interests? Despite Israeli opposition?

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Why do you say the US is keen to protect Iranian interests? Despite Israeli opposition?
Well, there are some interesting things . During Mosadeq revolution in 50s Mullahs helped USA and Britain to regain control of Iran. In the last couple of years it transpired that Khomeini while in Paris was in the constant lieson with CIa. Mullahs killed their ideologist Ali Sheriati , one reason being that in the reality he was more or less Sunni just like his mentor Ahmed Kasravi also killed by the Mullahs. Mullahs bombed Baghdad with missiles made in Israel ( Oliver North affair) . As soon as Mullahs came to the power, they engaged in terrorism ( Kuwait and Saudi bombing) , Mullahs accepted Sadams peace offer 1988 exactly the same as iy was 1981 ( needless destruction) . Mullahs treat enabled USA to fleec Arabs out of trillions. Iranian Mullahs brought the endless destruction to the Middle East and that's exactly what the west has been doing for decades. How it is possible to restraint the president of USA Donald Trump after he killed suleymani? As we know USA on the tenuous pretext removed Saddam, Ofcourse anyone with a bit of knowledge knew that they gave Iraq to Iran and the bridge to Middle East. Wasn't America restraint in the regards of Syria? Waiting for Russia to solidify Iranian gains? So in the practical terms USA turned its back Arabs ( money providers and Turkey its allie. Kurds are there among other things a convenient excuse. A lot of members of Al Qaida have safe heaven in Iran. Ex Iranian PM Hathemi bragged how Iran helped USA in Iraq and Afghanistan, he did it on TV . If Iranian pm says that they cooperate with USA why should I dispute it? Isn't tru that many left wing Western media are pro Iran? Yet no one is even a bit objective towards Turkey or even Arabs. Also 200 years ago they together with Wahabites were promised "Kingdom " of Islam and Shia are known throughout Islamic history to cooperate with foreign elements against Muslims as the do now. Their true father Abdullah Ibn Seba is deleted from history in order to help them to achieve their goals and they claim that he never existed although all their classical writers mention him profusely.
You see there are too many circumstantial evidence just to be by a chance. And their is evidence of Iranian cooperation with America and Israel I don't claim that I know the root of it and whole purpose but the evidence shows that some 9f my previous statements are not far fetched. It is up to you how you will interpreted

Mehmed Ali

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Many thing in all this story are contradictory. If USA is a true enemy of Iran then why not support Turkey and Azerbaijan in order to destabilise Iran? How come USA invaded Iraq on the pretext of Iraqi alleged work on the weapons of mass destruction yet literally Europe is begging against the sanctions against Iran? Turkey can offer assistance to USA in many areas of World, be it central Asia, Caucasus, Balkan even Africa what Iran can offer apart from the destruction? At the end of Iran Iraq war , Iranian army basically collapsed, who prevented Saddam to march on Tehran and replace Mullahs? Was it the same American ambassador in Baghdad who encouraged him to go to Kuwait? Contradiction upon Contradiction, paradox upon paradox, but unfortunately it is reality. One thing is clear though, if someone look at this in the logical manner, he will see that thing are not as they seem and some strange forces are on the job. I don't go much into the "conspiracy theories " , I don't need to, it is there to see for someone who can actually see.


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Many thing in all this story are contradictory. If USA is a true enemy of Iran then why not support Turkey and Azerbaijan in order to destabilise Iran? How come USA invaded Iraq on the pretext of Iraqi alleged work on the weapons of mass destruction yet literally Europe is begging against the sanctions against Iran? Turkey can offer assistance to USA in many areas of World, be it central Asia, Caucasus, Balkan even Africa what Iran can offer apart from the destruction? At the end of Iran Iraq war , Iranian army basically collapsed, who prevented Saddam to march on Tehran and replace Mullahs? Was it the same American ambassador in Baghdad who encouraged him to go to Kuwait? Contradiction upon Contradiction, paradox upon paradox, but unfortunately it is reality. One thing is clear though, if someone look at this in the logical manner, he will see that thing are not as they seem and some strange forces are on the job. I don't go much into the "conspiracy theories " , I don't need to, it is there to see for someone who can actually see.
when your end-goal is destabilizing a entire geographic region, you dont pick and choose.

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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I don't know how Iranian ships loaded with weapons can reach Yemen? Despite usa navy? Yet Germans use piracy to board Turkish boat? Maybe their problem with Turkey and Pakistan is that if Bedouins helped Turkish and Pakistani naval and missile developments then Muslims would be able to control Black Sea , Suez Bab Al Mandheb , Red Sea, Hormuz , Persian gulf, Arabian Sea,Bay of Bengal, Malacca Pass. Many of these things would be useful to them also , that's if they are normal people. But if I use their own words " We are making a security sacrifice by selling 36 jets for 15 odd billions" . MotherF rs. I dropped a few letters not because it's vulgarity but I might insults a quiet few of 7000 genders .
Yet some people want Turkey to project naval power, you need two to tango. Turkey has no partners, save yourself money and time


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It seems that the US decided to prevent Erdogan from fulfillinb what I stated in the previous post no matter what
Whether Erdogan will knuckle under and stop the operation or will he continue is still to be seen but I dont see how Erdogan can win against the US; even China cant effectively win against them

This is the result of Erdogan politicizing our nation security. In fact for the past 11 years AKP has looked at Syria and thought a) how can we make money from this situation & b) how do we gain votes from this situation. Imagine how stupid you would have to be to mismanage a situation so badly that PKK gets its own pseudo-state next door. No one deserves the blame for this other than AKP and Erdogan, who were too busy trying to play good guys in the Sunni world. What a joke.


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This is the result of Erdogan politicizing our nation security. In fact for the past 11 years AKP has looked at Syria and thought a) how can we make money from this situation & b) how do we gain votes from this situation. Imagine how stupid you would have to be to mismanage a situation so badly that PKK gets its own pseudo-state next door. No one deserves the blame for this other than AKP and Erdogan, who were too busy trying to play good guys in the Sunni world. What a joke.

The problem is the Asaad regime and the pkk are in bed with each other for decades.


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People forgetting this Alawite regime which calls itself "secular" nearly came close to war against Turkiye in the late 90s for sheltering apo and pkk militants.


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The problem is the Asaad regime and the pkk are in bed with each other for decades.
And you remember when the military threatened Syria with war in the 90s and they completely buckled and dropped all support for PKK?

Erdogan thought he was real smart supporting FSA together with the USA early in the war. How dare he act surprised when his actions lead to PKK joining forces with the USA. It's clear that he allowed it to happen. Even allowed the YPG to receive support from Turkish soil.

This government is a joke. No amount of weaponry matters if you don't have a solid plan.


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And you remember when the military threatened Syria with war in the 90s and they completely buckled and dropped all support for PKK?

Erdogan thought he was real smart supporting FSA together with the USA early in the war. How dare he act surprised when his actions lead to PKK joining forces with the USA. It's clear that he allowed it to happen. Even allowed the YPG to receive support from Turkish soil.

This government is a joke. No amount of weaponry matters if you don't have a solid plan.

Fsa came close until they began fighting each other then came isis.

Assad regime withdrew and gave northern syria to the ypg.

Acilim basically allowed pkk to withdraw back to iraq and syria which allowed them to regroup.


11 4,009
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this is on us, we shouldnt declare our intentions so openly 🤦‍♂️

At this day and age it is not possible to start a military operation without that being noticed by someone. You can't just catch everyone by surprise and be like- Click, now I am invading you and bombing you to hell, bitch!
For weeks Russians were denying that they want war, they we saying that these are only baseless acquisations of the evil Americans etc yet Americans, Israelis, Brits knew that something is cooking probably months before the actual war started.

An operation in Syria probably takes weeks to prepare and it will involve big logistics- thousands of troops involved, tech being moved, bases being prepared, supplies being moved etc. Probably dozens of high ranking generals and officers are part of the planning. Everyone in Turkey highest political echelons probably knows about this whole thing too. So no matter what, even if Turkey doesn't say a word be sure that foreign powers will know that something is cooking. After all they have intelligence agencies, satellites, military analysts etc.

The only threat to an eventual operation in Syria now are the Americans and the Russians. Nobody else can do shit to stop Turkey from destroying the Hewals.

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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A few years ago I read an article in Huriyet English. In that article a gentleman ( unfortunately I don't remember his name) who was minister of interior before 2003 stated " All left wing movements in Turkey had been created by the west, apart from the official communist party of Turkey which was pro Soviet and harmless organisation " well if he said so , who am I to dispute it. I am sure that USA wouldn't had been able to do it without the knowledge and most probably cooperation of at that time ruling cast. It is pretty logical, at least to me. Roll some years forward and at Gezi Park someone could see apparently polar opposites together, roll few years more and you could see that the leaders of the opposition think that Turkish Airforce killed Turkish hostages, strange isn't it? At least for me it is strange. One thing is odd, it's the fact that USA tried to destabilise Turkey during the height of the cold War, that truly is strange but true. So I wonder what is of such importance that they do such " crazy " thing at that time????
Obviously they continued. Obviously when someone has always a reason to blame certain personalities have none objective fish to fry. Ah yes I almost forgot regarding FSA with friends like that ( Americans) who needs the enemies , chronological events say so. People can interpret what I wrote as they may but a great deal of things are pretty crystal clear to me.
Oh I almost forgot even Assad family and Alwait "opposition " to Israel can be questioned, historically speaking
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