Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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Middle East has always been hostile.

Everybody there is hostile to us Turks.

Arabs, Persians and the Israelis are all a threat to us.

Mind you Israel got our citizens killed in international waters. Mark my words they would do it again and a again.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I


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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I

We are not manuvering properly in our geopolitical ambitions and foreign policy.

Because Erdogan is a populist.

Also Israel got our citizens killed in international waters so fck them.

Never forget and never forgive.

These guys would easily turn their guns against us just like the Arabs and Persians.

What sets them apart because they can do it behind closed doors if they can get away with killing your citizens what makes you think they wont do it again.

Until we face the reality of this region is when things will improve not by simping for the Arabs, Israelis or the Iranians.

They are all hostile threats.

Right now our goal should be to make them all at each others throats.

But we dont have any kind of goal or vision for that.
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If Isreal didnt exist, i'm telling you now that all of the surrounding Arab nations would be exceptionally hostile towards Turkey. Since our creation the arabs have done next to nothing for us, to the contrary they have in most cases always supported our rivals. Just look at the syrian refugees, other then Qatar no one in the arab world made any efforts to help these people who fled to Turkey. I still remember when Syria and Egypt were sending weapons to the greeks to kill Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus. The Turks fights the Kafir and the Arab 9 times out of 10 sides with the Kafir against the Turk.

The Palestinians have even supported the PKK.

Why would it make sense for Turkey to send a flotilla to Gaza? What geostrategic interest did it serve Turkey other then to fool islamist voters within Turkey that erdogan is the rightful caliph?. We only lost from that move and we still to lose this day.

If i remember correctly Palestinian authorities have also condemned every move we made into Syria. They never condemned the mindless slaughter comitted by Russia, the YPG, Assad or Iran in Syria.

We got to put emotion to the side and look at everything rationally.

Its wrong to believe that their is any brotherhood between Turks and Arabs, only the people of Libya and Algeria/joined sided with the Turks in history on their own accord, the rest of the Arabs the Turks conquered via the sword or the gun, to get them to stand in line. We will not be brought together by kind intentions, iraq is a good recent example.

You changing direction to Arabs............Okay................................Lets involve Arabs
According to History AGAIN as source of my logic and understanding........Following Arab States were/are/ Still are Friendly or at least Neutral when come to Turkiye
Those Arab State are:


All others Arab were and still are HOSTILE against Turkiye............................

There are also Proactive and Extreme HOSTILE countries in region like following


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You changing direction to Arabs............Okay................................Lets involve Arabs
According to History AGAIN as source of my logic and understanding........Following Arab States were/are/ Still are Friendly or at least Neutral when come to Turkiye
Those Arab State are:


All others Arab were and still are HOSTILE against Turkiye............................

There are also Proactive and Extreme HOSTILE countries in region like following

Yemen is really complicated to even see who is friend or foe.


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We are not manuvering properly in our geopolitical ambitions and foreign policy.

Because Erdogan is a populist.

Also Israel got our citizens killed in international waters so fck them.

Never forget and never forgive.

These guys would easily turn their guns against us just like the Arabs and Persians.

What sets them apart because they can do it behind closed doors if they can get away with killing your citizens what makes you think they wont do it again.

Until we face the reality of this region is when things will improve not by simping for the Arabs, Israelis or the Iranians.

They are all hostile threats.

Right now our goal should be to make them all at each others throats.

But we dont have any kind of goal or vision for that.

If i knew someone who was going on that mavi maramara, i would have told him not to. I would have said the isrealis could shoot you and their is nothing Turkey can do about it. Meanwhile your deaths will be exploited for personal benefits concerning AK party. It will also create a geographic situation for Turkey that will negatively effect Turkey for years maybe decades to come. And for what? A people who even support communist terrorists against you? This is how you lose in geopolitics, eventually you do enough dumb stuff and you will end up like the Palastinians. And if you end up like the Palastinians, no arab is going to cry for you. Just like the majority of arab nations support Russia, despite Russia occupying magnitudes more of Muslims lands and slaughtering Muslims by the tens of millions more. Even the Uighur situation, these Arabs mostly signed the chinese document saying they see no issue with the genocide. Wake up Turks, wake up. Islam has put you to sleep,

Idiots went on that mission. Allah never protected the idiot from his stupid actions.

remember the people who brainwash you with islamist ideas are very rich and wealthy, they will not send their kids into the warzone.


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Israel did attack a floatilla in international waters and got our citizens

"Had you asked me before you departed"
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The mavi marmara shit was dumb as hell and every fool on that boat was a candidate for the Darwin Awards.

Basically their lives were cynically used as a populist move by AK party. They got sent to Isreal by a feto/ak party aligned organisation, they got gunned down and their families suffered, on the domestic front Erdogan gained from it. Later on he washed his hands from it.

What did these people think was going to happen? they were going to stroll into Gaza, break the blockcade and be celebrated as heroes. The Isrealis who have constantly gone to war with neighbouring nations to protect her own interests, were going to let some islamist minded fools enter Gaza freely?

Isreali bashing by AK party is about gaining votes domestically. Don't send your sons to die for a billionaires personal fortune.

Always remember that erdogans family has deep business ties with Isreal, his son runs a transit company that takes goods out and into Isreal .


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The mavi marmara shit was dumb as hell and every fool on that boat was a candidate for the Darwin Awards.

It was not.................... It was vary well organized and active almost 5 year 2 they had a plan to by ships and go with them to GAZA via Sea
at year 3 and year 4 they decided to make gathering destination Turkiye .. at that years Turkiye government went proactive and did NOT ALLOW them.
What happens is those organizations HAD BIG POWER and pushed Turkiye government to back off and allow them at next 5th year.....................and you all know the result

The FACTS back then were that WEST was Really pissed off from Israel state deeds.....
There were many organization which decide to make something about this brutal actions of israel which do not follow justice........
What happened is that those many organizations got a plan involving ships with people and destination was israel Gaza, so called brake the blocked

All above actions WERE and STILL ARE idea and control by of WEST societie Organizations............How Turkiye were involved you may ask?
Turkiye were involved because all of those organizations DECIDED to gather all people in Turkiye as Gathering destination..........Turkiye goverment did NOT allow them for 2 years, but they were determent.

As we know people nature in this organizations Turk citizens also become part of this, but as my understanding is that those Turks become involved at late state

So to make it clear Turkiye government Actually BLOCKED this gathering 2 times (I mean 2 consecutive years Turkiye did NOT allow them to come in Turkiye as gathering point). At 3rd year Turkiye did allow them and Mavi marmara happend.......


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I think we need to deal with Iran first.

Until we smash those opium smoking Ayatoilets that some sort of peace will come to the Middle East.

Iranians have already took Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.


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Israel is pragmatic, if we don't meddle in their affairs we can enjoy good relations. The bad relations between our two nations is a result of Erdogan inserting himself into the Palestinian issue. We should only look out for our own interests, not the interest of Palestine, Syria or any other nation. Having good relations with Israel is beneficial for us and for them.


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Israel is pragmatic, if we don't meddle in their affairs we can enjoy good relations. The bad relations between our two nations is a result of Erdogan inserting himself into the Palestinian issue. We should only look out for our own interests, not the interest of Palestine, Syria or any other nation. Having good relations with Israel is beneficial for us and for them.

Israel is pragmatic, if we don't meddle in their affairs we can enjoy good relations. <- big laugh

No offense but you are Naive..............You just sell you soul for believe that other side is normal and follow the right things and they WILL not kill you


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Where is he (turkishfacts4u) wrong?
Iran is next to be HIT (and hit hard) when we somehow ease the conflicts in North Syria and the Aegean! And we will not give up North Iraq to Iran, that is out of question! Turkey is aware of Iranian acts against the Turkish State…

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