Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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example of propaganda;

This is what erdogan says as reported by a Turkish newsite.

"Sweden must stop PKK protests for NATO accession: Erdoğan"

This is how Al jeezera reports it;

"Erdogan tells NATO chief Sweden must stop Kurdish protests"

now al Jazeera has to be somewhat less harsh since they need to deceive a muslim audience, they cant be as openly hostile as western media where the people generally hate muslims and Turks.

But pretty much the entire western media spectrum replaces PKK with Kurds to make the world believe that their is an outright attack on the Kurdish race by the Turkish people. The entire "free media" of the "free world" is organised in how they portray this geopolitical agenda and the propaganda at play.

This is an organised conspiracy against the Turkish state and the Muslim people.

Have you ever wondered why none of the political islamist make any effort to counter this international slander against Turkiye?


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Is another Quran burning incident being set up by sweden to bait erdogan to chimp out again?

Simple trick to divert from sweden supporting marxist terrorists and the western media another story to portray erdogan as the islamist fanatic. Will erdogan take the bait again? I suspect he will, he always seems to take it. Never have we seen this guy behave diplomatically to the benefit of the Turks or Muslims, he always gives the enemies what they want.


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he should just start TB2 operations targetting PKK/YGG and play the crowd going mad in Sweden, egg them on to do worse and such.


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Because everyone and their mother is an enemy to the turkish state. Fuck what they think. I always knew that we have WAY more enemies than "allies". To counter that, Türkiye must have an absolute monstrus MIC, everything is needed in big numbers and ofc Nukes on mass. 1000+ just for the dick measurement.

And then the Turks must obliterate all of northern syria, fuck em all everything on two legs. Those fuckers are enemies anyway. All this fucking "condem" baby talk doesn't do SHIT. You either kill your enemies on MASS or you stfu and get conquered.

Total war has many levels, the information war we ignore, we sit back and allow the nation and its people to get f'ked by it. So in the western mind the Turk is a backward primitive islamist savage. Yet the Turk in general is much kinder and much more honourable then the typically westerner. Most Europeans are a cold people compared to the typical Turk. As a result anything we try to do we have to climb a mountain before we can see a level playing field.

The Turkish state, her billionaires and her politicians are doing nothing to defend the Turkish people from this international campaign, so the individual Turks have to do something. Do nothing and they will "eventually" drown us the same way they drowned the Ottoman state.

Remember while the support of terrorists against a NATO nation, we hear no other NATO nation come out and say, sweden just drop the support for terrorists. Like self serving cowards the rest of NATO has nothing to say. And ultimately that is what 90% of NATO is, a bunch of cowardly self serving nations who couldn't give two shits about anyone else, just their own cowardly selves.

And the countless AK party twitter shills, i never see them pointing out this campaign, in many cases they help it. Meanwhile the countless millions of Kurds who fled to Turkiye as refugees over the last 100 years, forget the Ottoman era, we don't see them rushing to counter the narrative. I see a shit load of Pakistanis rushing to Turkiyes defence, i see no Kurds doing it. Kurds must also understand that they are going to be the first victim if the westerner succeeds in fermenting civil wars.
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Is another Quran burning incident being set up by sweden to bait erdogan to chimp out again?

Simple trick to divert from sweden supporting marxist terrorists and the western media another story to portray erdogan as the islamist fanatic. Will erdogan take the bait again? I suspect he will, he always seems to take it. Never have we seen this guy behave diplomatically to the benefit of the Turks or Muslims, he always gives the enemies what they want.

The topic is about Quran burning yet you attack Erdogan making him the reason of that !

something is wrong with you


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Wrong thread ?
this untrue, counter insurgence and the need to intervene in Syria and regional conflicts are intertwined. The destabilization the region been orchestrated are being destroyed by the Turks and their vitality is remembered internationally, and the sooner pkk foreign backers recognize Turkey's leadership as a permanent force in the regional arena, the safer the world will be.


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There might be some good development about Syria in a week or two. There is gossip in the lower circles of AKP. It might be about returning of Syrian refugees.

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