TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs


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Can another country give MRBM and SRBM technology to Greece? For example USA, Israel and France?

The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) is a multilateral export control regime. It is an informal political understanding among 35 member states that seek to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology.

They not only can't export missiles over 300km range, they also can't give technology about missiles.



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Officially so, but underhanded?
The USA can bring similar systems to one of the bases where it has the right to basing with wide concessions. But if such a step is taken, it would have serious political consequences. So it's not an easy decision to take. The Turkish state has given such a wise warning that this will increase the salinity of the sea on the opposite coast for a long time.


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For the common greek these developments are actually positive, because the greek governments hostile position is madness. In some ways a worse madness then armenian ambitions. Because it means the greek government is less likely to do something stupid.

By Turkiye showing this capability its basically trying to avoid a war by saying it would be a futile act to the greeks to start one. Because otherwise if they wanted the greeks to do something stupid they would have kept this secret and use is a big big surprise for the greeks.

greeks should be thanking the Turkish government for keeping their foolish government in check.

Ballistic missiles are very strategic to deter other side of course but there are some other different and very strategic elements that can provide many times the deterrence provided by a ballistic missile and create destruction in the enemy's most trusted area. Nations that are ignorant, weak and brainwashed by lies, whose only concern is to make enemies for their expansionist ambitions while hiding behind other nations, always have destruction in their destiny. Those type of people never learn from own mistakes. The history books write about defeats of such adventurous pawns used by others. In the 1920s, when we were at our weakest point, Greeks made wrong calculations and as a result, they were humiliated while leaving hundreds of thousands of deads behind. They have forgotten who they are dealing with again today and 10 million nation with no production started to impose a expansionist maps against 85 million nation with a heavy duty industry so these types of systems are shown as friendly warning and remind them of what will happen to them. I hope we don't need to show molars more, otherwise they will not have any single strategic structure or a base where they can land with planes.

Agha Sher

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People are overwhelmingly emphasizing that this is a message to Greece. I believe this is also a message to Egypt. Egypt is creating trouble in Libya again and this time Turkey will not stop at Sirte.

The Egyptian navy has no place to hide now in East Mid, and their naval air defence is crap.


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Roketsan Star Tracking Navigation System Studies

Roketsan Advanced Technology and Systems (ITS) Assistant General Manager Advanced Technologies Directorate has produced the only system among the star-following navigation systems developed in Turkey, which can operate in dynamic conditions such as vibration and high rotational speed, as a result of the star-following navigation system development studies started in 2017.

Star Tracking Navigation Systems (YTNS)

Star Tracking Navigation Systems (YTNS) are navigation systems that generate highly accurate orientation information. With the optical components and detectors they have, YTNS detects the stars in the images they take, compares the positions of the stars with respect to each other with the positions on the known star maps, and creates sensitive orientation information with sub-degree accuracy. [Roketsan Magazine January 2020]

Details about the project were shared in the article, Star Tracking Navigation Systems, written by Roketsan engineers Selva Sargın Güçlü, Aslı Doğan and Mehmet Akif Koca in the January 2020 issue of Roketsan Magazine.


Roketsan continues the verification studies of the system, for which optical, mechanical and algorithm design has been made within the scope of the project. With the completion of the verification work, a precision orientation system with <60 arc seconds angle accuracy, <6 kg in weight, and generating the first orientation information in less than 10 seconds will be included in the navigation system.


Roketsan supplied and tested more than one detector within the scope of the study. Alternative algorithm design studies were carried out in the phases of star center determination, star matching and orientation determination in order to develop YTNS suitable for use in dynamic platforms simultaneously with optical design studies.

After the design studies, the optical elements that were produced were assembled, the software containing the algorithm and star maps were embedded in the electronic card and night tests were started.

While the specified YTNS design and testing processes were continuing, integration studies were carried out with the ANS and KKS receiver as a component of the navigation system of the targeted product. With this study, it was possible to observe the effect of the platform on which YTNS will be installed, in the modeling simulation environment.


Roketsan's Star Tracking Navigation System solution; It is the only system among star-following navigation systems developed in Turkey that can operate in dynamic conditions such as vibration and high rotation speed. YTNS is planned to be used in various projects in the future.

The navigation technology that Roketsan is likely to use in the TAYFUN anti-ship ballistic missile.

I am glad that I see Turk language on this Software Diagrams I should be on the beginning.
I am sick and tired to see Turk Engineers writing on english and forgetting Own language when they build indigenous product.


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At some point Greeks will realize that maximalist claims only serve foreign interests and not of Greeks' and stop risking their security for the benefit of foreigners.

"at some point Greeks will realize that maximalist claims only serve foreign interests"
Sorry but you Think and Say it as logical path.
Issue is that we talking about real live! Things do not work that way.
There are zombies and only hate and anger followed to harm are driving them.


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One Greek user wrote the following:

"Shopping for weapons is easy, crafting is hard. When will we create?"

"Shopping for weapons is easy"!
No and No

Turkiye wanted to shop from Ally usa, germany etc.
What happened are delay, delay, delay or embargo that and embargo this.......etc.
Shopping is only easy if you are owned as bitch to supplier


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Guys from my calculation the average speed of Tayfun during this test was mach 3.5. Now can those of you with more knowledge in balistic missiles calculate or take a guess at the speeds of the missiles during the three important phases (initial, re entry and before it hits).


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Congratulations to the hole Turkish Nation. I'm really happy to see this achievement, and hopefully, turkey will achieve 2000-3000 km by 2025.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Guys from my calculation the average speed of Tayfun during this test was mach 3.5. Now can those of you with more knowledge in balistic missiles calculate or take a guess at the speeds of the missiles during the three important phases (initial, re entry and before it hits).
I dont really know if we just calculate it from the distance travelled by the rocket or the distance between target and the launcher?

Because this makes a very big difference.

If it is calculated with distance travelled by the missile, wouldnt it be around/over mach 5?


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Ooopss. Greeks caught us. But not only Russia but also Iran, China, N.Korea, Cuba and Venezuela helped us to develop BMs.

Greeks have an superiority complex. If they are too dumb to develop their nation and even build the simplest tools for their miltary then the Turks who they are superior to in every way can't possible achieve all this on their own! They are getting help from everyone! Not only from Russia but from Iran, North Korea, South Korea, Germany, England, France, China, Japan and even the US!

It is also a coping mechanism for many greeks. This test will lead to a huge wave of hysteria in greece. Even more so when more and more info comes out about the advancement Turkey is making in Missile tech. Ramjet, Scramjet, AShBM, MIRV, different Warheads.. and so and so on not listing the platforms that will carries these missiles in the near to distant future.

Let them cope. The more they stay in their delusions the better for us. Let them beg Germany and the US for sanctions even though those two countries even delay or outright veto the sale of even the smallest nail to Turkey.

Let them think we are getting help from everybody.

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