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UMTAS/Mızrak U

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Mevzuya dalan kabadayı gibi döşünü ileri atarak gidiyor meret.UMTAS/Mızrak U
Bravejanissary,Hmm. Seems you right. But that's isnt change the speed potentional of this missile my master. I asked h.kılıç about what is the speed of that kind of guided artilery rocket. He is idea is not more than mach 5 until terminal not more than mach 6-8 when diveing.
Since a couple people mentioned a MAM 2, are there any specifications or any report that something is in development?
Kana/Khan missile is the export version. Limited to 500kg max explosives and 300km range. Bora is the domestic version. Actual details are not ”really” known. But according to published specs , it has a range of 280km and explosive weight of 480kg. Funnily this is the exact spec for the Khan missile too.
Too bad the industry didn't make use of the micro gas turbines in their work as they could be perfect APUs and range extenders for hybrid power-plants of robotic vehicles. Perhaps they will in the future.Canister launched kamikaze drone family:
Alpagu -I personnel carried
Alpagu -II armored car carried
Alpagu -III Air launched
Alpagu -IV Ship / Truck launched.
I wonder why TEI TJ90-TJ35 -TP38 wasn't utilized on kamikaze drones or NLOS missiles, or catapult launched UAVs? These were used on experimental UAVs of TAI before ANKA, or as a preparation to ANKA project. TP38 has an airlaunch mode similar to the TJ300 which possibly can be used with folding propeller and canister launched- for ER drones.
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Which Turkish aircraft carries a gun which is larger gun than 20mm? The present technology in the world not allows to produce airburst munition that have less diameter than 30mm
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