It's not super technology?! Why you can't make it your self if is soo easy like you are saying
Defencehub.liveisn’t super complex in any way.
Defencehub.liveisn’t super complex in any way.
KAGEM will most likely be a loitering UAV with highly developed autonomous capabilities. It is necessary to think not only with warheads, but also with very different payloads. It is also likely to be launch and controllable by reconnaissance/attack helicopters. With its size, geometry and the limited specs known/estimated for now, it is very reminiscent of the low cost autonomous attack system/surveililling miniature attack cruise missile projects carried out in the US in the past.So it's a kamikaze drone from Baykar which will be first be used on TB-2, Akinci.
BAYKAR'dan Bir İlk: KAGEM Kamikaze İHA | SavunmaSanayiST
BAYKAR, KAGEM Kamikaze İnsansız Hava Aracı (İHA)'nı geliştiriyor. KAGEM ile birlikte BAYKAR, ilk kez bir harp başlıklı ürün geliştirmiş
@Joe mark
You’re really weird just letting you know that right now. I’m gonna try to offer an explanation.
-Components used in military systems are usually COTS and can be purchased from China/India and assembled together.
Do you understand that that is a highly specialized system? I’m speaking of COTS electronics and mechanical components which are able to be used in most UAVs/
Why do you invest all the money if you are going to do with this mind?
Chinese will stop at certain point, ther is 1 company in the world that can produce piezo element defence quallity even Chine can not make it. After Turkey attemp ther are 2 country in the world delivering piezo element for sonar systems.
So who will deliver the material when you need it?
Only 2 countries can produce defence quality piezo element for sonar system??ther is 1 company in the world that can produce piezo element defence quallity even Chine can not make it. After Turkey attemp ther are 2 country in the world delivering piezo element for sonar systems.
Only 2 countries can produce defence quality piezo element for sonar system??
That is an extra ordinary claim. Can you provide some sources?
They do, like those corvettes that UAE sold to Angola. Do you think those corvettes are UAE design? They got the knowhow and design with the Bayunah class, modified it a bit and are selling to AngolaWhy they're not getting ToT from west although they are waiting money for them
You gotta start somewhere.I’m gonna be very blunt right now, most of the work being done in the UAE industry is by South Africans. Brazilians are now coming in fairly large numbers.
They saw the opportunity and took it and it was a smart decision. If they tried to start from scratch they’d be moving at snails pace.
View attachment 54313
Only 2 countries can produce defence quality piezo element for sonar system??
That is an extra ordinary claim. Can you provide some sources?
Thanks for the good read, but it doesn't say that, only one company in the world besides KİM Technology can produce these military grade piezoelectric ceramics as @Oublious said previously.![]()
KİM Teknoloji, “Türkiye’nin Özel Sensörler Mükemmeliyet Merkezi” Olma Yolunda Emin Adımlarla İlerliyor |
Faaliyet alanları arasında ileri malzemeler de yer alan KİM Teknoloji, bu malzemelerin kullanıldığı; yön, akış, mesafe, ivme ve basınç sensörleri gibi ultrasonik sensörler ile sıcaklık…
I truly don't know why our fools give tech away as if it's candy while we get shit.UAE is one of the countries we support, especially in the field of mini smart munitions.
That’s not right, it was originally developed by Denel under contract and this is from South African sources. IP was sold in whole to EDGE down the line. This is from years ago I’d say 2017-2016.UAE is one of the countries we support, especially in the field of mini smart munitions.
I truly don't know why our fools give tech away as if it's candy while we get shit.