There was a picture taken in Iraq, of an M1Abrams tank turned upside down, sitting on it‘s turret after a 155mm round exploded right next to it. A 155mm round weighs ~43.2kg and contains 6.6 kg of explosives. Do not underestimate the power of HE rounds. 90 kg of explosives is HUGE!İ can't imagine how 200 kg gliding bomb with 90kg explosive would waste a MBT. Big drones could be loaded for antitank and anti ship roles. Great ammunition.
Look what has happened to a centurian tank hit by a 155mm shell;

155mm M107 HE High Explosive Artillery Cartridge
The 155mm M107 High Explosive (HE) Artillery Cartridge is a conventional standard High Explosive projectile for all current 155mm Howitzers.

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