TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs


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As far as we know, it is impact fuse for now, its on my ask bucket for SAHA EXPO

At 3:40 new ammunition against swarm attacks. Kinda short CIRIT. Very interesting ammunition, do they have time fuse? could it replace autocannons with smart ammunition?

Looks like our 40mm laser guided METE missile. Is it possible adding time fuse in METE? Would be efficient?

EDIT: Cirit or other laser guided weapons could not be time fused????
Remember they also don't have top attack capability.

laser guidence needs reflected energy. İf there is no reflection, missile could not engage.

I mean if you send laser beam on empty sky- where the target will pass through -missile will fly as much as possible. CIWS with Smart ammunition doesn't work like this. Am i wrong?

Hedefin bir iki saniye sonra muhtemelen nerede olacağını hesaplıyor, sonrada muhtemel noktada önceden patlayarak, tungsten bulut oluşturuyor. Demekki hedeften yansıma olmadığı sürece, lazer güdümü bunu yapamaz.??
Derdimi s.k.y.m:)

Edit2: there is a just rearward laser guided missile: Star streak!!!

Starstreak has rearward faced sensors.

The missile does not home in on laser energy reflected from the target; instead, the aiming unit projects two laser beams which paint a two-dimensional matrix upon the target. The lasers are modulated, and by examining these modulations the sub-munitions sensor can determine the dart's location within the matrix.

Thales LMM guided missile (UK) appears to have same rearward faced sensors.


Long story short:
Korkut CIWS and 40mm ATOM are irreplaceable,matchless!!!
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