TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs


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Fair point, but doesn't that increase the sensor costs? You have to target the missile somehow.
You can direct it with a drone, obviously, since the missile itself has a semi active laser. I don't think Mete costs as much as everyone seem to think it might. You can buy a hobby rocket that can fly more than 1 km vertically for less than 100 dollars. Most expensive thing inside it would be the laser finder.

Also, for me, this is about keeping the soldiers that are using them safe. They can sit in a safe spot, scout with a drone and attack from kms away. And let's not forget, training soldiers, by which I mean professional soldiers and special forces that actually go out and risk their lives nowadays, cost time, money and resources as well.


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A new claw for UCAVs: IIR MAM-L/T's specifications have been revealed

The technical specifications of the MAM-L IIR and MAM-T IIR Mini Smart Ammunition developed by Roketsan have been announced. Both ammunition has approximately twice the range of the previous versions.

Roketsan, which developed Turkey's first UAV ammunition, is adding new members with different seeker heads to its MAM-L, MAM-C and MAM-T product family with laser seeker heads. In this context, Roketsan completed the testing activities of MAM-L IIR and MAM-T IIR ammunition, with which it integrated the imaging infrared (IIR) seeker head, together with BAYKAR.

According to information obtained by; While MAM-L ammunition with laser seeker head has a range of 15 kilometers and a weight of 22 kilograms, MAM-L IIR has a range of 25+ kilometers and a weight of 23 kilograms. MAM-L ammunition; It has fragmentation, high explosive, anti-tank and thermobaric warhead options. MAM-L IIR has a multi-purpose warhead with fragmentation effect and anti-tank features. Among the main target types of MAM-L IIR; personnel, main battle tank, radar antenna, etc. There are ground targets and armored vehicles.

The laser seeker version of MAM-T, the most explosive member of the MAM series ammunition, has a range of 30+ kilometers and a weight of 95 kilograms. MAM-T IIR weighs 96 kilograms and has a range of 50+ kilometers. While MAM-T has particle impact, high explosive and thermobaric warhead options, MAM-T IIR has fragmentation and thermobaric warhead options.

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