I don't believe this. It doesn't make any sense.
How reliable is this site`?
Maybe @Anmdt knows more.
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I lost it at;I don't believe this. It doesn't make any sense.
How reliable is this site`?
Maybe @Anmdt knows more.
Same was said about the possible T26 transfer and everyone first thought it was just bad journalism. Turns out, the offer was pretty real in itself.I lost it at;
'Savunma kaynaklarindan alinan bilgi'
'DM2A4 and Sub Harpoon'.
Use your common sense dear fellows, in bilateral meetings these things are spoken, then shifted to technical committees where its realized (and mostly it does not). But Spaniards are seen as one likely partner in Milden's detail design process.
We all know what Navy wants and S80 may not fit it to well unless Spaniards coming with all cards turned over with ToT and IP rights and to conduct any modification that TN may desire. It is simple, in long shot they desire to have all major components develop and made locally. (Periscope, permasync, sonar suite, CMS suite, comms, sensors and AIP - future Li-Ion.Same was said about the possible T26 transfer and everyone first thought it was just bad journalism. Turns out, the offer was pretty real in itself.
people should learn to expect the unexpected when it comes to Turkey i think. Let’s wait few days to see anything real comes up.
Uhmm?? Is this supposed to be a buy or a joint venture for third country exports?
When will you get the VLS capability in the Navy when we go fully domestic as opposed to a Navantia cooperation. If we can wait then no problem, if we can speed up domestic development again no problem but if we will get that capability 5 years later than when we can actually get it then we may be having a problem as our defence requirements may shift switftly for the more capable.Working with Navantia on MILDEN and MILGEM just goes against the purpose of the project. We already have Reis class being built. MILDEN is not just about acquiring good submarines it is a project to acquire indigenous submarine building capacity with our knowledge from previous projects.
This could be an interesting partnership. Per Dzkk needs, we are currently set to have 8 P72s and and 6 P235s in MPA role. As well as about 25 UCAVs. Meltem 3 program was downsized about 10 years ago to include 2 GP variants so there should be 8 total instead of 10. Both aircraft are also set to receive new Aselsan EOs.I think this could be the opportunity we've been looking for.
This could be an interesting partnership. Per Dzkk needs, we are currently set to have 8 P72s and and 6 P235s in MPA role. As well as about 25 UCAVs. Meltem 3 program was downsized about 10 years ago to include 2 GP variants so there should be 8 total instead of 10. Both aircraft are also set to receive new Aselsan EOs.
If the fıture goal is set to have a bigger navy with a more extending footprint, faster, larger platforms with more loiter time will be a necessity. E190 could be a good platform for this. Everyone knows I like the Pakistani Sea Sultans a lot anyhow.
A new MPA on the E2 platform with its much more efficient newer engines would bring out a more potent solution then Sea Sultan. With Aselsan and TAI being much more experienced now than 10 years ago with Meltem blunders, this could be a way to get into this business and even turn a profit.
Navy wants LRMPA. The question is which route they are going to take. A couple years ago there were talks about a NATO MPA project which Türkiye signed on as a partner but I think that is dead in the water with Germany buying P-8s and France seemlingly going its own way(Either A320neo based or Falcon 10X).
I think was supposed to be based on the A320 family.
As we know they are only three or four options imo on the market that would make one of which will never be sold(P-8) to us and the other only being used by one other country (P-1). Leaving us with only two viable options.
1. We go the Pakistan route ala Sea Sultan
2. Navy buys second hand aircrafts (A320/737) from THY and has Aselsan and TAI turn them into MPA for them. With this option I don't know if we would need approval from the manufacturer in the first place.
Nevertheless we need LRMPA to be able to cover our EEZ efficiently.
BTW THY just couple days ago signed up to buy 345 Airbus aircrafts. Things like these need to be used by the government to our advantage.
What is this cursed image?
Navy wants LRMPA. The question is which route they are going to take. A couple years ago there were talks about a NATO MPA project which Türkiye signed on as a partner but I think that is dead in the water with Germany buying P-8s and France seemlingly going its own way(Either A320neo based or Falcon 10X).
I think was supposed to be based on the A320 family.
As we know they are only three or four options imo on the market that would make one of which will never be sold(P-8) to us and the other only being used by one other country (P-1). Leaving us with only two viable options.
1. We go the Pakistan route ala Sea Sultan
2. Navy buys second hand aircrafts (A320/737) from THY and has Aselsan and TAI turn them into MPA for them. With this option I don't know if we would need approval from the manufacturer in the first place.
Nevertheless we need LRMPA to be able to cover our EEZ efficiently.
BTW THY just couple days ago signed up to buy 345 Airbus aircrafts. Things like these need to be used by the government to our advantage.
It's not an "AWACS", it's a maritime patrol plane and they do carry torpedoes or anti-ship missiles if necessary, including CN-235s we have in our inventory.What is this cursed image?
AWACS with weapons? As if being a AWACS plane wasn't big of a target enough, they added even more stuff lmao
I hope we can see Hisar Block 2 tests by thenView attachment 63075
The construction of three I-Class ships is going on as scheduled. Along with the program 6th ship’s first block now in position on the slipway.![]()
MİLGEM programında İ sınıfı fırkateynlerin üretimleri devam ediyor
MİlGEM altıncı, yedinci ve sekizinci gemilerin tedariki projesine ait MİGEM 6’nın ilk bloğu tersanede kızağa
Within 36 months next 3 ships will be ready for delivery to TN.