Pakistan's duty to raise Kashmir issue more vigorously at UN, says UNGA president

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This proves nothing. As I said earlier, there is a dire need to reform every Pakistani.

And Indian tourists being treated well... Here is my take..

Ad hominen attacks are against forum rules. Have a spirited debate on history and narratives, you weaken your argument by generalizing and taking potshots at individuals. @Waz hasn't ever gotten down to school boy insults.


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Doesn't he also point out in the book that the raiders were accompanied by Pak Army personnel?

Not the Pashtun ones no, organised yes, no one denies that. It wasn't done in their presence. Regular units weren't seen till the IA pushed back.
Snedden himself states that the invasion of AKJ was because of the massacres in Jammu.


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Good grief you seem to be quite rattled, but then revealing home truths to your likes has such an impact.
You write of common sense, that would be quite the change to see that in your posts, but alas it's just veiled insults.

Did you bother to read what your ambitious comrade wrote regarding Azad Kashmir i.e. that it will be taken back, seized, merged etc . Obviously you must have come across numerous people who would willy nilly give up their ancestral homes, families and all to a hostile force, as he expects me to. What did you expect me to say? Remember what you said wrote about common sense? Someone with even mynute quantities of it would have figured that out.

The "wilting of grey cells", true to form you resort to insults, of course from the safety of your screen. But I have no problem addressing you likewise. Your demeanour is that of a disgruntled little child.

Disingenuous claim indeed, in order to remain in the good graces of my hosts I won't go into too much detail here.The fact you revel in dishonesty and deny you ever wrote such a thing is just astounding.
Misspelled rants, Poor logic, unbacked allegations, and holding me accountable for posts of other "comrades"- So just typical Pakistani intellectual vigor.

You are free to pick it up at the other place if you really have the spine for it and I bet you won't (Which I refer to as weaseling out)
Did I miss anything? Who here is the petulant child is remarkably distinguishable for any reader.


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Ad hominen attacks are against forum rules. Have a spirited debate on history and narratives, you weaken your argument by generalizing and taking potshots at individuals. @Waz hasn't ever gotten down to school boy insults.

Thanks for the advice. i Know what i am doing !!!!


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Again a Flawed logic to divide it on the lines of religion. India have more Muslims than Pakistan & is Pakistan flag bearer of Islam that it rules Muslims. Majority of Pakistanis themselves were converted on sword by mughal's & have Hindu blood in the heritage.

Kashmir accessed to India and Pakistan occupies it illegally. That's the truth !!!!!!!!!!

Pakistan themselves have no history of their own. They were part of india till 47 so how can we say that they have a historical claim to kashmir.

Partition was on religious lines thanks to Jinnah & Gandhi but accession of princely states to either indian or pak was purely a voluntary decision taken by than rulers. It was pakistan who send their Army as tribal to annexxe Kashmir which forced Hari singh to sign towards india.

they continue to occupy kashmir illegally till date!!111
"Pakistan themselves have no history of their own." : Pretty arrogant attitude from you, Sir. Some countries have a short time history, yet have more clout and more achievements than some that existed thousands of years while doing nothing.


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"Pakistan themselves have no history of their own." : Pretty arrogant attitude from you, Sir. Some countries have a short time history, yet have more clout and more achievements than some that existed thousands of years while doing nothing.

Well your fellow Moderator himself said that Pakistan come in existence in 1947 Or 1971 & we are discussing history here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Pls correct your comprehension issues, you don't know what arrogance is ...


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Well your fellow Moderator himself said that Pakistan come in existence in 1947 Or 1971 & we are discussing history here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Pls correct your comprehension issues, you don't know what arrogance is ...
I've befriended both Indians and Pakistanis, and they're both great people. My point to you here is that it is not tactful to tell someone that his country has no history of its own. No response needed plz.


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It is a fake country carved out of our Bhararvarsh, and it has 0 things to be proud of apart from winning champions trophy, world cup, and tea was fantastic and that too to a smaller extent.
"It is a fake country": Your insult against a sovereign country (Pakistan) is unacceptable and uncalled for. You've been reported to Admin.


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Misspelled rants, Poor logic, unbacked allegations, and holding me accountable for posts of other "comrades"- So just typical Pakistani intellectual vigor.

You are free to pick it up at the other place if you really have the spine for it and I bet you won't (Which I refer to as weaseling out)
Did I miss anything? Who here is the petulant child is remarkably distinguishable for any reader.

Of course I held you to account for your comrade’s post, as the reply is what you tried to nail me for. Are you wilfully trying to be stupid?
As for the rest, oh I will do, you can stop crying for now.


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Give Baloch their basic rights first, and that is freedom.

They have, unlike the Kashmiris you have under barbed wire and machine guns their rights haven’t been stripped away. Something you’re quite proud of with the removal of article 370.
Do tell me where the region is also recognised as a disputed territory like Kashmir is.


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If you demean another country, culture or faith with typical cheapshot way (like we have not all seen all around internet already).....please understand in the end you demean only yourself in the end.

Same goes for ad-hominem against someone personally.

There is very easy method when you get into bitter argument with another (that clearly no one is going to yield on):

Agree to disagree and move on....and as early as possible.

You are not going to undo veritable billions of hours spent all around over the years, decades and centuries...over such things as what a nation even is (and fitting each circle peg neatly on it).....with a few typical spiteful troll posts in a second.

There are countries that have been far far more bitter and atrocious to each other in history (even in 20th century) than found in all root fundamental ways (tugging at national foundation principle) yet have moved on and come to some understanding and even blossomed into later friendship with passage of generations (this is often what it takes in the end).

You really think denizens of England and France could have gotten anywhere with internet potshots and this nature of "debate" while they were involved in the 100 years war (and all the horrible mass scale atrocities it involved).

Was it even possible (during the time) to think Germany would actually unite into a political realm one day after all it had been through in the 30 years war?

So stop this "in the moment" pot shot though you have some complete repository of the truth over all time and space.

How people perceive their identity, history and everything is ultimately for them to decide.....not for you to wag some finger at and act like a boor.

This forum specifically invests subforum model for each country on equal basis so that this deep bitterness expression need not happen.

Find your compatriots and assert what you will with them there....along with the 100 way more productive useful things to talk about.

Bad faith approach of asserting what "is and isnt" on others outside your realm (for whatever reason and circumstance) in another's country subsection will not be tolerated.

Those engaging in it know who they are....and should stop right now and think what they hope to accomplish with their time on this forum.

Imagine telling another what small list of things they can be proud of.

This forum will not delve into chauvinist troll garbage like many others have. Not on my watch.


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They have, unlike the Kashmiris you have under barbed wire and machine guns their rights haven’t been stripped away. Something you’re quite proud of with the removal of article 370.
Do tell me where the region is also recognised as a disputed territory like Kashmir is.
How many elections have Balochis voted in?
How many elections have Kashmiris voted in?

It's a bit ridiculous that a country with a history of military coups, hanging of Prime Ministers through a dodgy judiciary, military dictatorships, under the pump for housing terrorists like Osama and Saeed, having been in the dock for nuclear proliferation as well - constantly sheds crocodile tears for the "democratic right of Kashmiris".

The only disputed territory is PoK.


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If you demean another country, culture or faith with typical cheapshot way (like we have not all seen all around internet already).....please understand in the end you demean only yourself in the end.

Same goes for ad-hominem against someone personally.

There is very easy method when you get into bitter argument with another (that clearly no one is going to yield on):

Agree to disagree and move on....and as early as possible.

You are not going to undo veritable billions of hours spent all around over the years, decades and centuries...over such things as what a nation even is (and fitting each circle peg neatly on it).....with a few typical spiteful troll posts in a second.

There are countries that have been far far more bitter and atrocious to each other in history (even in 20th century) than found in all root fundamental ways (tugging at national foundation principle) yet have moved on and come to some understanding and even blossomed into later friendship with passage of generations (this is often what it takes in the end).

You really think denizens of England and France could have gotten anywhere with internet potshots and this nature of "debate" while they were involved in the 100 years war (and all the horrible mass scale atrocities it involved).

Was it even possible (during the time) to think Germany would actually unite into a political realm one day after all it had been through in the 30 years war?

So stop this "in the moment" pot shot though you have some complete repository of the truth over all time and space.

How people perceive their identity, history and everything is ultimately for them to decide.....not for you to wag some finger at and act like a boor.

This forum specifically invests subforum model for each country on equal basis so that this deep bitterness expression need not happen.

Find your compatriots and assert what you will with them there....along with the 100 way more productive useful things to talk about.

Bad faith approach of asserting what "is and isnt" on others outside your realm (for whatever reason and circumstance) in another's country subsection will not be tolerated.

Those engaging in it know who they are....and should stop right now and think what they hope to accomplish with their time on this forum.

Imagine telling another what small list of things they can be proud of.

This forum will not delve into chauvinist troll garbage like many others have. Not on my watch.
Every next insult,country bashing,trolling etc will be punished by a perma ban so,dont worry.
Members must be respectful to each other.
Either they follow the rules or go.


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I've known many nationalities in the US. Indians and Pakistanis are among the nicest and most intelligent people I've met. They can easily get an Engineering plus a Medical degree, and sometimes even a Law degree if you can believe it. Stop the feud and be good neighbors plz.


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"It is a fake country": Your insult against a sovereign country (Pakistan) is unacceptable and uncalled for. You've been reported to Admin.
Many thanks for showing concern at Pakistan being called 'fake country'. I think much as I find his comment repugnant I am loath to take any action against the said poster as I feel it would go against free speech. I have full confidence in the idea of Pakistan and can defend it against these chidish, intellectually retarded comments.

My reply to this @FalconSlayersDFI is thus -

Every country is fake as all of them are man made concepts. They exist in our minds or we reify them as we wish. Then we give them legal contouts so they are manifested on the ground. Pakistan and India both are products of British Parliament Act which gave them birth in 1947. On August the British flag was lowered in since then flags of Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan flutter over the vast geography that was a British colony.

British Raj.


This entity was a British colony that was dissolved and it's successor states called domininions would take over. Below is the birth certificate of both Pakistan and India. Reading it is pretty self evident.

Independence act.png

This is the British Raj. and how it was divided into four successor states. Now either all are 'real' or all are 'fake'. And the British Act that gave birth to India does not at any place or provision state 'India is real' but 'Pakistan is fake'.

british raj.png

Then there is this delusion or fable or legend or he or she said or it 'is written' of the myth of 'Bharatvava' whatever. Well I can say it is written that India is fake and was made from the Ummah by the evil British. Would anbybody buy that?

And finally some kid here is going to bring up "Ah but the name India". Well if you follow that logic is Romania the old Roman Empire, or are Roma Gypsies the successors to the Roman Empire etc


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How many elections have Balochis voted in?
How many elections have Kashmiris voted in?

It's a bit ridiculous that a country with a history of military coups, hanging of Prime Ministers through a dodgy judiciary, military dictatorships, under the pump for housing terrorists like Osama and Saeed, having been in the dock for nuclear proliferation as well - constantly sheds crocodile tears for the "democratic right of Kashmiris".

The only disputed territory is PoK.

What do you mean "how many elections Balochis have voted in", they've voted in every election every other Pakistani has voted in.
Why are you bringing in nuclear proliferation and Bin Ladin into this? We're discussing Kashmir here, stop diverting the topic.
We care for the Kashmiris. Ok let's say you're right about them being crocodile tears, that's still a hell of a lot better when we have chief minister's in India saying their men should "take" Kashmiri brides, alongside the disgusting social media trends of desperate so called men on how they are coming for Kashmiri girls.
If Azad Kashmir is disputed then hold the vote for the whole region and let's decide this. But you you know how the result will go, hence since Nehru's passing it's never been talked about.
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