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Let people celebrate the victory in their own way
Who doesnt celebrate their victory day?Couldn’t care less how at least they celebrate it, ofc Zeybek and Turkish folksongs would be more appropriate, but at least they celebrate our National holiday unlike orhers in the country.
you destroy nations identity and culture with "small stuff", people are rightfullly pissed about this cultural coloniasm slavery.
you destroy nations identity and culture with "small stuff", people are rightfullly pissed about this cultural coloniasm slavery.
I do not lecture you about anything beside general principles.The founder of this country danced zeybek as well as western dances. I won't let you lecture me about my country, the founders or nor will I let you insult his legacy or anyone else.
We are going right and left but I do know that kilicdaroglu will be the presidential candidate
- IYI Party Chairman Meral Akşener announced that she will not be a presidential candidate.
Instead, she seeks the position of prime minister once the parliamentary system of government is re-instated.
Which begs the question, who would be the opposition candidate in a coalition government?
Order of likelihood (imo):
Mansur Yavas
Ali Babacan
Abdullah Gül
Muharrem İnce
Still better than the times when AKP was actually trying to disturb the celebrations by stopping busses with attendants.Lool my turkish friends saw these celebrations as well and were quite pissed
They were like...... We wanna celebrate our victory day like REAL MEN and not like some horny teenagers waiting for some attention from Europe
Man i was laughing so hard, lool
Wow, fantasy writer..... Nothing here is is related with reality, just wrote your fantasy world.After Ataturk died, The CHP was mainly controlled behind the scenes by the EU and US. This is a well known fact! As such, they are more leaning to the interests of the West than to the interests of Turkey itself. Iam 100% sure that Turkey will make massive sacrifices in terms of defense industry and nuclear programs once CHP rules.
There are rumors that many CHP members arent happy with Baykar either; citing that he is gaining favouritism and such even though it is obviously because he made what the West couldnt do and is Erdogan son's in law. After 2023, Baykar will probably move to Germany or the US or will be silenced. Although rumors are at the end just rumors; so Iam not sure about its legitimacy per say
Anyway, the CHP are getting more support from the West to win the election. After all, in the recent EU council, it was stated by the EU Parliament members that 3 countries are trying to rise; i-e, Russia, Turkey, and China. Moreover, they stated that it was worrisome as these countries are with Imperial history. Like ffs, it is as if they are saying that no one should dare to rise and surpass the EU, it is as if they are saying that no country should dare to challenge the EU MASTERRACE concept, it is as if they say, as long as you arent EU, you should just bow down and receive your orders from us.
My second main problem in the CHP, after allying with the PKK/HDP, is that they will eventually bend to the Western will.
Many in the CHP core ranks wanna reopen FETO schools that was once closed
Many in the CHP core ranks arent happy with Turkish nuclear program
Many in the CHP core ranks arent happy with Baykar
What is even funny with these two faced bastards is that their leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, just posted a tweet praying for Adnan Menderes soul to be at peace; I was laughing sooo hard man; Hypocricy at its best!
All in all though, as much as I hate the CHP, Mansur Yavas seems like a good person. Just hope that even this isnt a lie at the end
AKP doing everything including to keep getting votes from Radicals / Jihadists etc...![]()
Diyanet, protokolde Genelkurmay'ın önüne geçti – DW – 31.08.2021
Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sistemine geçilmesinin ardından devlet protokolü gayri resmi olarak değiştirildi. Cumhurbaşkanlığı'ndaki 30 Ağustos töreninde Diyanet İşleri Başkanı, Genelkurmay Başkanı'nın önünde yer aldı
Clown world diyanet and akp members come before the TSK
You CHP fanatics still amaze me
You guys talk about nationalism and pride and blah blah when your lovely CHP core members LITERALLY criticised and doubted the legitimacy of your Blue Homeland doctrine. Your party wanna reopen the previously closed FETO schools. Your party is allying with the HDP/PKK; The Same Fqing party that you used to tell that Erdo is a traitor because he is allying with them pre-2015. However, when the CHP does that, it is for the Nation's good and wellbeing. You guys are of the type that justifies whatever action you do no matter how bad it is and criticises whoever doesnt bear the lovely CHP badge for doing the same action; truly pitiful
Iam not saying Erdo is a good guy but you guys still are trying to portray yourselves (just like always) as the fqing saints who came to save Turkey from demise
Agreed tbh
But what about the CHP voters who are voting for the CHP/HDP alliance? Shouldnt they be jailed as well? Or do they get a pass since they are from the CHP? Truly, the pot calling the kettle black