Last day PKK supporters celebrated NEWROZ with Pkk slogans pkk flags etc None of them got arrested. In this country you can only get arrested If you talk against the georgian erdogan.
There are pro pkk journalists accounts in twitter they operate in mardin,Diyarbakır etc (Eastern Turkey) Goverment doesn't do anything
Mean while pan-kurdist pro hdp accounts are calling us Turks the ones who conquered these lands "Mongolians,Barbarians,Refugees from Central asia" and they are also talking against TSK but akp doesn't do anything against them the reason why we have these Disgusting creatures called pkk supporters is akps wrong policies humanism etc.
Here is some pictures.
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IN THIS COUNTRY ONLY TURKS CAN'T PROTEST THEY WILL EITHER GET JAILED OR BEATEN but these creatures with syrians-afghan-Kurds can do everything where is the justice? My ancestors didn't conquered these lands for these people Turkiye belongs to the Turkoman/Kıpchaks.
@Ryder @TheInsider @Tonyukuk
As if being a Mongol or a Central Asian is a bad thing