TR Politics


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yeah because there are no gays in countries ruled by sharia (they are there jus hiding).
Why are you bringing homosexuality to every topic? Not everybody have to be muslim and you shouldn't force people to learn your religion. If you support this you shouldn't cry about in west they are teaching lgbt in the schools.
I dont think Turkey force everyone to be muslim.
Just the modern Turkish patriotism had some colour of muslim,just like the American one had some colour of christian. do.And We have to promote Turkish patriotism in TC.


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The Turkish citizenship should be given to people who will honour it.


The acquisition of citizenship should not have a monetary equivalent, but a 'values' equivalent.

Personally i absolutely loved this guy.


I remember watching a game and the entire Turkish team pretty much gave up, this guy played as if every remaining minute of the game was most important minute of his life.


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If you dont use a view of Islamophobia,actually Turkiye is a very liberal country in life style by now for most of citizen.

The girls wear bikini-like dress go outside.

The problem is political issues.AKP should not use judiciary to charge critics.


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If you dont use a view of Islamophobia,actually Turkiye is a very liberal country in life style by now for most of citizen.

The girls wear bikini-like dress go outside.

The problem is political issues.AKP should not use judiciary to charge critics.

Turkiye is such a mosaic Lol

You will have religious conservative types in one areas and the next you have bikini girls in one region.

Basically the west and the east fails to understand what Turkiye is.
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Basically the west and the east fails to understand what Turkiye is.

I understand perfectly, it is a cultural mess.🤣

Edit- it is meant to be a joke. Don't take it too seriously folks.


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Bro everybody has their own degenerate bs that they do including all of us.

Do we go flaunting out in the public all in the name of human rights?

Thats why Westerners themselves mostly a silent majority now regret supporting lbgt.

Yes its good how Muslim countries dont tolerate degenerate bs in the public.

Now in Australia people are asking the right to go outside nude.

So pathetic and ridiculous when do we draw the line?

I am also living in a western country here people celebrating pride openly, still there are issues but LGBT people has more freedom and I don't see people complaining. And there is no mass outcry. Of course, there are people who are bothered but these are mostly conservatives, they don't like anything foreign to them.
You are disregarding the struggle of the ordinary LGBT person and just pointing out the extremes. They want equal right as any straight couple, not to be discriminated not to be hated because who they are. It's true rich media owners are exploiting the LGBT stuff to gain more money today, that's why you are seeing it everywhere when you open the TV but it's not the LGBT people should blame.

You mean gulsen the thot who provoked conservatives.

Then you have turkish celebrities cursing and cussing out the earthquake victims because they voted for akp.

Let me guess the "jahil" Anadolu Turk is to blame.

Here these concerts are canceled just people supported LGBT people.

Here your lovely "Anadolu Turk" wanted to made concert canceled because the band name is the name of flower in hell.

Here Melek Mosso concert is canceled because she supported Istanbul convention

For Gulsen your conservatives are cursing the her than when she answer these it make it provoking.

There are many more example like that because your "Anadolu Turk" doesn't like what they say who they supported these concerts are canceled.


4 1,161
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Turkiye is such a mosaic Lol

You will have religious conservative types in one areas and the next you have bikini girls in one region.

Basically the west and the east fails to understand what Turkiye is.

Even the freedom of speech fleid same.

Sometimes just a retweet became a Sue but the anti-turkish reporters can speak fake news on TV sometimes

Sometimes its much liberal than West sometimes its even hard than Russia and China.


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The issue of ideology being used in Turkish politics is not really about the underlying ideology, its about charlatans, crooks and frauds using an ideology in order to obtain power and status within the Turkish state.

FETO is a prime example, they used religion not because they cared about religion but because it was the conduit in which they could infiltrate and takeover the nation and once taken over completely undermine her from within.

I remember reading FETO owned Zaman, everything the americans and their european lackeys including Russia use against us was being pushed in it. Recognise false accusations of genocide, give minorities autonomy and independence, show the army as evil and backward, elevate the American own religious orders in the peoples perception. Show Ocalan as a hero fighting for freedom instead of western terrorist proxy used by nations like Isreal to undermine the peace and stability of the region.

Once FETO fell out with AK party, all of its bigwigs openly starting cursing and denouncing the Turkish nation, the Turkish race and openly showing support for all of our enemies. They become so angry that they could no longer hide their racial hatred of Turks and Islam itself.

Now the danger of these cults/organisations that follow many of the same secret society structures that things like freemasonry or the jesuits utilise, is that the grand majority of their useful idoits believe they are doing something good. In FETO's case the Muslim believe he was going to bring in a Muslim ummah, the reality is that FETO would have destroyed Turkiye completely and with Turkiye destroyed, Islam takes another massive knock. No Turkish power base and the religion lost one of her limbs.

The only way the Turks to protect themselves from these things is to educate themselves, their is no other way. These faternal orders that operate in the shadows obtain their power from the common persons ignorance.

In terms of the left/right situation a republic sits somewhere in the middle, its the best bet for a free and prosperous society. Any ideology that tries to drag us away from this, is basically setting us up to fail.


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I actually cant understand where did the power of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu from?

He isnt a member of political family or chaebol.He isnt the found leader of party like Erdogan.

Why the millions of CHP support cant find anyone overtake him?Why everyone stand with Kılıçdaroğlu side when Ince or Emine Tarhan against him?


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If your child is so valuable, you will raise him to be among the top 20 thousand in YGS (High School Entrance Exam). And if necessary, you can send him to study in the best public high schools in the country, in another city. But if your child is below average, if you have not educated him well enough to become an engineer, you should not blame someone else for your child's future.
I know I pushed the limits here. However, successful people did not obtain every opportunity for education in the neighborhood or district where they were born. When necessary, they went to the other side of the city. If your child is not even good enough to aim for the best school in the city you live in, why would this be a problem for anyone else? Have you done what's best for your child? If you didn't, why are you blaming someone else?


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Meanwhile, people can be both poor and smart. So the fact that your child is poor is not an obstacle to being smart. If he's smart enough, he can even get a scholarship to the best schools. So if you have super-intelligent or above-average children, their success depends on how well you guide them.


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Guys,talk politics but dont insult any religion,every insult will get you banned.
No warning,immediate ban.


21 2,013
I know I pushed the limits here. However, successful people did not obtain every opportunity for education in the neighborhood or district where they were born. When necessary, they went to the other side of the city. If your child is not even good enough to aim for the best school in the city you live in, why would this be a problem for anyone else? Have you done what's best for your child? If you didn't, why are you blaming someone else?
we have 30 hours of education each week you want 16 hours of Islamic training more then half of education time each week ??? and if im poor my child is condemned to this program with no shot of success in university exam ??? who gave you this right to choose MY child's future ?? i want my kid to receive education in math physics and chemistry why don't you make your Islamic courses choose able lessons

Edit : @Bogeyman im still waiting for your answer
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21 2,013
for 20 years government did nothing to help the university student's dormitory problems not only did nothing they even surrender several KYK dormitories to tarikats ( make them privet ) forcing student with financial problems to either give up on their hard won spot in university or accept tarikat conditions and live in illegal sharia dormitories


computer student in Antalya beheaded in tarikat dormitory the owner of illegal sharia dormitory was retired police commissar and member of tarikat


Enes Kara an athiest that was forced to tarikat's illegal sharia dormitory complain about forced Islamic education committed suicide his last massage to people was to save his 2 sisters who are in the same conditions. in last 20 years of AKP islam government it is estimated that 17000 student lost their lives



Amiral Güven Erkaya ve bütün silah arkadaşlarını rahmetli anıyorum


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we have 30 hours of education each week you want 16 hours of Islamic training more then half of education time each week ??? and if im poor my child is condemned to this program with no shot of success in university exam ??? who gave you this right to choose MY child's future ?? i want my kid to receive education in math physics and chemistry why don't you make your Islamic courses choose able lessons

If your child is smart enough to take lessons at Kartal AİHL, you should sacrifice sheep and distribute his alms.

Kartal Anatolian Imam Hatip High School has started to provide preparatory education with 20 hours of English and 7 hours of Arabic lessons per week since 2013-2014. It is aimed for students to move their language skills to the next level by adopting unmediated language teaching and using innovative methods and methods effectively. Language education is supported by extracurricular and extracurricular activities throughout the year without being limited to the classroom. We enrich the language education with foreign teachers (native speakers), summer school programs and the “Wings” magazine published in English.
Our students can take IGCSE education in the 9th grade, where they teach Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology courses in English according to the Cambridge curriculum. Our school, which is the first state institution to provide IGCSE education in Turkey, has taken a big step towards becoming a world school by starting the IB education process as of the 2016-2017 academic year.

Cambridge IGCSE (15 – 16 years of age)

IGCSE stands for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two-year programme leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject will be gaining a qualification that is recognised globally. They are established qualifications that keep pace with educational developments and trends and so are an ideal foundation for higher level courses such as AS and A Levels and the International Baccalaureate Diploma. Students typically sit seven to nine subjects in one session at the end of Year 11.

Our school currently offers IGCSE courses in the following subjects.

  • All students will study: English Language, English Literature , Maths, Science – Coordinated (2 IGCSEs) and German or Spanish.
  • Students then have a choice of three of the following: Art and Design, Computer Science, Science – Separate, PE, Business Studies, History and Geography.

The IB Diploma Programme: A broad and balanced education​

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum sets out the requirements for study of the DP.

The curriculum is made up of the DP core and six subject groups.
Made up of the three required components, the DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills.
The three core elements are:
  • Theory of knowledge, in which students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know.
  • The extended essay, which is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper.
  • Creativity, activity, service, in which students complete a project related to those three concepts.
The six subject groups are:
There are different courses within each subject group.

Choosing subjects in the Diploma Programme​

Students choose courses from the following subject groups: studies in language and literature; language acquisition; individuals and societies; sciences; mathematics; and the arts.
Students may opt to study an additional sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts.
Students will take some subjects at higher level (HL) and some at standard level (SL). HL and SL courses differ in scope but are measured according to the same grade descriptors, with students expected to demonstrate a greater body of knowledge, understanding and skills at higher level.
Each student takes at least three (but not more than four) subjects at higher level, and the remaining at standard level.
Standard level subjects take up 150 teaching hours. Higher level comprises 240 teaching hours.


21 2,013
If your child is smart enough to take lessons at Kartal AİHL, you should sacrifice sheep and distribute his alms.

Kartal Anatolian Imam Hatip High School has started to provide preparatory education with 20 hours of English and 7 hours of Arabic lessons per week since 2013-2014. It is aimed for students to move their language skills to the next level by adopting unmediated language teaching and using innovative methods and methods effectively. Language education is supported by extracurricular and extracurricular activities throughout the year without being limited to the classroom. We enrich the language education with foreign teachers (native speakers), summer school programs and the “Wings” magazine published in English.
Our students can take IGCSE education in the 9th grade, where they teach Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology courses in English according to the Cambridge curriculum. Our school, which is the first state institution to provide IGCSE education in Turkey, has taken a big step towards becoming a world school by starting the IB education process as of the 2016-2017 academic year.

Cambridge IGCSE (15 – 16 years of age)

IGCSE stands for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two-year programme leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject will be gaining a qualification that is recognised globally. They are established qualifications that keep pace with educational developments and trends and so are an ideal foundation for higher level courses such as AS and A Levels and the International Baccalaureate Diploma. Students typically sit seven to nine subjects in one session at the end of Year 11.

Our school currently offers IGCSE courses in the following subjects.

  • All students will study: English Language, English Literature , Maths, Science – Coordinated (2 IGCSEs) and German or Spanish.
  • Students then have a choice of three of the following: Art and Design, Computer Science, Science – Separate, PE, Business Studies, History and Geography.

The IB Diploma Programme: A broad and balanced education​

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum sets out the requirements for study of the DP.

The curriculum is made up of the DP core and six subject groups.
Made up of the three required components, the DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills.
The three core elements are:
  • Theory of knowledge, in which students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know.
  • The extended essay, which is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper.
  • Creativity, activity, service, in which students complete a project related to those three concepts.
The six subject groups are:
There are different courses within each subject group.

Choosing subjects in the Diploma Programme​

Students choose courses from the following subject groups: studies in language and literature; language acquisition; individuals and societies; sciences; mathematics; and the arts.
Students may opt to study an additional sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts.
Students will take some subjects at higher level (HL) and some at standard level (SL). HL and SL courses differ in scope but are measured according to the same grade descriptors, with students expected to demonstrate a greater body of knowledge, understanding and skills at higher level.
Each student takes at least three (but not more than four) subjects at higher level, and the remaining at standard level.
Standard level subjects take up 150 teaching hours. Higher level comprises 240 teaching hours.
you try white wash the new law by showing 1 single imam hatip from istabul while we all know what is going on on the regular ones ??? dont go off topic

Sunni Islam education increased to 16 hours a week in schools

16 hours of Sunni islam education ( more then half of education tine in a week) and all those who are poor and cant afford expansive rent are forced into this program. why don't you make it choose able lessons so your kids study sunni islam while mine study math and physics ???


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you try white wash the new law by showing 1 single imam hatip from istabul while we all know what is going on on the regular ones ??? dont go off topic

16 hours of Sunni islam education ( more then half of education tine in a week) and all those who are poor and cant afford expansive rent are forced into this program. why don't you make it choose able lessons so your kids study sunni islam while mine study math and physics ???
That school was opened all over Turkey, not just as a single sample in Istanbul. If you were sincere when you said it, you would research and learn the truth of the matter.

In Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools that implement a Foreign Language Program (Preparatory Class), it is possible to learn English, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, French, Persian and Japanese languages in the best way along with Arabic.

Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools Implementing Science and Social Sciences Program

Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools Implementing Art Programs

International Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools

Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools Where Hafiz Students Study
In basic courses, the same curriculum and weekly lesson hours as Anatolian high schools/Science and Social Sciences high schools

Anatolian Imam Hatip High Schools Implementing Sports Program
Priority of national, spiritual, moral, human and cultural values together with academic and sportive goals
Opportunity to train in popular sports branches such as football, basketball, volleyball, handball, athletics and swimming
Young athletes walking towards their career goals by training in individual or team sports at Anatolian Imam Hatip High School

Technology Anatolian Imam Hatip High School Implementing Foreign Language Preparatory and Science Program
Students with innovation skills with STEAM education, where project-based learning takes place, which eliminates the distinction between science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics disciplines.

Young people who can express themselves in 3 languages, develop their projects and communicate with the world by learning Chinese optionally along with English and Arabic.

Imam Hatip Secondary Schools Implementing Hafiz Project Together with Formal Education
The same curricula and weekly course hours in basic courses as in secondary schools
Active participation in local, national and international projects in the fields of robotic coding, science, mathematics, social sciences, technology design and values education, especially TÜBİTAK and TEKNOFEST

For more information


High school students develop 'mobile lighting drone' for rescue work

High school and university students demonstrated their skills with the projects they developed at TEKNOFEST, which was held at Ankara Etimesgut Airport under the direction of T3 Foundation and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, where Anadolu Agency (AA) is the global communication partner for the 8th time.

"Light-X" Technology Team, which participated in the competitions at TEKNOFEST from Düzce Science and Technology Hafız Anatolian Imam Hatip High School, used the "mobile lighting drone" they developed to assist the rescue teams in the environments where the light is insufficient in the rescue works carried out after disasters such as earthquakes and floods. It aims to be used in different areas in the sector.

"Light-X" Technology Team Captain Yavuz Selim Demirkol said in a statement to AA correspondent, "We participated in the initiative competition of TEKNOFEST. We are in the competition right now. We have completed our presentations. This drone provides convenience to search and rescue teams by illuminating the debris field at night after disasters. In fact, we are working to minimize the loss of life. The drone, which has a flight time of about half an hour, can rise 60 meters and illuminate an area of 2,000 square meters." used the phrases.


Stating that they developed the drone to help teams in natural disasters, Demirkol said, "We aim to turn our drone into an enterprise in the future." said.

Team member Ahmet Çiçek stated that the drone not only illuminates the area it was sent to, but also conveys the image of the region to the user, adding, "Our drone can be used in search and rescue efforts, in the film industry, in the contracting industry. With its camera on it, it obtains a view from above. can also be examined." made its assessment.

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"Young inventors" aim to provide hope for neurological diseases by synthesizing medicine and engineering

Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine student Mehmet Sertaç Çeküç and Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine student Eyüp Alper Saygılı, who won medals in Europe as well as Turkey with the projects they developed in the field of medicine, developed fast and effective solutions in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases by integrating engineering science with medicine. they work for.

In the first issue of the file titled "Young Inventors", supported by AA, the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), the projects of young people who work in the field of neurology by synthesizing the developments in medicine and technology were discussed.

In his evaluation to the AA correspondent, Çeküç said that he won the first place in the Istanbul-Asia region in 2018 with his project to research the anti-cancer properties by purifying a pigment in the Cow Comb (Celosia Agentea) plant.

Pointing out that they later tried it on the child brain cancer nerve cell line and got successful results, Çeküç continued as follows:

"Thus, we have shown that the pigment has anti-cancer properties. We have also shown that this pigment can be tested on a cancer cell line. I am still working on it right now. We isolate this pigment again and form it into nano-particles. We are testing this on the same cell line on an Alzheimer's model. "There are proteins. We are trying to prevent their accumulation. Thanks to this project we have developed, we aim to prevent both cancer and epilepsy and Alzheimer's."

Çeküç stated that as a continuation of this, he won the first place in Turkey with the project he developed on "artificial antibodies" in 2021.

Explaining that they were able to identify toxic chemicals on foods with the project in question, Çeküç gave the following information about his work:

"For example, we place the 'label' style product we developed on foods such as frozen seafood. In this way, we can diagnose whether this product has started to deteriorate both from its color and from the reaction it has entered. In other words, we can diagnose the products. Thus, we prevent food waste. This and our first project are integrated with each other. We will continue to develop our projects by applying for TÜBİTAK support on behalf of both of them."

"I will integrate the engineering part of biomaterials technology into medical science"

Aiming to specialize in neurobiology in the future, Çeküç said that they are working as a team on neurological biomaterials.

Stating that these also include biomaterials that can be integrated into the body to administer drugs to the patient, Çeküç said:

"I will integrate the engineering part of biomaterials technology into medical science. Thus, I aim to reduce the diagnosis of diseases such as epilepsy and Alzheimer's to a minimum, and to ensure that patients are less affected in treatment and recover rapidly. In this sense, we will ensure that especially epilepsy and Alzheimer's patients can continue their lives normally."

Degree in ISEF

Developing a product using boron mine to recycle waste plastics for use in the defense and heavy machinery manufacturing industry, Çeküç won the first place in Turkey in 2019 with this work.

As a continuation of this, Çeküç, representing Turkey in 2021, the world's largest pre-university science and engineering project competition, Regeneron International Science and Engineering Competition (ISEF), completed the organization as the 4th in the world, where 1833 finalists from 80 countries competed in 21 categories. .

Çeküç was selected by TÜBİTAK and won the silver medal in the European Union Young Scientists Project Competition, where he represented Turkey.

Having graduated from Kartal Anatolian Imam Hatip High School, Çeküç is studying at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine.

"I want to develop new treatment methods"

Eyüp Alper Saygılı, a second-year student at Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine, was also entitled to receive the 4th grand prize in the static and dynamic field of engineering technologies at Regeneron ISEF 2022, and the first prize from the Science and Technology Council of China (CAST).

Saygılı also ranked 3rd in Turkey in the "Technology for the Benefit of Humanity" category in the high school category at TEKNOFEST.

Saying that he is currently working on neurogenetics and tumor diagnosis, Saygılı shared the following information:

"With the research grant I received from TÜBİTAK, I was entitled to work at Yale University in the summer. In the laboratory here, we are working on early cancer diagnosis methods that are less invasive/interventional and have a lower pain level and cost. and we aim to provide the fastest, easiest and most effective treatment. I want to develop new treatment methods that can touch people's lives by synthesizing technology and medicine by continuing such studies in the future."



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you try white wash the new law by showing 1 single imam hatip from istabul while we all know what is going on on the regular ones ??? dont go off topic

16 hours of Sunni islam education ( more then half of education tine in a week) and all those who are poor and cant afford expansive rent are forced into this program. why don't you make it choose able lessons so your kids study sunni islam while mine study math and physics ???
I still stand behind what I said. If your child was smart enough to study in these schools, you would have to sacrifice sheep and distribute them to orphans. That would be your debt.

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