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Erdogan has released a number of people convicted in plotting the coup in the February 28 case.

Maybe the MHP forced his hand. I don't believe the reason that they had health problems, as others were left to die. I think this is the most likely case, he must have swallowed a lot of pride.

At the same time, the Kobane case. I wonder if there will be repercussions by ECHR again.
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In the 2019 local elections, Hacı Sülük, the father of Pütürge Mayor Mikail Sülük, who murdered Saadet Party witnesses Hasan Aktaş and İlyas Aktaş in Malatya, was pardoned by the President's decision.

I guess the prisons are so full of political prisoners murderers are being released all the time


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Erdogan has released a number of people convicted in plotting the coup in the February 28 case.

Maybe the MHP forced his hand. I don't believe the reason that they had health problems, as others were left to die. I think this is the most likely case, he must have swallowed a lot of pride.

At the same time, the Kobane case. I wonder if there will be repercussions by ECHR again.
There was an ongoing campaign by many people including ex-soldiers for their release. He both shows dominance with this and also tries to calm down the
ex-military men. This comes in a time where Selahattin Demirtas (APO the Second) was given 42 years of prison. I think Erdogan is showing gestures of reconciliation with some influential actors in the State after the weak results in the election and the coming end of his political career. A certain atmosphere is created including the rebalance in circles connected to the organized crime.


17 1,670
plotting the coup in the February 28 case.
there were no coup this is a islamist propaganda army never forced Erbakan to resigned or take control of state never used violence , they just forced him to sign the 18 demand of MGK in order to prevent tarkikats, in this case fethullah gulen's tarikat, to take over state and army. one year after 28 şubat in another MGK meeting these generals prepared 600 page long report only for fethullah gulen's tarikat after that fethullah gulen ran away to US. former head of CIA in turkey Graham E. Fuller was the key to enabling his escaped. later the US at " bin sene meydan okuması tatbikatı " in Nevada desert practice how it will occupy turkey in 96 hours which was direct threat against hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu chief of general staff who wanted to arrest fethullah gulen but he escaped. for more info go read 18 demands of 28 subat MGK

Pro-American AKP removed the February 28 decisions

There was news in Milliyet newspaper dated March 4, 2011 that the enlightenment points of February 28 were officially deleted by the AKP government.

The USA challenged February 28 with an invasion exercise, then staged the Ergenekon plot and liquidated the February 28 decisions.

The showdown with the "thousand-year-old" challenges between US imperialism and the Kemalist Revolution is still on the agenda. That's why February 28 is not only yesterday's event but today's event.


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There was an ongoing campaign by many people including ex-soldiers for their release. He both shows dominance with this and also tries to calm down the
ex-military men. This comes in a time where Selahattin Demirtas (APO the Second) was given 42 years of prison. I think Erdogan is showing gestures of reconciliation with some influential actors in the State after the weak results in the election and the coming end of his political career. A certain atmosphere is created including the rebalance in circles connected to the organized crime.

The circles in organized crime have seriously damaged the institutions of the state as much as AKP has


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The circles in organized crime have seriously damaged the institutions of the state as much as AKP has
These were inherited by the AKP government from the "old times". For me it is unfortunate to see that such types still has a say in the big picture, but knowing the strategic location of Turkiye, the narco-routes coming from the Middle East and South America I am not surprised at all. This is a global issue and my wish is to handle these kind of issues more carefully.

With the start of the war in Ukraine we see how the organized crime structures on the Balkans are adapting and we can see such kinds of "sorting out" of problems in all the Balkan countries. Turkiye and Greece are lucky in this case because of the different base on which the State institutions are stepping. While Turkiye deals with all kinds of security problems, the developments while still concerning are not as devastating as the developments around organized crime structures for example in Bulgaria. I am on the opinion that the boundaries of stability should not be forced and such issues must be sorted out swiftly and not with the "balyoz". A rough approach causes rapid change of balances which on itself results in instability and temporary weakness in all realms of the normal life of the Turkish citizens, which is exploited by internal and external enemies of the State. Turkiye must level up if we want to be on the level of the EU and compare ourselves as a State to them. In the EU there are similar issues too, but they are handled and managed in a totally different way...


17 1,670

çetin doğan the Godfather of turkey is out as former commander of 1st army he was privy to many state secrets. always defiance. in the famous TV show kurtlar vadisi ( the valley of wolves ) the character doğu eşrefoğlu a retired military man deeply connected to many different Turkish intelligence and security apparatus is a direct reference to retired general çetin doğan



in the left doğu eşrefoğlu the character in the TV show. in the right çetin doğan the Godfather of turkey
this is the only good news come out of turkey in this year im sure Fetö shitting their pants right now

Devlette benim, gelenekte benim , yenilikte benim aslanım ( I am the state )



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çetin doğan the Godfather of turkey is out as former commander of 1st army he was privy to many state secrets. always defiance. in the famous TV show kurtlar vadisi ( the valley of wolves ) the character doğu eşrefoğlu a retired military man deeply connected to many different Turkish intelligence and security apparatus is a direct reference to retired general çetin doğan



in the left doğu eşrefoğlu the character in the TV show. in the right çetin doğan the Godfather of turkey
this is the only good news come out of turkey in this year im sure Fetö shitting their pants right now

Devlette benim, gelenekte benim , yenilikte benim aslanım ( I am the state )

I wish him good health and long life!

Baklava Consumer

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None of the incentives works, from money to housing, South Korea spent $150 billion to help childbearing costs.
The solution in the future is going to be artificial wombs. The government taxes the citizens, each citizens provide sperm/eggs, and the Government raises these children through citizens' taxes.

It sounds whacky and radical but this will happen, many scientists already say you can grow a baby completely in the lab, this is already possible with today's technology.

Baklava Consumer

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None of the incentives works, from money to housing, South Korea spent $150 billion to help childbearing costs.
The solution in the future is going to be artificial wombs. The government taxes the citizens, each citizens provide sperm/eggs, and the Government raises these children through citizens' taxes. View attachment 68163
It sounds whacky and radical but this will happen, many scientists already say you can grow a baby completely in the lab, this is already possible with today's technology.
I bet China is already working on baby factories like this to fix their demographics. We need to start looking into it as well.


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I think it's a mentality problem. I mean working hours being extreme is one thing, but it's the marketing that sells any idea. You need to sell the idea of family.


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In order to raise a family, you need optimal conditions to raise a family in. Turkey does not possess these conditions and it is the government's fault. They know this and they know how to fix it but they just want to justify importing more immigrants. Therefore Erdogan's "concern" can be taken with a grain of salt.


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I find it difficult to believe 46 FETÖ police officers were arrested.

How are they still in the institutions and how do we know it isn't sect vs sect or organized crime rivals or whatever that's the real reason for these arrests?

I did not see anything about a trial process or warrants or whatever, it is like arresting every CHP member

In 2010, it was estimated that between eight and ten million people in Turkey were linked to the Gülen movement in some way.

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Of course you do!
They were probably just bored and decided to arrest a random number of police officers for no reason.

Every day police are arrested lol

The trio that detained Ayhan Bora Kaplan were arrested recently

There are many, many police officers in jail, I would not be surprised if the number is like 100,000 since 2010

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