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"Minister of Justice Tunç: The Mayor of Hakkari was dismissed in accordance with the law on municipalities and a governor was appointed instead. He does not have a criminal record that prevents him from being elected, but if there is a terrorism investigation against him, the Ministry of Interior has the authority to dismiss him"


Erdogan amended it with the emergency powers in 2016,

Law 5393, municipalities - if there are terrorism investigations they can be dismissed and replaced with whoever the interior chooses. The emergency amendment is now permanent

10 year court case...took a day to resolve lmao

Sentenced to 19 years jail, Trustee appointed


17 1,670

It says in the tweet that RTE authority to fire and appoint a CB head was revoked by constitutional court.

and apparently also revoked presidents right to appoint dean etc at universities, because it violates their independent status of sorts.
after all tarikats took over universities now AYM realized to revoke erdogan's right ?? now the universities need to be independent ?? were where they for last 20 years ??? tarikats no longer need for kaçak Yurts now they are active n KYK yurts. i was friend with people who were suffering from tarikats there. and now economy is fucked

its either fight between Erdogan and MHP or tarikats selling Erdogan since they have fatih Erbakan now

edit : 20 years later islamist will say erdogan was a jew / alevi / mason / foreign agent who tried to destroy turkey and islam thats why he is will not counted as islamist but fatih Erbakan will be. typical islamist who never take responsibility for their actions
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Fuzuli NL

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"Minister of Justice Tunç: The Mayor of Hakkari was dismissed in accordance with the law on municipalities and a governor was appointed instead. He does not have a criminal record that prevents him from being elected, but if there is a terrorism investigation against him, the Ministry of Interior has the authority to dismiss him"


Erdogan amended it with the emergency powers in 2016,

Law 5393, municipalities - if there are terrorism investigations they can be dismissed and replaced with whoever the interior chooses. The emergency amendment is now permanent

They should shave his sh1t-stained moustache and feed it to him.
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It says in the tweet that RTE authority to fire and appoint a CB head was revoked by constitutional court.

and apparently also revoked presidents right to appoint dean etc at universities, because it violates their independent status of sorts.
It has been debunked

The claim in some media outlets that "The Constitutional Court annulled President Erdoğan's authority to appoint the Central Bank President and rector" is not true. The Constitutional Court decided on the application requested for the annulment of the Decree Law No. 703. While the Supreme Court rejected the request to annul the entire regulation, it decided to annul some of the provisions in the regulation. With the said Decree Law, 2375 provisions have been regulated. In the decision of the Constitutional Court, only some of these provisions were annulled. The annulment decisions regarding the appointments of the rector and the President of the Central Bank, which also resonated with the public, are on the grounds that "it should be regulated by law, not by decree". Therefore, there is no cancellation on the merits. The court decided that the decisions will come into force 12 months from today. Therefore, there is no change in terms of existing practices. The Presidential Decree on Appointment Procedures for Upper Level Public Administrators and Public Institutions and Organizations is in force. Rector appointments are already made by the President in accordance with Article 130 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey and Article 13 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.


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They shouldn't let this guy even join to the election. What is wrong with Supreme Electoral Board?

The law/constitution only matters if there is an advantage for the government

The real question is what is the difference between here and Van?

I think it's resources/money 💰
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Without permit of Turkish government, the experienced journalist Ruşen Çakır would not have made this interview.

Will there be amnesty for FETO terrorists? Will a new initiative process begin?

Recently: "F.G. is good but his friends are bad! Separate the innocent from the guilty!" Sayings like this have become more and more common.

Look, F.G. also said "we were deceived". Just like Erdoğan said. Meral Akşener's transition to the Cumhur Alliance is definitely linked to FETO. Erdogan will grant amnesty to them and bring them to his side.

Saf , imanlı, Anadolu çocukları masumdurlar zaten. Onlar da kandırıldılar zaten. Ulan bunlara af çıkarırsanız , yatacak yeriniz yok.


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Ahead of President Erdoğan's visit to Özgür Özel at the CHP Headquarters

Devlet Bahçeli shared a photo of his ring with the inscription 'Allah is Enough for Me'.

Erdogan, the supreme leader, who can throw the kemalist pashas in jail and bring them out again at will, wants to throw MHP away as soon as he has an opportunity.

MHP wants to stay as a part of a ruling coalition to keep their flashy cars and shady businesses.

Also LOL at him holding a file like some threat, what a fucking child
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A mansion belonging to Reza Zarrab's brother in law (Reza the infamous Iranian gold smuggler who was implicated in billion dollar smuggling cases with our leadership and led to the firing of our police chiefs who were investigating + halkbank case with US for helping Iran avoid sanctions) was broken into and 130 million lira was stolen.

CHP claims that Halkbank gave loans to Ayhan Bora Kaplan

Did the government take the money? FETÖ? The mafia? Was it taken out of the country?
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I talked to Selma Ateş, Sinan Ateş's sister. He said that he was at the police station because he was being followed, and now he has been taken to the public order branch. Those who follow Selma Ateş are clear. Two separate groups from Bursa Ülkü Quarries. They want to silence Selma and Ayşe Ateş because these two women have succeeded in turning Turkey against the murderers.
Urgent action must be taken before anything happens to these women who are fighting for justice. The safety of the two women is entrusted to you. @AliYerlikaya

It was determined that those who followed Selma Ateş, the sister of Sinan Ateş, were members of Bursa Grey Wolves

It was learned that 2 people in the group of 7 people who followed Selma Ateş, the sister of Sinan Ateş, were the Vice President of Bursa Grey Wolves


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For the first time, the images of the tension with the prosecutor who took the statement of Tolgahan Demirbaş, the former manager of Ülkü Ocakları, one of the perpetrators of the murder of Sinan Ateş, are on Side B.

In the footage, Demirbas targets prosecutors Durma Özer and Durmuş Ali Kaya, who were dismissed and suspended from the Ankara Courthouse while deepening the investigation.
Demirbaş reminded them of their expulsion and asked the prosecutor who took his statement, "Where is Durma Özer, where is Durmuş Ali (Kaya)? Don't align with them."

In his statement taken from prison, Demirbaş tells the prosecutor who took his statement:
"They want to take this incident into the political arena. Please do not be a tool for this, do not be a partner in this sin, Mr. Prosecutor. Where is Durma Özer, where is Durmuş Ali (Kaya)? Don't align with them. Their politics of threats is a showdown. Don't cooperate with them."

The prosecutor replies:
"Keep your advice to yourself. I am not a prosecutor who has anything to do with politics. If it is proven, I will resign. Respond to what I say instead of commenting."

Here are the moments from Tolgahan Demirbaş's testimony that entered the case file:

One of the grey wolf perpetrators of the murder of Sinan threatens the current prosecutor by reminding him of previous prosecutors that were dismissed.


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I was planning to arrange a summer vacation for the coming days to join in on the protests about this; then I looked around and there's absolute silence. Are there people living in that country, or are they all zombies or sth? I'm literally losing all interest and if my brain chemistry would allow it, I would just ignore anything to do with politics and just stick to my personal life. This is literally game over for the country if I'm not missing something very obvious or sth.


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In the announcement of the crime number 5842 of the Financial Crimes Investigation Board of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance: "On the website of Deutsche Welle Newspaper on 14.02.2022 (ın-işid-raporu-türkiye-üzerinden-para-transferi-yapında" /a-60770932) The news titled "MASAK's ISIS report was transferred through Turkey", written by a journalist named Alican Uludağ, is included in the appendix, and the news also includes intelligence information obtained from many state institutions by our Presidency. "The content of the confidential report has been disclosed." Investigation procedures were initiated upon a criminal complaint.

In summary, the statement given by the suspect accompanied by his defense counsel in the office of the Public Prosecutor on 19/03/2024; "...I obtained the MASAK report in question from the file of the Ankara 4th High Criminal Court, known to the public as the "garden case", and made the news. I received the report from a person who was a party to the court, examined it and reported it. The documents are included both in the court minutes and in the warrant sent to the court by the prosecutor's office. There is no statement that it is confidential or a state secret and that it should not be disclosed. Moreover, when we evaluate it fundamentally, the information contained in the news is not information that is a state secret in the context of the crime charged against me. I do not accept the accusations made against me. I made the news in question in connection with my profession as a journalist. ." in the statement

In line with the suspect's written defense and statement, the 13th and 14th hearing minutes were requested in the file numbered 2018/287 of the Ankara 4th High Criminal Court, and that the 13th and 14th hearings took place on 24/11/2021 and the 14th hearing took place on 17/02/2022. was seen, and in addition, in the interim decision number 5 of the 13th hearing, it was decided to ask about the fate of the MASAK report, and in the 14th hearing, it was written in the minutes that the said reports had arrived,

You can access this document in the UYAP Information System at with 07A4X1S DIPdoLX LJuUtHu uk/Pa8=

Considering the scope of the entire file, the suspect denied the accusations in his defense statement, the MASAK report confirming the suspect's allegations was sent to the file numbered 2018/287 of the Ankara 4th High Criminal Court before the date of the news, and the suspect examined the documents in question in the open trial. When the information in the reported report is examined, it falls within the scope of information that must remain secret due to its nature in terms of the security of the state or its internal or external political benefits, which are among the legal elements of the crime of Providing Secret Documents Regarding the Security of the State and Disclosing Information That Should Remain Confidential Regarding the Security and Political Benefits of the State. 8/4 of the relevant Law No. 6415, mentioned in MASAK's criminal complaint, and that no statement indicating the contrary was annotated during the presentation of the information in question to the court and the prosecutor's office. It is stated that what is meant by confidentiality specified in the paragraph is that the transactions to be carried out during the investigation procedures will be carried out on the basis of confidentiality, that the purpose intended by confidentiality here and the information that must remain confidential due to the nature sought in the crime charged against the suspect are of different nature, and that the legal elements of the crime attributed to the suspect as explained have not occurred in the concrete incident, at this stage. It is understood that sufficient evidence has not been obtained to require filing a public lawsuit against the suspect,

For the reasons explained above,


Ankara Criminal Court of Peace decided to notify the suspect's defense counsel and the complainant institution of the decision within 15 days from the notification of the decision, in accordance with Article 172 and following articles of the CMK, with the possibility of objection..

What's really weird is ISIS smuggling and money transfers/financing are a 'state secret' and reporting on it gets you prosecuted by court
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I was planning to arrange a summer vacation for the coming days to join in on the protests about this; then I looked around and there's absolute silence. Are there people living in that country, or are they all zombies or sth? I'm literally losing all interest and if my brain chemistry would allow it, I would just ignore anything to do with politics and just stick to my personal life. This is literally game over for the country if I'm not missing something very obvious or sth.

Following Turkish politics can drive anybody mad.

Political Islam has truly been a disaster for the nation. This government has gotten away with treason because they use Islam to trick and subdue the population.

However, their aggressive Islamization project hasn't been entirely successful. As we can see with the Diamond Tema controversy, Turkish youth are waking up. People are fed up with this bullshit.


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What's really weird is ISIS smuggling and money transfers/financing are a 'state secret' and reporting on it gets you prosecuted by court
Instead of “ISIS”, try writing another word, say “aliens”, and it will become clear that in general the publication of secret government data is prohibited and punishable by law.

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