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Oh come on man, if you're seriously trying to tell us that AKP is the good guy in all of this, that's just ridiculous. For a long time it was always CHPKK CHPKK.. Now that AKP is preparing to make peace with PKK and Umit Özdağ and other opinion members call them out for it, mass arrests begin... AKP are angels am I right?
Iam not saying that the AKP is the good guy, I do know that they are corrupt, but I do know that the CHP is an even worse party
They dont have the ultimate power and yet they are doing this👇
Do you really think that there is no dirt to be found within CHP cadres?
If they are this corrupt when they only have minicipalities what do you think they will do when they reach the presidency?

Not Bolu Municipality, “Bolu Family Company” Following the fire disaster in Bolu Kartalkaya, it was revealed that Tanju Özcan appointed his uncle's son, Sedat Gülener, as vice president and connected the Fire Department to Gülener.
Another scandalous detail has emerged regarding Sedat Gülener It was learned that Sedat Gülener's wife, Gülten Gülener, is the authorized manager of the Bol Tur Tourism Company, 100% of whose shares belong to the Bolu Municipality.
On the other hand, Sedat Gülener and his wife Gülten Gülener signed a contract for the bus tender of Bolu Municipality.
Look around and you'll see plenty of Greeks, Armenians and Kurds who say that Erdoğan benefits them. It's 100% true.
As far as I know the Armenians got destroyed and lost the strategic lands of karabagh because of Turkey's unwavering support to Azeri forces

As far as I know, the Greeks are crying everyday when they see a new drone, tank, jet, or ship.

As far as I know, the dream of Kurdistan may very well burn once and for all rn in Syria and Turkey. Just look at the areas that was freed from PKK in Turkey and was opened to tourists and investments. 3 of PKK's biggest supporters on the field have been kicked and Turkey owns 70% of Syria along with all economic activity/resources aside from oil


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Iam not saying that the AKP is the good guy, I do know that they are corrupt, but I do know that the CHP is an even worse party
They dont have the ultimate power and yet they are doing this👇
Do you really think that there is no dirt to be found within CHP cadres?

Did I say CHP, or any party is completely clean? No. I'm not living in a fantasy land. What I can say for sure is a single party has controlled Türkiye for 20 years, filled it with millions of refugees, made peace with PKK and is about to do it again, completely regressed the education system to the point where arguably Saudi Arabia and Iran are probably ahead, shackled the military, has allowed the US to create a PKK state next door, hasn't done anything substantial to back Turkmens in Syria or Iraq, has triggered a massive brain drain with a lot of our talent leaving for the west, is constantly threatening secularism, has removed student oaths which solidified nationalism because it was "racist", filled the military with Islamists who then turned around and did a coup, president lives in a billion dollar palace. The list goes on.

This party only cares about filling its pockets and staying in power, at the cost of anything and everything which opposes it. It can get fucked and anybody who supports it can too.


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As far as I know the Armenians got destroyed and lost the strategic lands of karabagh because of Turkey's unwavering support to Azeri forces

Yeah and that was Azerbaijan's fight. They fought and they won. Their leader didn't chicken out like Erdoğan did in late 2019. That's what happens when you give Turkish military weapons and advisors to a country with a half decent leader, even if he is a dictator. For your information, I've seen plenty of Armenians who say they prefer Erdoğan staying in power. A lot of western backed Islamist groups in Turkey are full of muslim Armenians who seek to destroy the Turkish Republic. Their goal is to undermine Turkish nationalism and secularism, change the constitution, turn it into a backwards nation, erdode it from within until it becomes another Iran ripe for balkanization.

As far as I know, the Greeks are crying everyday when they see a new drone, tank, jet, or ship.

The defence industry is literally the only establishment which is going well in the nation. I could explain why, but you will come up with everything reason why Erdoğan was pivotal. FYI we were building APCs, MLRS, ballistic missiles and more since the 90s. What we have now is a natural progression, really didn't expect us to go backwards now did you?

As far as I know, the dream of Kurdistan may very well burn once and for all rn in Syria and Turkey. Just look at the areas that was freed from PKK in Turkey and was opened to tourists and investments. 3 of PKK's biggest supporters on the field have been kicked and Turkey owns 70% of Syria along with all economic activity/resources aside from oil

Mate the dream of Kurdistan has already been established. Under Erdoğan's watch KRG has blossomed. He then gave YPG a lifeline when they were surrounded by giving PKK a corridor from Iraq, through Turkey to Syria. Then he just watched as they grew and swallowed a third of Syria. He launched a single operation against them in Afrin at the peak of his nationalist arc, then chickened out in 2019 due to international pressure. We were crushing them really good too in 2019, but it got cut off in 5 days.


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you're literally supporting Turkey's version of a left wing woke party that hates it's own country, but instead of being lib it's Islamist lol

The AKP is an anti-Turkish and anti-Türkiye formation. The AKP is a national security problem. It is alien to the values of the Turkish nation. It aims to melt the Turks.


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While the CHP and other opposition parties are calling for nation-wide protests against AKP's recent wide scale arrests, More and more prominent figures are being arrested. I think that the police have actually some substantial dirt on such figures and the AKP is cooking something big while some opposition circles are causing public unrest as they know what is to come when the juicy details are released

Halk TV Editor-in-Chief Suat Toktaş was arrested.

AKP is digging its own grave. People are fed up with this kind of FETO/Gulenist operations. AKP is using the exact same methods as Gulenists. This is a huge mistake.


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Yeah and that was Azerbaijan's fight. They fought and they won. Their leader didn't chicken out like Erdoğan did in late 2019. That's what happens when you give Turkish military weapons and advisors to a country with a half decent leader, even if he is a dictator. For your information, I've seen plenty of Armenians who say they prefer Erdoğan staying in power. A lot of western backed Islamist groups in Turkey are full of muslim Armenians who seek to destroy the Turkish Republic. Their goal is to undermine Turkish nationalism and secularism, change the constitution, turn it into a backwards nation, erdode it from within until it becomes another Iran ripe for balkanization.

The defence industry is literally the only establishment which is going well in the nation. I could explain why, but you will come up with everything reason why Erdoğan was pivotal. FYI we were building APCs, MLRS, ballistic missiles and more since the 90s. What we have now is a natural progression, really didn't expect us to go backwards now did you?

Mate the dream of Kurdistan has already been established. Under Erdoğan's watch KRG has blossomed. He then gave YPG a lifeline when they were surrounded by giving PKK a corridor from Iraq, through Turkey to Syria. Then he just watched as they grew and swallowed a third of Syria. He launched a single operation against them in Afrin at the peak of his nationalist arc, then chickened out in 2019 due to international pressure. We were crushing them really good too in 2019, but it got cut off in 5 days.

It started with Ozal to be honest.

Turgut Ozal is still hailed as a good leader while in reality he was a piece of shit just like Demirel.

I do believe Erdogan is being forced to do these operations. People constantly credit him for it while in reality he is only doing it to benefit himself.

Remember how the Russians killed 30 Turkish soldiers alongside Bashar Al Assad the outrage was too big to ignore. In 2016 when Turkiye fought against Isis the Russians "accidentally" bombed and killed 3 Turkish soldiers that got swept under the rug.

The Pilot that shot that Russian jet was hailed as a hero then he got thrown into prison and branded as a Feto traitor.

Im done defending Erdogan and the Akp i could careless if my dad gets triggered by it. Majority of people in Turkiye defend their leaders and their parties like its a fcking football team.


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CHP Istanbul Provincial Chairman Özgür Çelik and members of the organization admitted on live broadcast that they wanted to pull the bus to the pedestrian crossing for the sound system.
Reporter: We are live
Özgür Çelik: You didn't broadcast this part live, did you?


Bilge adam reis

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CHP Istanbul Provincial Chairman Özgür Çelik and members of the organization admitted on live broadcast that they wanted to pull the bus to the pedestrian crossing for the sound system.
Reporter: We are live
Özgür Çelik: You didn't broadcast this part live, did you?

Why do you even care about what he said? Erdogan laughed when our soldiers got executed by pkk lol

Bilge adam reis

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Yeah and that was Azerbaijan's fight. They fought and they won. Their leader didn't chicken out like Erdoğan did in late 2019. That's what happens when you give Turkish military weapons and advisors to a country with a half decent leader, even if he is a dictator. For your information, I've seen plenty of Armenians who say they prefer Erdoğan staying in power. A lot of western backed Islamist groups in Turkey are full of muslim Armenians who seek to destroy the Turkish Republic. Their goal is to undermine Turkish nationalism and secularism, change the constitution, turn it into a backwards nation, erdode it from within until it becomes another Iran ripe for balkanization.

The defence industry is literally the only establishment which is going well in the nation. I could explain why, but you will come up with everything reason why Erdoğan was pivotal. FYI we were building APCs, MLRS, ballistic missiles and more since the 90s. What we have now is a natural progression, really didn't expect us to go backwards now did you?

Mate the dream of Kurdistan has already been established. Under Erdoğan's watch KRG has blossomed. He then gave YPG a lifeline when they were surrounded by giving PKK a corridor from Iraq, through Turkey to Syria. Then he just watched as they grew and swallowed a third of Syria. He launched a single operation against them in Afrin at the peak of his nationalist arc, then chickened out in 2019 due to international pressure. We were crushing them really good too in 2019, but it got cut off in 5 days.
Great response to shut off uneducated folk 🙏


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honestly only someone who hates armenians would tell armenians to look to start a war again in 3 to 5 years haha. This dope was a member of Turkish parliment and he thinks armenians can develop a strong economy and military in just 3 to 5 years to start another war.

Imagine the Turkish taxpayer was paying his wages and his one job was to go around the world undermining the Turkish state. so bad is his hate of Turks and Turkiye that he wants enemy nations to attack Turkiye and her allies.

Interesting how the state can never put these guys away. Patriots and Nationalists all go to jail, enemies of the republic are so free that they can openly state their hostility.


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honestly only someone who hates armenians would tell armenians to look to start a war again in 3 to 5 years haha. This dope was a member of Turkish parliment and he thinks armenians can develop a strong economy and military in just 3 to 5 years to start another war.
He isnt wrong though

Armenia is actually on a military spending spree from India, Germany, and France at the moment
The moment Armenia notices a weakness within either Turkey or Azerbaijan, they will initiate a military operation similar to the one Azerbaijan did. Pashinyan is on thin ice and he will go to jail if his grip on power falters; thus, he will try to restore the public opinion one way or the other

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This dope was a member of Turkish parliment and he thinks armenians can develop a strong economy and military in just 3 to 5 years to start another war.
And this terrorist will receive an MP pension until he dies. Currently, excluding other social benefits and social security expenses granted to parliamentary pensioners, the minimum is 111,000 TL. If he has a pension from another institution, this figure may be over 200,000.


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And this terrorist will receive an MP pension until he dies. Currently, excluding other social benefits and social security expenses granted to parliamentary pensioners, the minimum is 111,000 TL. If he has a pension from another institution, this figure may be over 200,000.
Nothing can be done about that since a chunk of the turkish population elected him as an MP

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honestly only someone who hates armenians would tell armenians to look to start a war again in 3 to 5 years haha. This dope was a member of Turkish parliment and he thinks armenians can develop a strong economy and military in just 3 to 5 years to start another war.

Imagine the Turkish taxpayer was paying his wages and his one job was to go around the world undermining the Turkish state. so bad is his hate of Turks and Turkiye that he wants enemy nations to attack Turkiye and her allies.

Interesting how the state can never put these guys away. Patriots and Nationalists all go to jail, enemies of the republic are so free that they can openly state their hostility.
A real leader would have given the order to shot him in the head. You won't see these kind of bastards in other Countries, "somehow" only in Türkiye. Never ever would a proper leader let people like them INSIDE and alive in the Country.

Weakness brings Destruction.


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A real leader would have given the order to shot him in the head. You won't see these kind of bastards in other Countries, "somehow" only in Türkiye. Never ever would a proper leader let people like them INSIDE and alive in the Country.

Weakness brings Destruction.

You'll find those people in many countries. There are people actively working with Russia in the German parliament.


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A real leader would have given the order to shot him in the head. You won't see these kind of bastards in other Countries, "somehow" only in Türkiye. Never ever would a proper leader let people like them INSIDE and alive in the Country.

Weakness brings Destruction.
This is what I always state. We are too lenient with traitors and too harsh with patriots. And Anatolia is one hell of a land of traitors! No matter how much we worry about it, we are in the minority. Such countries are doomed to perdition.


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And this terrorist will receive an MP pension until he dies. Currently, excluding other social benefits and social security expenses granted to parliamentary pensioners, the minimum is 111,000 TL. If he has a pension from another institution, this figure may be over 200,000.

You would also think this guy is a major security threat, enters Turkish parliament, has access to many important people and institutions yet is openly an enemy of the Turkish republic. Turkish MIT under Hakan Fidan can't(won't) get these guys, but you get soldiers declare their admiration of Ataturk and erdogans screaming to have them all arrested.

It also shows they all know something, for him to move so openly, to speak so openly what does he know about the state of who rules Turkiye that he can behave this way. They must know that erdogan and the rest of them are enemies of the Turkish republic while parading as her leaders, how else can you explain their comfort in being open traitors. This rat has zero fear, zero f'ks to play the open enemy of the republic. How can that be, unless of course the current Turkish government is really enemies of the republic.

Country has probably been hijacked in near totality. The enemies have used islam to infiltrate and undermine the nation. What a cruel twist of fate, the single biggest race that did overwhelming majority of fighting in the name of islam, created the overwhelming majority of Islamic civilisations great empires, is being destroy from within via the smokescreen of these guys pretending to be Muslims.

Its a bit like that twitter shithead ragip, who never misses an opportunity to affront the Turkish people. I remember one of his tweets where he's mocking german Turks for protesting against their being too many refugees in germany, implying that Turks went to germany as refugees too. Basically trying to convince the world that the criminal minded "refugees" are no different to the Turks who were invited in to work and only contributed to the reconstruction of germany.

These people are mostly non-Turks, would not surprise me if the entire Islamist political axis of Turkiye is comprised of minorities who secretly hate the Turkish people. These non-Turks/enemies are becoming very easy to spot, they become uncomfortable at any time a Turk is proud of his history or identity. They ofcourse try to denounce your thoughts in a very slimy way, because if they come out in the open the Turk would sweep these pussies away like their ancestors have always been swept away. So they do it by saying Ataturk was a drunk and drinking is haram, or that nationalism is haram. But watch these same shitheads when it comes to "kurdistan" or "ocalan" Ocalan becomes a hero, or that the kemalist state oppressed him and kemalism is to blame for the Kurdish condition, meanwhile kurdish separatism, is never condemned on the basis of nationalism is haram by these same shitheads.

Bilge adam reis

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CHP, AKP, MHP none of them any good for Turkey. AKP seems more nationalist than CHP but their mistakes both domestically and internationally are enormous, so they are a bigger threat to Turkey in my opinion. But actually they did most of the damage already. I think some combination of Yavuz Agiralioglu, Sinan Ogan, Ümit Özdag, Turhan Cömez, Muharrem Ince and a few people from IYI parti seem to be the best choice. But not sure I'd keep this list if I get to know them more deeply.

It is a pity that this country has been managed so badly since 1938. When you come from Europe you see what Turks have done to themselves. Turks are their own biggest enemy. Otherwise, how can you explain children being torn apart by stray dogs. Is there any other country like this in the world?
Akp is so much nationalist that they want to get apo out of jail, and have been saying anti Turkish sentiment for years.

Filled the country with illegals and have been in a tight deal with kurdish crime gangs across the turkish state where average turk can't even get the meets end. Most of the kurdish population either threatens small business to pay money to them or deal drugs.

And these gangs have ties within the goverment LOL.

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