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LoL when ther was money in Turkey and crisis in Eu in 2008 you all people have lived good in Turkey you lived rich. Nobody in Eu cried like you people like now, 10 years later it is still not really good but people are happy not that they are rich. When ther was crisis i was her and i will always stay, i build my life.

Liberal, come and try say something to ther most sacred things and you will be punished. And you people will now what is to be like second grade citizen.
LOL, rich life. I call it modest life. Wanting a decent life is not crying. You could and you can always come to Turkey aka wonderland. No one holding you back. Thus, you can live as a first-grade citizen here.


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Look boy, firstly im not akp supporter.
U dont know who i am, where i pay my taxes, what am i doing in austria..... so u cant say smth. about me personally. If u want to be personally i can also say things about ur personality what im reading until now about u. But no need for that. Its ok to be angry for wrong politics of AKP, thats normal. but when begin to disrespect or talk trash about my religion or ancestors, then sorry but, i will fuck u up boy. Im not interested in your ideology or religion or Ethnicity, i will not talk about things. U are what u are, everybody has to respect that.

1- I am not your boy.
2- '' then sorry but, i will fuck u up boy.''
Reported, also bring it on. I am not going to be afraid of some expatriate living in Austria. I dont have to respect any religion. I dont have to respect anything. I can and I do respect people as long as they dont interfere with me but thats only until they begin to interfere with my lifestyle and my life standards. Islam is well beyond that line. I have been forced to learn it, I have been forced to memorize its verses in a language I dont understand, the life conditions of the country I live deteriorated because of it, I want to watch porn but it is banned, I want to drink alcohol in Ramadan but it is banned.

3- You chose your nation of residence Austria. This means you live in Austria and you pay your taxes to Austria. So cut the crap. You are hypocrite. You are hypocrite to your bone.

Austrias national historiography views Turk like this:

You live in this country and you pay your debt to a country that puts ''your ancestor'' under their feet. Why dont you tell them to destroy that statue. Why dont you roar them like you do to me? Why dont you tell them '' remove that statue or sorry but, i will fuck u up boy.'' Go tell this to Austrians. I am really curious about the outcome. Go do that. Because if you dont, then you are a hypocrite.

4- I am not the kid of yesterday. The moment I saw you used the word ''Mankurt'' I understood what I am dealing with. Typical islamist. Akp supporter or not(which I am sure you are, ''Akpli değilim ama'' is getting old around here) you people are hypocrites for criticising secular Turks from over there while living in European Turkophobic countries.

5- What is worst about you people is that you deteriorate the image of ''Turk'' for Europeans. You are not only useless in terms of lobbying, you also serve to Armenian/Greek interests with your reputation.

If you dont appreciate the superiority of European democracy and life standards, then come to Turkey and suffer with us. If not, then dont preach us over your cheap nationalism.


Today ( for west tomorrow ) is the first of may" labor day".
Guys how many hours and days do you work in the EU?
Do you know Türkish labours have to work 6 days per week and 12 hours every day for minumum wage?

Nonetheless there are millions of unemployed who are looking for those jobs.


100% Davarspor
he was officially expelled them, he must responsible for mosque because security assisted him.

There hasnt been any statement from government about this event.

You called him davarspor but they are predominant. They would call you infidel who Refused hadith of messenger.


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LOL, rich life. I call it modest life. Wanting a decent life is not crying. You could and you can always come to Turkey aka wonderland. No one holding you back. Thus, you can live as a first-grade citizen here.

Then why you call my life rich? No i can not come always, I have work and home. Lol, you people calling things and make up stories. Who told you that Turkey is wonderland? Same goes for Europe.


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Today ( for west tomorrow ) is the first of may" labor day".
Guys how many hours and days do you work in the EU?
Do you know Türkish labours have to work 6 days per week and 12 hours every day for minumum wage?

Nonetheless there are millions of unemployed who are looking for those jobs.
Working in Turkey is horrible, i know it from my relatives, its modern slavery.

Now some will speak against it again so as always lets prove it with stats:

Percentage of work force workig at minimum wage


Work hours of the most developed countries


Happy May 1. everyone. :(


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Dear members, please don't turn your arguments into personal insults. Our goal is not to create new haters. Forum rules are very clear. You can freely share your every opinion as long as you abide by these rules.


And what’s wrong with being a state like Iran while becoming more like the coward Europeans who let everybody shitting in their countries.
- Ruled by Mullahs who doesn't understand from anything be it economy, politics, foreign relations, etc.....
- No democracy, human rights, freedoms.. you live your life as the mullahs wants.

Feels like Turkey is one step away from Iran. We still have working elections. Other than that we already became Iran.


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1- I am not your boy.
2- '' then sorry but, i will fuck u up boy.''
Reported, also bring it on. I am not going to be afraid of some expatriate living in Austria. I dont have to respect any religion. I dont have to respect anything. I can and I do respect people as long as they dont interfere with me but thats only until they begin to interfere with my lifestyle and my life standards. Islam is well beyond that line. I have been forced to learn it, I have been forced to memorize its verses in a language I dont understand, the life conditions of the country I live deteriorated because of it, I want to watch porn but it is banned, I want to drink alcohol in Ramadan but it is banned.

3- You chose your nation of residence Austria. This means you live in Austria and you pay your taxes to Austria. So cut the crap. You are hypocrite. You are hypocrite to your bone.

Austrias national historiography views Turk like this:

You live in this country and you pay your debt to a country that puts ''your ancestor'' under their feet. Why dont you tell them to destroy that statue. Why dont you roar them like you do to me? Why dont you tell them '' remove that statue or sorry but, i will fuck u up boy.'' Go tell this to Austrians. I am really curious about the outcome. Go do that. Because if you dont, then you are a hypocrite.

4- I am not the kid of yesterday. The moment I saw you used the word ''Mankurt'' I understood what I am dealing with. Typical islamist. Akp supporter or not(which I am sure you are, ''Akpli değilim ama'' is getting old around here) you people are hypocrites for criticising secular Turks from over there while living in European Turkophobic countries.

5- What is worst about you people is that you deteriorate the image of ''Turk'' for Europeans. You are not only useless in terms of lobbying, you also serve to Armenian/Greek interests with your reputation.

If you dont appreciate the superiority of European democracy and life standards, then come to Turkey and suffer with us. If not, then dont preach us over your cheap nationalism.

You are free to watch your porn and drink your alcohol why are you crying about it??

Because you cant do this shit infront of a Muslim. Sorry not all of us like the smell of alcohol or being next to drunks.

I used to watch porn in the past I gave it up. If it was me I would get porn banned as it nearly destroyed my life.


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Working in Turkey is horrible, i know it from my relatives, its modern slavery.

Now some will speak against it again so as always lets prove it with stats:

Percentage of work force workig at minimum wage

View attachment 19523

Work hours of the most developed countries

View attachment 19521

Happy May 1. everyone. :(

Its the mentality that has to change a lot of Turks think working long hours is rewarding due to hard work not realising you can get much more done in a matter of time by being efficient and effective. A lot of Turks dont have that. We also love making our work harder rather than making it easy.

Koreans and Japanese working to death is horrific.


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We have become a country that the son in law of the president was the ministry of economy. I highly advise any of you to stop taking Turkey seriously.

We were a country to be taken seriously back in the day. Now we are a tribal tent state doing not much better than Somalia, Mali etc.

We had a large established bureucracy. Erdogan got rid of them calling them monşer and replaced them with imam hatip graduant street women with hijab without any qualifications. We have by luck seen the situation of our embassy in Netherlands in that crisis. The embasy of republic of Turkey is like a primary school parent-teacher association room. Street women wearing hijabs make pilav days, eat sarma etc. Erdogan got rid of all the ambassadors, bureucrats that were the accumuliation of this country calling them monşer and replaced them with these unqualified to even be garbageman people

and no wonder 3 million Armenia and 10 million Greece and stateless PKK is wiping the floor with us in terms of diplomacy!

How many scandals have we gone through? The backpedalling in the Brunson affair? Ver papazı, al papazı?

For any of these scandals one government would fall. In Akp not even one minister, one deputy resigned.

I am laughing my ass to those getting suprised seeing Turkey between Mali and Nigeria in these lists! What else did you expect? Those countries are doing sth too after all, they arent living in stone age. Of course if a country is so curious to go backwards constantly, eventually it was going to reach that point. Not just Erdogan since Suleyman Demirel, in fact since Adnan Menderes this nation always voted for the assholes, corrupt dipshits. This nation always esteemed the traitorous tariqahs.
Just watch those street interviews, why would there be a reason for Turkey to be stay above Mali? Is its people smarter? Anything dumber than what we see in those videos are called clinically retarded.
There was only one thing keeping this country float: what Erdogan calls Kemalist vesayet. There was an accumulated bureucracy that always managed to handle populist traitorous corrupt politicians this nation has chosen. Erdogan destroyed that and replaced them with Fetö and nowadays with other tariqah members.

What did you expect from a country ruled by a government obsessed with a religious ideology? A country that deteriorates its relations with other countries based on religion? How much can such a country survive in 21st century? Turkey even bared very long and we owe that to the Kemalisms accumulation up until now. If not for that we would have been worse than Syria and Afghanistan. A country is ruled with rationalism and pragmatism. Only rationalism and pragmatism. A country must be secular in todays neoliberal, modern world. There is no other option to this. There is no alternative to this. Otherwise the country will collapse or become a living hell for its people like all the other Muslim countries right now.

Dumbasses collapsed the economy, the education, the internet speed, the juridical system, the dignity and esteem of the country and he still goes on and instead of feeling shame and keeping it quiet bans alcohol, bans porn sites... He gives zero shit about how people are doing, all he cares about his ikhwanist, islamist ideology and he is willing to waste Turkey and its 83 million people to oblivion just to satisfy his ideological obsessions!

My sister and I are both in state universities. So I am aware of the situation in the academy. There is no Turkish academy! There is no university, there is no scientific progress in Turkey! Even if there happens to be an idealist person in any university(which there hardly is) there is no state fund to conduct researches! We might as well close all universities and profit from academician wages I am serious!

Government doesnt obey to supreme court. This is what Turkey has become.

Let that sink in for a moment. Turkey became a country that law does not apply anymore. You go on and make fun of Mali. We will fall behind them if this goes like this.

Mali has been in the chaos for decades not to mention its one of the most poorest countries in the world.

Tell me how does Turkey end up like Mali?? Bring a Malian into Turkey that country would be paradise for him.

So many people live with this fear oh we are going to become like Iran, Mexico, Somalia, Syria and Afghanistan 🤣🤣🤣

I guess because we are all brown and black that we might all be the same.


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Lot of auto chauvinist opinions and attitudes here. If the forum representts Turkey i would say it is lost cuase, twisting tongues and spitting on Turkey from false west dichotomy became ridicoulus and sad expression of menal colonisation.


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And what’s wrong with being a state like Iran while becoming more like the coward Europeans who let everybody shitting in their countries.
Do you want me to make a list? Cmon man its weekend dont wanna waste time with that.


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Lot of auto chauvinist opinions and attitudes here. If the forum representts Turkey i would say it is lost cuase, twisting tongues and spitting on Turkey from false west dichotomy became ridicoulus and sad expression of menal colonisation.
Hey look we use our freedom of having our own opinion, i know you cant stand it since islamists generally cant tolerate different opinions but you will have to deal with it i fear.


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1- ''You litterally raped it, so we come to mine point you can not translate it.''

It is a rock solid translation, it doesnt even lose the emotion which shouldnt even be important for Quran which is a text claiming to be a universal guidance for all humanity. Plus, who are you to say? Your English is obviously not good enough to judge how good a translation it is!

2- You say even in this post ''litterally'', ''mine point'', ''mine English''. Also the only grammar mistake there in 3 is a missing ''to'' between ''have'' and ''go cannibal''.

3- Ethnicities dont determine lifestyles. We live in a post modern, neoliberal, globalized world, whether you like it or not. This isnt a unique situation to Turks. Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, American, Indonesian, Vietnamese teenagers all live with the same lifestyle. The only difference between nationalities is the language.

Even Ottoman Caliphs decided the empire should start copying the West. Nations from Far East decided the same thing. An island nation on the edge of Europe: England, completely invaded India! The factory and economy of the Earth. Then they went on with conquering China. So obviously they did sth right and everybody understood they must be copied or it is extinction! Japanese Emperor Meiji, Ottoman Sultan Caliph Abdulaziz all of them understood they have to copy Europe because they were obviously doing things right!

Everybody understood, the caliph of islam, the emperor of Japan everyone understood but the retrogressive ignorant retards of our country couldnt comprehend this in 500 years. Europeans f*d us. Even the Sultan Caliph admitted they f*d us. Battle after battle was lost. They f*d China, they f*d India. Europeans absolutely dominated the World. They proved themselves to be the ones on the right path in progression. They left everyone biting the dust.

If today China is catching them from behind, China is doing it not by following the Confucian doctrines, they are doing it by copycatting Europeans and Americans. They dont have retrogressive retards asking ''but what is our difference, but what is our difference?!?''

Repeating Qurans verses didnt, memorising Confucianist doctrines didnt grant anything useful. They were completely waste of time! Positive sciences and the liberal culture that allowed free thinking and critical, sceptic, secular thinking capabilities combined with uniter nationalism proved itself to be successful. Ottomans werent successful no. They lost. At the end of their journey they had to beg for mercy. They asked from their European overlords to continue ruling Anatolian Turks as shepherds, as the governors of Europeans.

If we managed to hold onto this remaining land in Anatolia it is all thanks to our copying skills of Europeans. I wish we could have copied them more.

''batının bilimini alacağız, ahlakını almayacağız''

Idiot! That science comes with that culture! Without it you sit on your ass. I wish we got that ''batının ahlaksızlığı'' in exchange of ''doğunun ahlaksızlığı''. I would prefer the former to latter at any day!

Long live the ''batının ahlaksızlığı''!!!!

Free LGBT or corrupt politician waving Quran in the meetings? I say you can even drill me if you want!!!

Anddd boy I am glad generation Z overwhelmingly thinks same as me! We will finally bury this dinosaur mentality under the dust!

The Turks founded numerous empires we took world history by storm.

You are basically saying our ancestors were failures.

Blood raven

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The Turks founded numerous empires we took world history by storm.

You are basically saying our ancestors were failures.
For the last 300 years the ottoman empire was a big failure. There is a reason why the european empires called us "the sick man of europe" and why the caliphs tried really hard to westernise like abdulmejid I.


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Then why you call my life rich? No i can not come always, I have work and home. Lol, you people calling things and make up stories. Who told you that Turkey is wonderland? Same goes for Europe.
I didn't call it rich. The phrase "it's rich" means "it's ironic". I recently moved to Europe, even though not the richest country in Europe. My life quality improved. Here life quality doesn't mean money. You don't live in Turkey. You don't call it wonderland but when people criticize the government you defend them blindly.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Hey look we use our freedom of having our own opinion, i know you cant stand it since islamists generally cant tolerate different opinions but you will have to deal with it i fear.
Yea, that is rich and hypocritical from you, we see how you second homeland tolerate different opinions and freedoms of expression, spare me.


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No, I am not. Porn sites are banned in Turkey and they just banned alcohol sales. It is natural you dont know these because you live in Australia. Yeah, there are restrictions in Turkey. Based on a religion.

There is no such world. I can drink, eat wherever I want, whenever I want. I dont have to restrict myself because of your religion. There are already sufficient laws about people getting drunk and irritating their surrounding. If you dont want to get effected by the sight or smell of my food or drink then stay inside your house. This has nothing to do with respect. It is time you learn to respect others. Asking others to restrict themselves isnt expecting respect, it is islamofascism. If I come up with a religion that demands others to kiss my penis, will you do it to respect me?

Why do you Muslims have this never ending desire of interfering with other peoples lifes? If you dont like it, dont do it. Why are you feeling the need of interfering with what I do in my house? Why is the state so curious at entering under my roof?

and you never stop talking about ''you have to respect! you have to respect!''. There is only one people not respecting others and it is you people.

Are you aware how we avoided a civil war only by an inch in 2016? Because Erdogan created himself a cult of personality, took all the power on himself and extremely polarized the nation; if Gulenists(who became so strong due to him) managed to kill him that night Turkey would be no different than Syria and Mali.
And he still didnt learn his lesson, he is still insisting on not obeying Ataturks teaching on tariqahs. He still supports many.

In a normal country where there is the principle of seperate forces, a strong bureucracy even if the head of the state gets assassinated it wouldnt be a huge risk. But if that head of the state accumulates all the power on himself, tries to create (a very unjust I might add) cult of personality and gets rid of the bureucracy calling it ''monşer'' or ''kemalist vesayet'' he puts everything at stake with his life.

Today even if he dies from natural causes like heart attack, we know there will be a huge chaos. So we must hope he loses an election and accepts he lost before dying.

What does this have to do with Ottoman Empire which was constantly having humiliating defeats and losing lands? Which was the only empire in Europe that couldnt industrialise?
Turks were successful in medieval ages as soldiers and conquerors because of their nomadic lifestyle. Nomadic lifestyle makes you a warrior automatically.

But Turks were never good scholars, sth also was caused by their nomadic lifestyle. There is no one invention or scientific discovery in 622 years of Ottoman history. Let that sink in for a moment.

In that 622 years many of the Turks werent nomads at that point but they still remained backwards in terms of scholarship and science. Without questioning why, without looking at the place that does it good there is no way of advancing as a nation.

You are always taking the emotional high road on me. With an attitude like this there is no way to conduct a constructive discussion. Yes, our ancestors were the best, they founded many empires, they were unbeatable, they were going to conquer the world, nothing went wrong!!!

Why are we living such a miserable life then?

Even the boomer generation Turks right now are failures.

Get a vpn. I say this dont watch porn i know you dont follow a religion but porn destroys you in the long run. This issue is personal so its up to you to decide.

Porn destroys the meaning of sex also causes addiction akin to drugs. Porn nearly destroyed my life no joke.

Seriously our ancestors spent most of their time fighting and conquering. They did not have time for bilim.

If you are talking about the Ottoman empire not contributing jack shit then the various Turkic empires done nothing too ozaman.

You are talking orientalist points academic studies have shown that the Seljuks, Ottomans, Mamluks, Timurids and the Ghaznavids have all contributed to science and knowledge.

Us Turks fell off from being at the top once the industrial revolution set in.

Which empire has not suffered humilations and defeats especially at its declining amd collapsing state????

At the end every empire or civilisation will bite the dust because thats life.

Funny how people are willing to overlook successes and quickly point to failures then use it as a way to slander to cover their inferior complex.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same. Boundaries shift, new players step in; but power always finds a place to rest its head."
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