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He is being honest. If he was lying he wouldn't give an interview to Sözcü.

If so, his friend is paying for holiday. Thats nothing you can speak about. İts between him and his friend. Maybe it was a business holiday ?
Why don't you just answer my question. I asked a very simple question with a simple answer.

Please, answer my question.


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Okay, we learned about your ethics.

@boracetkin please give your answer too.
Yes, explain what he did wrong? He is not allowed to have friemds? Did that friend has some preferencial treattmen from his department. Please enlighten us what is wrong with this.
Btw., usa politics and bussiness function exactly the same like this.


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Why don't you just answer my question. I asked a very simple question with a simple answer.

Please, answer my question.
İsmail Demir is an politicians. Sure he will have rich friends. He will do business with many people. Maybe even with his family members (there isn't any clue about it though). It's not bad that he has a rich friend and wants to pay for him. He is already rich. He was working in THY before SSB. For couple years he is working in SSB. You can't know if he went there for "bad business" or good ones. You can't just blame him. As I said he has no previous proven corruption.


Yes, explain what he did wrong? He is not allowed to have friemds? Did that friend has some preferencial treattmen from his department. Please enlighten us what is wrong with this.
Btw., usa politics and bussiness function exactly the same like this.

İsmail Demir is an politicians. Sure he will have rich friends. He will do business with many people. Maybe even with his family members (there isn't any clue about it though). It's not bad that he has a rich friend and wants to pay for him. He is already rich. He was working in THY before SSB. For couple years he is working in SSB. You can't know if he went there for "bad business" or good ones. You can't just blame him. As I said he has no previous proven corruption.

Okay, thank you both for your answers. I was actually not trying to argue with you. I just wanted to show the people who read this place what kind of people are the AKP supporters, what kind moral and ethic codes they have. How they want to normalize dirty relations and bribery under the cover of Islam.

What İsmail Demir did, was a crime according our laws.

He will take jail time for this crime.

@UkroTurk 🚬 @Deliorman @xenon5434 @T-123456 @Saithan @tornadoss @Nilgiri @Vag


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Okay, thank you both for your answers. I was actually not trying to argue with you. I just wanted to show the people who read this place what kind of people are the AKP supporters, what kind moral and ethic codes they have. How they want to normalize dirty relations and bribery under the cover of Islam.

What İsmail Demir did, was a crime according our laws.

He will take jail time for this crime.

Bravo for you guys to show everyone, what you are made of and proving my words for AKP supporters once more. You never surprise me because i know how your mind works.

@UkroTurk 🚬 @Deliorman @xenon5434 @T-123456 @Saithan @tornadoss @Nilgiri @Vag
I am literalist regarding to the law, if he is quilty let him go in jail, i have no problems with that.
But it would be impossible to prove on any normal court that this situation is criminal offence.


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LoL, don; t forget bugra kavukcu if you compare it with Ismail Demir....


Bugra Kavukcu does have a rich friends and family no problem. Ismail Demir samething...

I hope Demir go another time for a holiday...


I am literalist regarding to the law, if he is quilty let him go in jail, i have no problems with that.
But it would be impossible to prove on any normal court that this situation is criminal offence.

LoL, don; t forget bugra kavukcu if you compare it with Ismail Demir....


Bugra Kavukcu does have a rich friends and family no problem. Ismail Demir samething...

I hope Demir go another time for a holiday...

Öncelikle attığın belge de rüşvetten bahsediyor. Arkadaşı aracılığıyla gittiğini söylemiş. Ailesiyle gittiğini söylemiş. Rüşvet olduğunu nereden bileceksin? Görevi esnasında yaptığı bir tatil değil.

İkincisi biz burada bir suçu savunmuyoruz. Ki ortada bir suç yok. İsmail Demir otele gittiğini kendisi kabul etmiş. Ama orada ne yaptığını bilmiyoruz. otele gitmek bile suç sayılıyorsa aptallık. Demirin suçlu ya da suçsuz olduğu kanıtlanmamışken yaptığınız bu aptalca iftiralara karşı duruyoruz sadece. Demirin daha önce ne kaçakçılığı olmuş ne dolandırıcılığı olmuş ne zaman çaldığı olmuş ? Her zaman işini siyaset üstü tutan birisi oldu. Hiçbir zaman işinin içine siyasetini katmadı.

Ayrıca sana burada insanlara AKPli veya olmadığını söyleme hakkını kim veriyor ? Sen kendini ne zannediyorsun ? Ben de @mulj da AKP yi savunmadık. İsmail Demiri savunmayı direkt olarak AKP ile iliştiriyorsan aptalca siyasi takıntıların var demektir.

Bu forumdaki tek olayın gelip bu politika başlığında konuşman. Savunma sanayinin siyasetini yapacaksan çıkıp gidebilirsin.

Daha önce de Selçuk Bayraktara laf ettiniz ona çamur atmaya çalıştınız noldu ? Haklı çıktı iftira atıldığını herkese kanıtladı.
A state worker can't accept gifts, benefits and bribe. I know that you are not going to read the law on this.

Like i said before i'm not trying to argue with you (law is solid on this) because i know what kind of people you are. I'm just exposing you for everyone to see. I know that you were going to protect an AKP official, regardless of what he did. I know you would protect an AKP official even if they rape kids. Like i say, i know you.


Look even AKP news agency how warned state officers.

Neither watch nor pen is allowed.

But we are speaking here about expensive holiday.



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If he was on holiday during his free time, by my logic there was no bribe or anything like that, it is my bussiness how i pay hotel in my free time.


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A state worker can't accept gifts, benefits and bribe. I know that you are not going to read the law on this.

Like i said before i'm not trying to argue with you (law is solid on this) because i know what kind of people you are. I'm just exposing you for everyone to see. I know that you were going to protect an AKP official, regardless of what he did. I know you would protect an AKP official even if they rape kids. Like i say, i know you.

I really feel pity for you.

Ismail demir did go to holiday, he made a mistake. Go kill the guy...


Sinan insanların direkt AKP li olmadığını anlayabiliyorsan dünyanın en kötü siyasal bilimcisi falansın herhalde çünkü AKP li değilim. Sadece aptalca bir iftiraya karşı Demir i savunuyorum. Sende taraflı gazetelerin aslı olmayan iftiralarına inanan koyunlardan biri olmaya devam edebilirsin.
If you don't know Turkish, i'm gonna summarize this.

All though, İsmail Demir, he himself admitted it. He calls this slander against.


I pity you, and you can go cry a river. When people show you facts everybody turns in somekind conspiracy theory.


Ismail demir did go to holiday, he made a mistake. Go kill the guy...
I don't care for the other guys, i don't know them, i don't care for them a bit.

But, i know for you along time, we have history. After everything you read here. Do you seriously understand the whole situation as "İsmail Demir going to holiday" ?


If he was on holiday during his free time, by my logic there was no bribe or anything like that, it is my bussiness how i pay hotel in my free time.
Do you think that it only happens to be crime if a state worker accepts gifts between 8:30am - 17:30pm in workdays?

Why going that low for protecting a crime, huh? Does it worth it? Don't you have any shame?


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Do you think that it only happens to be crime if a state worker accepts gifts between 8:30am - 17:30pm in workdays?

Why going that low for protecting a crime, huh? Does it worth it? Don't you have any shame?
I am reasoning with logic and facts, unless it is proven that Demir facilitated profit from his state position to his friend, he is just blessed to have such a great friend. I am always fond for benefit of doubt regardless who the person is.


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Bro, he himself admitted that he stayed in a luxury hotel. Where room price is between 50.000 to 100.000 TL. At least for 5 days and all his expenses covered by his business man friend. Who pays for a friend's holiday costing at least 500.000 Liras.

More over he stayed in a hotel where hotels owners has business in defense industry. And Ismail Demir's friend and this hotel owner has business ventures.

Bro, in Finland Prime minister is under investigation for accepting €300 breakfast.

Look, just say, this whole situation with is normal, ethic, by your standarts. Please,say that.
Let's be honest, the amount you mention in there is literally nothing for amount of the bribes going on around. It does need an indepth investigation before concluding that stay at luxury hotel was linked to a bribe or such. I would rather want to see if they have a relationship in the past before 2000 as friends.

The bigger problem here is, there is nobody to investigate those claims even briefly or as a cover up.


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I don't care for the other guys, i don't know them, i don't care for them a bit.

But, i know for you along time, we have history. After everything you read here. Do you seriously understand the whole situation as "İsmail Demir going to holiday" ?

Do you believe he made a deal in the hotel if that is your opinion? Or he shouldn't accepted that gift? IF you say ther is more just stop ther, if you say gift is not allowed then you are right.

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