TR Politics


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Let me guess we have to tolerate that shit just so we dont hurt their feelings.

it is easy, put aside emotions and vote for parties that will not go in coalition with them by any means. that would rational person do.


4 2,710
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Since when does democracy allow for terrorists to take office?

We literally have politicians that are supporting terrorists and chanting terrorist slogans and songs in the heart of the Turkish republic.
If an individual has ties with terrorist organisations there are mechanisms for them to be punished. And the people with criminal records can not be a MP afaik.


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it is easy, put aside emotions and vote for parties that will not go in coalition with them by any means. that would rational person do.

Hdp was given so many chances either you drop the terrorists and become part of the turkish parliament but instead they increased it while laughing at us lets not forget how they called upon Kurds to riot and attack police and soldiers also Turkish civilians.

Hdp even wants to kick Turks of eastern turkey as they believe we dont belong there. If we dont belong there they can go back to the zagros mountains their original home.


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1) HDP should be closed
2) All of their executives should be banned from politics including city, district, and village administration officials.
3) Members of the party should be put on a terror watch.
Useless tbh
Erdo tried closing this party like 2 to 3 times before and they just kept. I believe the HDP was once called BJP before when Erdo closed the damn party

The terrorist PKK keeps respawning like a mob boss in a game. The only way to solve this problem is to jail all of those assholes at once; however, the main factor preventing such act is that the HDP enjoys the support and protection of around 10% of the turkish electoral vote

It was akp who changed the law about closing parties and saved hdp. Yet closing hdp won't solve anything as we experienced it before. They will create a new one, and if you don't leave place for their supporters in politics it will marginalize them even more.
Rn, closing the HDP will just make them even stronger which is something that turkey doesnt want rn
Since when does democracy allow for terrorists to take office?

We literally have politicians that are supporting terrorists and chanting terrorist slogans and songs in the heart of the Turkish republic.
Since those terrorists enjoy support of the majority of the kurds; which constitutes around 10% of the electoral vote, the constitution allows them to make a party. I mean..... you cant jail around 10% of the electoral votes, right?
Anyway, we need to learn from the past, Erdogan closed PKK-linked parties 2 times before and it didnt work. As I said before, the HDP is the 3rd generation of such party so closing them rn will be a mistake


4 2,710
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it is easy, put aside emotions and vote for parties that will not go in coalition with them by any means. that would rational person do.
Well hdp is not and was not in coalition with other parties, I am not seeing them to be part of same coalition with IYI.


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If a individual has ties with terrorist organisations there are mechanisms for them to be punished. And the people with criminal records can not be a MP afaik.
If we followed your logic, then all of the HDP will not be able to join the parliament and become an MP etc... by then, ppl will use this as an excuse to start calling you as dictators, killers, and how you are being biased against the KURDS

If Turkey did your suggestion, Turkey will fall into an even greater trap


4 2,710
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If we followed your logic, then all of the HDP will not be able to join the parliament and become an MP etc... by then, ppl will use this as an excuse to start calling you as dictators, killers, and how you are being biased against the KURDS

If Turkey did your suggestion, Turkey will fall into an even greater trap
What I am saying is there is mechanism which is not utilized right now.


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Well hdp is not and was not in coalition with other parties, I am not seen they will be part of same coalition with IYI.
well, give me tha math were iyi and chp have 50 plus 1 votes. you are choosing to ignore obvious. without HDP votes opposition can not form goverement.

prepare yourself for another AKP mandate that is real politic circumtences.


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Well hdp is not and was not in coalition with other parties, I am not seen they will be part of same coalition with IYI.
Are you serious?
Mate..... officially they arent in a coalition; however, behind the scenes, they are in a really deep relationship with both the CHP and iYi

Have you ever asked yourself why didnt the iYi cancel their coalition with the CHP when the mighty kilicdaroglu asked for the release of Kavala and Demirtas? When Kilicdaroglu asked the HDP to "ironically" limit their connections with the PKK?
The CHP and iYi are in cahoots with the HDP; however, they wont officially announce it since the iYi will lose the votes of the right wing if ppl find out they are dealing with terrorists which is something the iYi doesnt want. The iYi is like pre-AKP when it was still the US's slave


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Hdp was given so many chances either you drop the terrorists and become part of the turkish parliament but instead they increased it while laughing at us lets not forget how they called upon Kurds to riot and attack police and soldiers also Turkish civilians.

Hdp even wants to kick Turks of eastern turkey as they believe we dont belong there. If we dont belong there they can go back to the zagros mountains their original home.
i am not forgeting anything, their 10-15% are hard fact to cope with, Erdogan will use that card as any smart politician would have.


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Since when does democracy allow for terrorists to take office?

We literally have politicians that are supporting terrorists and chanting terrorist slogans and songs in the heart of the Turkish republic.
Just look at Northern Ireland. Sinn Fein is the legalised face of IRA , the terrorist organisation represented in UK parliament.
ETA in Spain was represented by Batasuna, EHAK and Sortu . Closing them did not solve the problem though.
These are countries that are far ahead of Turkey in terms of percentage level of education. And wealth. Each country needs to adapt a system that suits her best. But closing parties never solved the real underlying problem.


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What I am saying is there is mechanism which is not utilized right now.
I agree
Iam just saying we cant utilise such mechanism as it will give more ammunition to the kurds and the West while Turkey will gain nothing


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Are you serious?
Mate..... officially they arent in a coalition; however, behind the scenes, they are in a really deep relationship with both the CHP and iYi

Have you ever asked yourself why didnt the iYi cancel their coalition with the CHP when the mighty kilicdaroglu asked for the release of Kavala and Demirtas? When Kilicdaroglu asked the HDP to "ironically" limit their connections with the PKK?
The CHP and iYi are in cahoots with the HDP; however, they wont officially announce it since the iYi will lose the votes of the right wing if ppl find out they are dealing with terrorists which is something the iYi doesnt want. The iYi is like pre-AKP when it was still the US's slave
he is aware but choose self ignorance attitude because hate towards AKP is stronger.


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he as aware but choose self ignorance attitude because hate towards AKP is stronger.
Lets not kid ourselves here
I respect Erdo. However, all the shit he is in right now was partially caused by his own hands. This isnt an economic forum, but I do know that the current approval ratings for Erdo would have been way higher than the opposistion if he just raised the interest rates
Erdogan is just creating more problems for himself out of bloody thin air


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Lets not kid ourselves here
I respect Erdo. However, all the shit he is in right now was partially caused by his own hands. This isnt an economic forum, but I do know that the current approval ratings for Erdo would have been way higher than the opposistion if he just raised the interest rates
Erdogan is just creating more problems for himself out of bloody thin air
1 and some more of year is more then enough time for people to forget it , he is not stupid guy and will utilize all possible instruments to ease economic condition of ordinary citizens couple of months before elections, that combined with lot of military projects announced for 2023 and usual short memory among the humans will grant him easy win. AKP will have again most votes as party, rest of the bussines is simple coalition mixing.
and one more thing as much is AKP sentiment strong there is also even stronger anti CHP sentiment which will be preloaded at the end of the day into AKP camp.


4 2,710
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Are you serious?
Mate..... officially they arent in a coalition; however, behind the scenes, they are in a really deep relationship with both the CHP and iYi

Have you ever asked yourself why didnt the iYi cancel their coalition with the CHP when the mighty kilicdaroglu asked for the release of Kavala and Demirtas? When Kilicdaroglu asked the HDP to "ironically" limit their connections with the PKK?
The CHP and iYi are in cahoots with the HDP; however, they wont officially announce it since the iYi will lose the votes of the right wing if ppl find out they are dealing with terrorists which is something the iYi doesnt want. The iYi is like pre-AKP when it was still the US's slave
Of course there is interaction between chp and hdp but I am not sure about that deep relation between hdp and IYI. IYI wouldn't burn bridges with CHP over hdp. Not if they want akp to go.
of course my hatred towards akp is higher compared to hdp. It was vice versa when was younger. But for me akp has far more threat for prosperity of Republic of Turkey as they have power to alter its direction, and I am living consequences of their action unlike you.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Of course there is interaction between chp and hdp but I am not sure about that deep relation between hdp and IYI. IYI wouldn't burn bridges with CHP over hdp. Not if they want akp to go.
of course my hatred towards akp is higher compared to hdp. It was vice versa when was younger. But for me akp has far more threat for prosperity of Republic of Turkey as they have power to alter its direction, and I am living consequences of their action unlike you.
Do not get me wrong that i am trzing to persuade you into something, i am just observing facts. On the other hand you should also be prepared to the other consequences of your choices if that political option win, all available variables tell me that you might be regretfull once again as once with AKP. So, why repeat same mistake twice if it is mistake at all?


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Oh well we'll well, akp gang got together again ,oh wait, it was not akp who let those terrorist to come to Turkey in Habur and clap them?? Or it was not akp whick created 'acilim' and let those terrorists to create tunnels inany of our countries?? Or the one who cleared mines from Syria border and now trying to remove mines from Iran border?? Yep it was all akp's supporters have face to call other parties terrorist ,no surprise!!


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Since when does democracy allow for terrorists to take office?

We literally have politicians that are supporting terrorists and chanting terrorist slogans and songs in the heart of the Turkish republic.
The government by its own definition supported, harbored and accepted asisstance from a terrorist organization, so theoratically they can be tried with treason which is still punishable by death.
Just saying. :rolleyes:


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Useless tbh
Erdo tried closing this party like 2 to 3 times before and they just kept. I believe the HDP was once called BJP before when Erdo closed the damn party

The terrorist PKK keeps respawning like a mob boss in a game. The only way to solve this problem is to jail all of those assholes at once; however, the main factor preventing such act is that the HDP enjoys the support and protection of around 10% of the turkish electoral vote

Rn, closing the HDP will just make them even stronger which is something that turkey doesnt want rn

Since those terrorists enjoy support of the majority of the kurds; which constitutes around 10% of the electoral vote, the constitution allows them to make a party. I mean..... you cant jail around 10% of the electoral votes, right?
Anyway, we need to learn from the past, Erdogan closed PKK-linked parties 2 times before and it didnt work. As I said before, the HDP is the 3rd generation of such party so closing them rn will be a mistake
In the past, different parties were closed, and sometimes only people at the top were banned from politics for a specific time. What I say is ban all of the party officials from the very bottom to top indefinately and put all official members on terror watch. This has never been done in the history of the Turkish Republic.

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