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I've been to a few areas filled with syrians in Turkey and it didnt look like they were assimilating at all, they don't even want to learn the language. Go to fatih district as an example. I remember walking around that place walking in and speaking Turkish to the shop owners and bar one out of maybe 20 places they were all disgusted to hear Turkish being spoken and were quick to tell me in English "no Turkish". Despite fleeing Turkey and being safe in Turkey they are more interested in learning English, then Turkish in Turkey.

One thing you learn quickly when you meet people from the mena regions, Turkish culture is much closer to southern European culture then it is MENA. Most of MENA culture is quite alien to Turkish culture if i'm being honest.

Also in Istanbul the Turkish people are very friendly and warm, they say hello, their polite, considerete etc. The syrians barge you out of the way, next to none of them smile at you or greet you, they make no efforts to help you.

The impression i also got despite non of the native Turks wanting to say bad things about it, they all realise how bad this is for the harmony of the nation.

I used to go the starbucks in the fatih distict shopping mall for a few mornings in a row and i would just watch the people and how they behave. One thing you notice was how the syrians would take up seats and order nothing, even putting their feet on chairs. They could see people with drinks looking for a place to sit and they couldnt care less to make room for them to sit down. Whenever they ordered i didnt hear one order in Turkish, they were either showing the order on their phone or speaking in broken english. Next to none of them were polite to the staff, none of them made an effort to clean their table up either. Sometimes they would sit various tables across from each other and would scream to each other in arabic holding a conversation annoying other people.

If your being honest, its an absolute disaster and a few decades from now its going to be another separatist problem that the west will instigate.
'You cannot let refugees in the cities and streets unless you educate them properly'

This is not a very hard Rule to follow.
Seems like, unfortunately Turkish authority and government couldn't manage to maintain the separation.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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'You cannot let refugees in the cities and streets unless you educate them properly'

This is not a very hard Rule to follow.
Seems like, unfortunately Turkish authority and government couldn't manage to maintain the separation.
Issue is that some refugees/migrants refuse to learn. This is a common problem in America also.

As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Fuzuli NL

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There are some cities and towns here in Germany, you don't hear German when you're outside. Syrian Arabs, Kurds, Yezidis, Bulgarians, Romanians, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Gypsies, Albanians have taken over. Turks used to be the dominant minority but they aren't any more.
Don't get me started about the shouting and loud conversations and eating sunflower seeds in public and littering etc.


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Madde 101 – (Değişik: 21/1/2017-6771/7 md.)

Cumhurbaşkanı, kırk yaşını doldurmuş, yükseköğrenim yapmış, milletvekili seçilme yeterliliğine sahip Türk vatandaşları arasından, doğrudan halk tarafından seçilir.

Cumhurbaşkanının görev süresi beş yıldır. Bir kimse en fazla iki defa Cumhurbaşkanı seçilebilir.


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The issue for me is not really one about integration, people i guess can chose to live in areas they feel more comfortable in. The problem is that Turks are exceptionally naïve people and we are useless at countering western instigations. The Ottoman empire was brought down by the British, French and Russians instigating minority revolts.

The Kurds were first settled in the south eastern region of Turkey by Ottoman Turks around the 15th century when they fled the Safavid Shias, the Kurds being sunni made geopolitical sense for the Ottomans at the time. Anyway, fast forward to world war one and Kurds to a much lessor degree then the Arabs were also instigated to revolt against the Turks on promises of a Kurdistan that would be located within Northern Iraq. That map has since expanded by these instigators to take most of eastern Turkey.

Anyway the Turks fight and create Turkey. Since Turkey has been created millions of Kurds have fled the surrounding nations into Turkey, literally millions. The first gulf war we had 2 millions Kurds flee to Turkey, they mostly stayed and settled in Turkey.

Now the problem is not that these people run to Turkey and settle in Turkey, the problem is the Turks are incapable of fighting western instigations within her borders.

So here we are today and the west is moving towards the narrative of a Turkish/Kurdish war.

I can already see the international media moving to create social tensions/conflicts between the Turks and Syrian refugees, Al shit/jazerra works really hard to run with negative stories showing how syrians are racially abused and that the Turks are bad to them.

So its obvious that the Syrian refugees will be worked on by the international instigators the exact same ways they worked on the kurdish people in Turkey.

Keep in mind how a few thousand kurdish refugees arriving at the Polish border where they kicked and beaten were protrayed in comparison. We feed and home the worlds largest refugee population and the media demonises us for it, a few thousand kurds turn up at the Polish border where they refused entry and beaten the Poles are showing as defending Europe.

Turks got to wake up. We can't keep falling for the same tricks.

And we must stand guard against political wokism that comes into Muslim majority nations as "political islam".


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let me see if this will piss everyone off, defense hub users you are the children of the USA.

A typical day in Turkish politics; although, Soylu isnt wrong since 80% of the parliament are like US slaves

Most of AKP (if not all), iYi, CHP, Zafer, and above all HDP are prominent US slaves. Turkey is predominantly controlled by the US and you will see how correct Iam post 2023


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What is happening in Turkey rn is a total fiasco
With this, Imamoglu became the new hero and that is a really bad sign
Imamoglu being kilicdaroglu 2.0 is not something that the CHP should have as a leader post 2023. I wonder why on earth is that prick gaining all this fame when an even decent individual known as Mansur Yavas is in the same party. CHP should have Mansur Yavas both as its leader and presidential nominee



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What is happening in Turkey rn is a total fiasco
With this, Imamoglu became the new hero and that is a really bad sign
Imamoglu being kilicdaroglu 2.0 is not something that the CHP should have as a leader post 2023. I wonder why on earth is that prick gaining all this fame when an even decent individual known as Mansur Yavas is in the same party. CHP should have Mansur Yavas both as its leader and presidential nominee


AKP just shot itself in the foot. I'm not an Imamoğlu fan but this verdict is just dumb.


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we have seen how corrupt courts we have. This was also same for normal people in daily life for quite a long time.
We need to judge the ones who made this decision,hence in the future no one will dare to take unlawful decisions again. I am for Mansur Yavas to have next president but this decision also will push all opposition to support Ekrem İmamoğlu to be candidate and Ekrem İmamoğlu will not be better than Mansur Yavaş as a candidate and as a President.


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So, As opposed to what many people think, the real lost will be Mansur Yavaş for our country. With this decision, people will look for İmamoğlu to be candidate not Mansur Yavaş. Hence this decision could be from USA! not from Akp as people thought!! I mean feto could be the one behind this unlawful decision.


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AK party in general has been a grand failure, their only success has been in convincing their supporters that everyone else is the enemy and if they don't vote AK party that Turkey will end. A people whose existed in Turkey for the past 1000 years facing off against and destroying the Romans, fighting all the major western and eastern European powers and surviving world war 1 while eating popcorn as they watched the entire world burn itself to the ground in world war 2. But if you don't vote AK party its all going to end.


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So, As opposed to what many people think, the real lost will be Mansur Yavaş for our country. With this decision, people will look for İmamoğlu to be candidate not Mansur Yavaş. Hence this decision could be from USA! not from Akp as people thought!! I mean feto could be the one behind this unlawful decision.
Nothing can be done without the knowledge and permission of government.


1 740
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Nothing can be done without the knowledge and permission of government.
If this is done with government approval or this is decided by government, below can be said.
-we are already unlawful 3rd world country and ,elections will be no more than like Syrian elections(it will not show real results)
-akp will also try other unlawful things to affect elections like blocking other candidate of opposition with another allowful things if İmamoğlu decision is applied
-or akp will tell that at the end, it was normal procedure and İmamoğlu decision will be taken back(Erdoğan will talk about that it was not right thing etx.)

But as i have read, ysk members also told that they were not the target of words by İmamoğlu. So ysk is akp supported ones actually, they would not talk like that if akp was behind. This is what I think actually


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If this is done with government approval or this is decided by government, below can be said.
-we are already unlawful 3rd world country and ,elections will be no more than like Syrian elections(it will not show real results)
-akp will also try other unlawful things to affect elections like blocking other candidate of opposition with another allowful things if İmamoğlu decision is applied
-or akp will tell that at the end, it was normal procedure and İmamoğlu decision will be taken back(Erdoğan will talk about that it was not right thing etx.)

But as i have read, ysk members also told that they were not the target of words by İmamoğlu. So ysk is akp supported ones actually, they would not talk like that if akp was behind. This is what I think actually

political islam always takes you down the road of dictatorship and once you get it, liberties and freedoms are incrementally chipped away from the common person who helped it come into power.


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In England you get political islamists always pushing for sharia and the argument for an islamist ruled state while of course living and enjoying the western lifestyle. What they most remind me of are the socialists/communists who believe in some kind of utopia but in practice its always hell on earth. Political Islam is really no different. You will end up with a similar system and similar level of living, poor, few liberties, great fear of the state, the law applying brutally to the peasant but not at all to overlords, completely controlled media and nothing to look forward to in life.

Whats fascinating is how quickly the AK party administered state can crush political figures that could democratically oppose AK party rule, but when it comes to the PKK and its numours mouth pieces its exceptionally impotent. we have kurdish politicains who openly while in europe declare their support for the PKK, or armenian politician who goes round siding with the PKK, pushing armenian slander and denouncing the Turkish state, these people are untouchable.

So enemies of the state are free, people who could challenge Erdogan are put away no questions asked. Which really shows that everything in Turkish politics is happening with the approval of AK party/erdogan. All the terrorists running amok are free because AK party allows it.

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