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You wish your lies had been the truth. But no.... you can't cover the sun with mud.

Hizbullah savages are on AKP list where as HDP enters the elections with EMEK alliance and wants votes for their alliance not for Millet Alliance.

I will expose your lies until the election.
Then why didn't they nominate their own presidential candidates? Can you tell him too?


So what happened next? Then why don't you tell me what happened? Didn't the CHP come to the HDP's aid when the AKP started the Hendek Operations? Who attended pkk funerals with HDPKK? Weren't the CHP members trying to sabotage the trench operations?
Who recruited PKK members in the municipality after the Istanbul Municipality elections? Who shared the municipal companies with the HDP. By the way, it just occurred to me. Prosecutors should investigate the income and expenses of Istanbul Municipality companies. As you know, HDPKK was sending the revenues of municipalities to the PKK in the east. Who knows they don't do it again?

You're still playing two-sided.
If AKP has 1 sin, CHP has 50 sins. However, you will continue to ignore CHP supporters.
Lies, lies more more lies. There are bad people in CHP everybody knows it. There are much more bad people in AKP everybody knows this too.

So, idiots from CHP make stupid statements, true. Some idiots from AKP make stupid staments true.

But as a party they did no such thing. It's just more of your lies.


Then why didn't they nominate their own presidential candidates? Can you tell him too?
Woo woo woo. What happened to all your previous claims. They evaporated in an instant? Why are you trying to change the subject?

Of course i can answer al of your questions, but what happened to your claims?


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Nobody says that we have made an alliance, but they are doing everything to be an alliance. So stop being two-faced and admit it. If they win after the election, they will bargain. We also saw this film in the June 7, 2015 elections. What did Selahattin Demirtaş say to CHP's Şafak Pavey? "we rocked it well"!. If they were to win after the election, they would say so. You will come to us and grin as if you do not know about this game. You will lay flour on the string.

Correction: I'm sure you ignored the CHP HDP alliance after the 2015 elections. So I am not wrong. You have admitted that if HDPKK wins the election, then you will continue to grin. Just like that, keep lying to yourself and the whole nation. When a person has no shame, he turns his other face when his hypocrisy is put in front of him.
Dude, i answered all your questions, yet you didn't answered a single one of mine. This is not a one sided interrogation here.


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Hüdapar had held several rounds of meetings with the Millet-Alliance parties to join them, one of which was directly to exchange views on IYIP's draft constitution. Not just Akşener's efforts on this issue, At the same time, some CHP MPs attended Hüdapar's Diyarbakır rallies in support.

In other words, Hüdapar received attention from both alliances. However, it joined the Cumhur Alliance in the last straight. On the other hand, the DEVA party, which has a very similar approach to local governments, the definition of citizenship, the constitution with the first 4 articles, and education in mother tongue, apart from economic policies, will also enter the elections from CHP lists.

So even if we assume that all other parties have red lines on these issues (which they don't), 99% of the votes among those who have a different stance than us directly on local autonomy, the constitution and the language of education will already support the Millet alliance. I wish Hüdapar was the only source of problems on this issue, but it is not. The main problem is that mainstream parties instrumentalize such parties in their tendencies. If we talk about the issue in the context of terrorism, then the presence of the HDP is too gigantic to hide behind Hüdapar.


So, something happened today. To those who are not aware. There was this guy who was a Hudapar supporter.

- Saying that all Turkish people who are not voting for Erdogan are Kuffars
- Admitting that he is a Hizbullah member
- Saying that they are ready for Jihad and cutting heads of the people who won't be voting for Erdogan.

So, police took him to custody and reased him within 24 hours. So, AKP jails journalists, singers, artists for making a news or saying a stupid stuff. But when Jihadists say that they are going to chop off heads, it's okay as long as they support Erdogan.
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Hüdapar had held several rounds of meetings with the Millet-Alliance parties to join them, one of which was directly to exchange views on IYIP's draft constitution. Not just Akşener's efforts on this issue, At the same time, some CHP MPs attended Hüdapar's Diyarbakır rallies in support.

n other words, Hüdapar received attention from both alliances. However, it joined the People's Alliance in the last straight. On the other hand, the DEVA party, which has a very similar approach to local governments, the definition of citizenship, the constitution with the first 4 articles, and education in mother tongue, apart from economic policies, will also enter the elections from CHP lists.
Source, so i can refute them. Because what you are claiming is not entirely true.

So even if we assume that all other parties have red lines on these issues (which they don't), 99% of the votes among those who have a different stance than us directly on local autonomy, the constitution and the language of education will already support the Millet alliance. I wish Hüdapar was the only source of problems on this issue, but it is not. The main problem is that mainstream parties instrumentalize such parties in their tendencies.
This argument based your previous part of your post (which is not true) have no standing point.


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Source, so i can refute them. Because what you are claiming is not entirely true.

This argument based your previous part of your post (which is not true) have no standing point.


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HDP's 2023 Election Declaration announced a few days ago, and it include:

  • "We will end the military operations against the PKK in Syria and Iraq."
  • "We will ensure the withdrawal of the Turkish army from Syria and Iraq."

Could it be that HDP has decided not to negotiate on these issues, but only decided not to field a candidate for KK's black eyebrows and black eyes? And now declaring these without any candiate? If we are to discuss terrorism, the HDP problem is too huge to hide behind Hüdapar.


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MetroPoll Research President Özer Sencar:

"About half of those who say they will vote for the Memleket Party come from the Cumhur Alliance, one-third from the Millet Alliance and 17% from new voters."

The latest polls show the Memleket party's share of the vote between 5 and 11%. And I think it could potantially climb up to 15% by election day. How is it that the Memleket party can win more ex-Cumhur votes than CHP+IYIP+DEVA+SP combined? The answer to this question also shows where the CHP went wrong.



Ali Babacan on constitions first 4 article.
And about 66. article of the constituion.

Babacan's own words not some baseless articles. (added times)tamp

I read all your news paper articles on Hudapar and nothing to support your claim.
Lets remember your claim. "Hüdapar had held several rounds of meetings with the Millet-Alliance parties to join them," Looks like you added that last part.

Small parties will enter from bigger parties lists nothing that we didn't know and i couldn't understand the importance of this. Also, even the news article you showed as source says that these are "Rumors" not exactly a source in the first place.


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So, something happened today. To those who are not aware. There was this guy who was a Hudapar supporter.

- Saying that all Turkish people who are not voting for Erdogan are Kuffars
- Admitting that he is a Hizbullah member
- Saying that they are ready for Jihad and cutting heads of the people who won't be voting for Erdogan.

So, police took him to custody and reased him within 24 hours. So, AKP jails journalists, singers, artists for making a news or saying a stupid stuff. But when Jihadists say that they are going to chop off heads, it's okay as long as they support Erdogan.
Istanbul mayor gets 2 years for calling someone ''stupid'' but threatening someone with death is ok it seems.


HDP's 2023 Election Declaration announced a few days ago, and it include:

  • "We will end the military operations against the PKK in Syria and Iraq."
  • "We will ensure the withdrawal of the Turkish army from Syria and Iraq."

Could it be that HDP has decided not to negotiate on these issues, but only decided not to field a candidate for KK's black eyebrows and black eyes? And now declaring these without any candiate? If we are to discuss terrorism, the HDP problem is too huge to hide behind Hüdapar.
No need for conspiracy theories. HDP can say we wil conquer the galaxy with our millenium falcon. So, what....


Istanbul mayor gets 2 years for calling someone ''stupid'' but threatening someone with death is ok it seems.
Those whom tried to lynch KK never get any jail time.
Those who tried to raid Meral Akşener's house never get any jail time.

AKP justice. If you are supporting AKP you can get away with everything that you say.


The country needs another alternative beside the two mainstream parties.
I'm gonna support TIP after this election.

They are saying "We are going to give 3gb internet to youth". Every party has promises for everybody but no party except TIP defends worker rights.
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LOL, are you a Marxist/Lenninist or what?
What TIP says is bullshit on every matter. Everything they say is shit imo. But they are the onlyones who even talks about worker rights. No other party does. Show me another party and i will vote for them.


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Türkiye would be the number 1 superpower if we gave our energy for our own good instead of wasting it in political discussions 😁

(I don't talk about casual and productive discussions)


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The highlight of the 21 years AKP rule over Turkey. And the inflation, destroyed economy and devaluated currency is not even 5% of all their wrong doings in all those 21 years.

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