First of all, I must apologize for not immediately responding to your attack

Frankly, I was shocked by the suddenness of this false statement. You are writing from England. Apparently, since you are a subject of the British king, you decided to apply the same to Azerbaijan.
Nope. Unlike you, I am a citizen of the republic. I live in a truly free country. And what the Financial Times writes and is repeated by the New York Times or simply the Times or, say, Figaro and Liberation are all false statements that there is an alleged dictatorship in Azerbaijan, where freedom is suppressed, people are arrested, killed, etc.
And all this is done intentionally. They want to keep us under constant pressure so they can have leverage over us.
Do you know where the accusation of so-called “Armenian genocide” was first made? In England! In 1916. That is, in the midst of a war in which England and the Ottoman Empire were the enemies. It was pure propaganda.
And everything went from there.
During any war, opponents invent all sorts of things for propaganda purposes. Let's say, the same liars, together with other equally shameless prostitutes from the media of other European countries, claim that we allegedly committed ethnic cleansing in Karabakh.
In fact, they don’t care about the Armenians, but in order to have a constant opportunity to put pressure on us, they blame us for this. Exactly as in the case of Turkey.
Let us note that and until the last war in Karabakh, the media of these countries blamed us even more than today. We were accused of all imaginable and unimaginable sins - from the suppression of freedom of speech to almost the murder of the prophet Jesus. Although our republic is only 33 years old

That is, the age of Christ.
Now count: how many crimes against humanity have these “merciful” Christian countries committed over the past 33 years? And for 333 years?
If the Financial Times claims something, and then all the other Times repeat it, it simply shows that the “5 eyes” are working successfully, and not the ultimate truth.
Think: aren’t you one of the many millions of victims of Anglo-Saxon propaganda and the pan-European propaganda that joined it?