Hmm Erdogan met with Gülen and was his student as did and were 95% of the AKP. Gülen is an terrorist who had a hand in the deaths of civilians and soldiers alike of this country.
Are you saying what I think you are saying?
Do I need to contact the appropriate authorities because you are saying Erdogan is a terrorist? Are you insulting the President of Turkey?
„The person who met and studied under Gülen can no longer be „President“. But becomes a terrorist.“
Is this what you are saying?
Dogu Perincek met with Öcalan is he now a terrorist too?
Hmmm.. thank you for this.
Or are you gonna say he was „kandırıldı”?
Hmmm funny how akp supporters love using this method but when people bombard them with evidence of their party members hanging out with Gülen, Öcalan and Zionist it suddenly is okay to do so.
Selling out Mavi Vatan for help from the EU and the US, it isn’t getting any votes anymore so we need to divert the tactics into pleasing the US and the EU by congratulating Greece on its genocide bases Independence Day, letting American war ships swarm the Black Sea, built naval bases in Romania and Hungary. Do a couple half arsed reforms, tada.