Featured Proper Amendment to Rape Law is the Need of the Hour


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Proper Amendment to Rape Law is the Need of the Hour


The horrific motorway rape case has jolted the nation to its very core with many protesting and asking questions of government policy on citizen security and on the competence of the police in protecting the citizens of this country. Once again, the voices have voiced unanimously that rapists should be hanged publicly to create examples and believe that such displays would deter the rapists. While the deterrence theory of punishment does exactly that however the problem is that this public display which has been declared as illegal by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 1994 SCMR 1028 where the court stated that such was in contravention to Article 14 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 and to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Islam” (A charter produced by Muslim scholars of the world in 1980). The usage of public hanging is merely to appease the anger of the people in regards to ‘taking action’ when in reality, the laws themselves need to be amended if proper action is to be taken to curb rapists. The limitations placed in the law itself must be removed and the first step towards doing that is to empower the evidence against the accused. That could be done by making DNA evidence the primary evidence. Currently the value of DNA evidence in a penal case is secondary or corroborative and in the Qanun-e-Shahadat, its value is equivalent to an expert opinion. The ignorance of the religious clergy in this matter and governments inability to bring forth such a legislation has allowed for this central and important piece of evidence to not be used at its full potential. While people blame the courts and fairly as such, we cannot forget that courts are products of the law of the land which is to be passed by the parliament. The parliament is the one that is empowered to strengthen rape law and it is time they do exactly that. You see courts stretch the law in Rape cases but alot of time, people get acquitted based on the legal loophole that are not amended and the most important one is the lack of value DNA evidence is given. The court has went the extra mile to convict rapists as was seen in Salman Akram Raja v Government of Punjab, the Supreme Court of Pakistan made an attempt to remedy the lack of a specialized legal framework for utilization of DNA evidence. The Court directed that DNA tests be conducted in all sexual offences, and that DNA samples be preserved as well. This case was public interest litigation initiated by the Court suo moto in response to an attempted suicide by a minor victim of rape on her failure to get her complaint registered against influential offenders. Concerning DNA, the Court observed that it provided;

"A means of identifying perpetrators with a high degree of confidence… and by using DNA technology the courts would be in a better position to reach at a conclusion whereby the real culprit would be convicted, potential suspects would be excluded and wrongfully involved accused would be exonerated."

Another example of the court forced to stretching the law to empower DNA evidence can be witnessed In Zulfiqar Ali v The State, an unmarried girl was sexually assaulted twice by her own father before marriage, but she was reluctant to report it due to family pressure and the adverse effects it would have on her marriage prospects. However, after being assaulted for the third time, she decided to report it to police by registering a First Information Report (‘FIR’). The version of the victim’s story was fully supported by her mother, who was aware of the abuse. Their statements were found to be convincing and were corroborated by the reports of the chemical examiner and a DNA test. The only adverse factor in the narrative presented by the prosecution was of the delay in the registration of the FIR, which was plausibly explained. In these circumstances, the Court convicted the accused of rape.

In Imran alias Manoo v The State, a woman was kidnapped and raped. An FIR was lodged after an unexplained delay of eight days. The medical examiner found the hymen of the victim to have been torn earlier than the alleged incident. The statement of the victim did not inspire confidence, and was insufficient in establishing the accused’s guilt. In these circumstances, the Lahore High Court maintained the conviction after reducing the imprisonment awarded by the trial court on the basis of the evidence of a doctor who examined the victim and a positive DNA report.
In these cases, DNA evidence was utilized as corroboratory evidence but was given greater importance to convict the accused and this was stretching the law because the law clearly states that secondary evidence cannot be utilized in a manner which can detail the conviction. It cannot be the central focal point in a case.

However the courts cannot leave the ambit of prescribed law thus the court was also forced to state that DNA evidence is not infallible and should not be taken as a conclusive proof. It should always be acted upon after corroboration from other pieces of evidence. The court held that caution is appropriate and timely as sometimes people indulge in exaggerating DNA’s accuracy. DNA evidence is ‘largely rooted in probabilities, even a confirmed “match” does not supply concrete proof of guilt’.

In Shakeel Nawaz v The State, the Court refused to rely on a DNA report and acquitted the accused because the test was not conducted by a laboratory notified by the government. In government labs you have huge waiting time, absolute breakdown of system and non-cooperative staff. It was this action that prompted the Women protection bill of 2016 that amended the process quite a bit to make DNA tests easier and that amendment went through hell to be passed. You had clerics and interest driven groups demanding that such an amendment will ruin the system but it did not. It made things easier, it made it easier to get evidence because it is the job of the prosecution to get that evidence into court, to get that expert opinion and expert into court.

Infact the absence of DNA as a crucial evidence has also impeded the importance of forensic findings within Pakistan law since that is also considered expert opinion and is placed as corroboration to eye witnesses. The ruling party must no longer shirk from its legal obligation and bring forth a proper legislation that will amend the Qanun-e-Shahadat.

Amending the penal punishment to death or life imprisonment would also help combatting this menace. The question is not just for deterrence but also for severely punishing this horrid act and by adding death punishment to the rape law, the state can ensure that the state will take its due revenge on any person that would hurt its citizens.

Right now the punishment for child sexuality and pornography is governed by section 292 whose 292A states punishment for seducing a child is minimum one year and maximum 7 years and 292C for child pornography where punishment is 14 years to 20 years. If examples are to be set, then the legislators can easily pass legislations allowing for death sentence for anybody that looks to commit heinous acts under section 292A and 292B and such legislation would also effectively create a deterrent against child marriages as well since section 292A deals with seduction of a child for intention of sexual activity.

The government can also expedite the legal process by creating more special courts for rape cases which will see them under the scrutiny of experienced judges and will allow for quicker justice to be dispensed ( in 2019 reports of over a 1000 special courts being established all over Pakistan). These courts can function freely from the burden of criminal litigation and offer quicker justice to the victims of such barbarity. It must also be stated that special courts, due to their entire purpose and focus on one single aspect of law, allow for quicker evolution of law and currently the rape law needs to be evolved into a more just law.

Only proper application and amendment of law can reduce crimes and vote bank legislation will only help curb the protest of the people for a short while. Pakistan has made considerable legal growth in tightening rape laws however more is to be done. Below we can witness as to how much progress we have made since 1979

Pakistan has been a site of great infamy when it comes to litigation on rape and sexual assault.

Much of it stems from General Zia-ul-Haq’s infamous Hudood Ordinance 1979 which saw “Zina-bil-jabar” become part of the “offence of Zina” section 6 and 7. This, in accordance to section 19 of the Hudood Ordinance, repealed several sections including section 375 and 376 which related to rape from Pakistan Penal Code 1860 and made Zina either a Hadd offence as mentioned in section 6 and 7 of the ordinance or a tazir offence as mentioned in section 10 of the ordinance. With this the courts were revamped to follow this law which came with its own conditions such as the punishment of hadd requiring four witnesses (no female allowed) and two witness male in case of tazir. This provided much leeway for the accused to escape punishment as in both cases the victim could not be a witness. Moreover if the victim could not prove that rape had happened then she had committed Zina as defined in section 5 of the ordinance, since her very coming forward is seen as prima facie for a confession of Zina and it is up to her to prove whether that zina (fornication) was based on jabar (force) or not.

This, of course, made Pakistan infamous when it came to rape cases and many women, fearing social stigma and lack of legal evidence turning the case on themselves, simply avoided any reporting. However, Pakistan of 2019 and Pakistan of 1979 is very different. In 2006, it was a dictator’s government that corrected this wrong by passing the women protection act of 2006 which amended the ordinance removing the section 6 and 7 and 10 thus removing zina bil jabar and although this was met with great opposition in an already patriarchal society, the law still passed. The amendment saw to it that the victim would be punished in accordance to section 375 and 376 of Pakistan penal code and it removed the restrictions of hadd when it came to evidences. With that the Act also provided for the death penalty to be awarded in the offence which before Zia was not awarded.

The progression of litigation on rape is very slow but the country is making progress. The amendment saw to it that a women that files a rape charge shall never have to bring forth 4 witnesses. And with later amendments under the “the criminal law amendment act 2016″, any women bringing forth such a charge shall not be convicted under adultery – and no longer can the accused bring forth the victim’s sexual history as a defense.

Pakistan is often blamed for forcing its rape victims to bring forth 4 witnesses which is rightly so since in the period of 1979-2006 that’s exactly what we did, however to blame Pakistan now of that barbarity would be unfair since the legal setup has changed entirely. The Supreme Court has looked to pass judgments based on statements from the victim and used DNA evidences to point to the accused along with the medical report. The courts have made DNA kit and test mandatory within 72 hours and immediately with no compromise based on Jirga as valid. In the landmark judgment 2013 SCMR 2003, it was stated that the DNA test must be done as quickly as possible and all available aid to the victim must be given along with their presence in court done through secure channels, statement recorded ideally through female magistrates and female police staff and through camera if they wish and protection of identity of witness, victim and her family from the accused. On top of it all, the court called for the involvement of civil society and NGOs in all such cases. The case looked to answer DNA testing as a significant piece of evidence in the eyes of court which could help the court determine the perpetrators and exonerate any wrongful accused. The court also pointed out that if the victim does not want to continue the litigation, then the state must intervene and continue the litigation as well as the courts. The courts have looked to state that the society penalizes such a victim that comes forward and thus any attempt to come forward must be supported and be taken into consideration.

Along with this, the courts have repeatedly allowed the victim to become witness to the offence as well as the investigating officer and the medico-officer. In the case “Muhammad Siddique vs State” the victim was first witness and was called the most important one. And in the case “Dad Muhammad vs the state”, the ASI and the medical officer were witnesses number 5 and 6 respectively. In many cases the first discoverer of the victim is also counted as a major witness. The concept of 4 male witnesses is no longer valid in Pakistan, nor is it required.

The Pakistan legal system has also kept in mind the inadequacies of the law enforcement agencies and thus made proper amendments such as the “Criminal law amendment act 2016” which saw addition of section 166A deals with the law enforcement agent i.e. police officer which disobeys any direction in accordance to section 336B, 354, 354A, 376, 376A, 376B, 376C and 509, disobeys knowingly in prejudice to any person, disobeys any direction in regards to the medical examination of the victim, or fails to record any information provided then he shall be given a minimum 6 month rigorous imprisonment extending to 2 years and a fine.

Now the act added 166B as well, which stipulated that if medical officers of any hospital, whether private or public, contravene section 545 then they shall be given a fine of Rs. 25,000. And the act inserted 545A which stated that all medical officers and practitioners, be they in a private or public hospital, shall provide medical aid, free of cost to the victim. This means that whichever hospital the victim goes to, irrespective of its nature, must provide all medical aid free of cost.

The act also empowers with Section 129 in Qanun-e-shahadat order to add in that if the victim provides statement that there was no consent, then it will be deemed that there was no consent.

Pakistan still has a long way to go in providing proper litigation options to its rape survivors. But the progress that the country has made from 2006 must be appreciated. Awareness of this progress must be spread far and wide so that all the survivors of this heinous crime are educated on what remedies they have. They must know that they can demand free legal assistance, medical aid and testing as well as counter any lecherous behavior from the law enforcement agencies. They must be given to understand that they do not require a crowd as witnesses to bring the criminal to justice – that their statement, the medical report and the investigation are legally enough to bring forth justice and cases are now placed under a time limit of six months. They must be assured that they can avail all the remedies available.

Laws can only progress when they are effectively implemented. And although implementation is indeed decided by the state, the laws will not be implemented if the people themselves don’t come forward to report incidents pertaining to such laws. Courts will only be able to implement and interpret laws if cases are brought forward to them. It is we, as society, who must protect and support each victim that takes the courageous step of speaking up for themselves rather than attacking and blaming them.


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Law enforcement officers are just as important if not more.

I think female law enforcement officers are needed to make sure to counterbalance chauvanism.

Turkey has it own fair amount of cases where law enforcement fails to safeguard the life of citizens.


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Law enforcement officers are just as important if not more.

I think female law enforcement officers are needed to make sure to counterbalance chauvanism.

Turkey has it own fair amount of cases where law enforcement fails to safeguard the life of citizens.

Agreed. The major issue is competence of police and it is police that makes the prosecutions case. In our legal circles, there is a joke that if you are defending a client accused in a difficult case then have faith in Allah and then in the police. The police often makes mistakes that make the defenses case stronger and the prosecution weaker.

We do have them but ofcourse they need to encouraged and employed to the highest of levels. The problem is that police culture in our region is such a mess that women themselves avoid police jobs and fathers also dont want their daughters to go to police. I have heard policemen tell fathers to only have their daughters join the police if its a higher officer position otherwise dont.

All states do and while the law enforcement will fail in protecting the lives of a citizen i.e somebody comes in and kills you, what can the state do? however the power of the state is seen when the state moves the entire machinery to punish the criminal and punishes him harshly and severely. That is what creates true deterrence. For example, any state can invade the other and will most likely succeed the first battle however its the response that makes the difference and it is the response of the state to the actions of the criminal that truly safeguards the citizens.


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Agreed. The major issue is competence of police and it is police that makes the prosecutions case. In our legal circles, there is a joke that if you are defending a client accused in a difficult case then have faith in Allah and then in the police. The police often makes mistakes that make the defenses case stronger and the prosecution weaker.

We do have them but ofcourse they need to encouraged and employed to the highest of levels. The problem is that police culture in our region is such a mess that women themselves avoid police jobs and fathers also dont want their daughters to go to police. I have heard policemen tell fathers to only have their daughters join the police if its a higher officer position otherwise dont.

All states do and while the law enforcement will fail in protecting the lives of a citizen i.e somebody comes in and kills you, what can the state do? however the power of the state is seen when the state moves the entire machinery to punish the criminal and punishes him harshly and severely. That is what creates true deterrence. For example, any state can invade the other and will most likely succeed the first battle however its the response that makes the difference and it is the response of the state to the actions of the criminal that truly safeguards the citizens.

I wonder. Would it work if female officers from the military are given higher ranked jobs in the police force. The discipline they get from armed forces could be reinforced with additional courses to become a police officer.

I think the idea holds some merit as you want to ensure role models and keep the ranked female officers in positions of influence to the betterment of society. I'm not saying they can't be corrupted though, but assuming that Pakistanis hold their armed forces in high regard as turks do, the transition from armed forces to law enforcement could be beneficial.

e.g. turkish gendarmarie units have through out time been arbiter of peace in the most rural areas. Perhaps Pakistan's has the same role.


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I wonder. Would it work if female officers from the military are given higher ranked jobs in the police force. The discipline they get from armed forces could be reinforced with additional courses to become a police officer.

I think the idea holds some merit as you want to ensure role models and keep the ranked female officers in positions of influence to the betterment of society. I'm not saying they can't be corrupted though, but assuming that Pakistanis hold their armed forces in high regard as turks do, the transition from armed forces to law enforcement could be beneficial.

e.g. turkish gendarmarie units have through out time been arbiter of peace in the most rural areas. Perhaps Pakistan's has the same role.

Two major problems.

We have a saying here and that is 'police apno ki bohot hifazat karti hai' meaning police protect themselves and boy do they protect themselves and if you were to place an ex military on the police then they would not like it and they would fight it and they wont be pissed and second problem is that the military is a disciplined war organization and the police is an investigative law enforcement agency and a military head would be just as lost in the police even with the courses as he would be in any other civilian government department. It would struggle to work and we already have so many military men employed at every department from space research to universities to engineering organizations and we also need to have female military officers at high positions before we start giving them female police jobs. Although the army has made considerable progress on women military sector, it is still nascent and growing.

Police is really really powerful organization and he only organization i have seen that have been able to remotely take them on are the lawyers unions.


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I agree with PMIK here, the penalty must be harsh, there is too much of this crime in south asia...and as heavy deterrence as possible needs to be there by making examples of proven culprits right now. Given DNA testing and medical testing, there is generally extremely strong evidence chain to be used legally for a conviction these days for this nature of crime.


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e.g. turkish gendarmarie units have through out time been arbiter of peace in the most rural areas.

One issue inPakistan and India is there is no real "gendarmerie" per se (i.e a general federal law enforcement in the policing sense)..everything is basically done at state level and a few federal forces top off on a few specific more things.

I don't really know the pros and cons of these approaches, but police reform (w.r.t professionalism and competency) anyway is pressing thing regardless of mandate structure.


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One issue inPakistan and India is there is no real "gendarmerie" per se (i.e a general federal law enforcement in the policing sense)..everything is basically done at state level and a few federal forces top off on a few specific more things.

I don't really know the pros and cons of these approaches, but police reform (w.r.t professionalism and competency) anyway is pressing thing regardless of mandate structure.

Like police reforms needed in the US.... (They really need to close down the police academy and courses given by corrupt old cops).

I would do it like this.

Police reform that makes police accountable and audited, once the economy of police stations etc. are scrutinized I imagine cracks will start showing. One big police union shouldn't be accepted as I imagine it might become like in the US. Have internal affairs make casefiles on all officers, and make sure to retire the problematic ones, or move them to far away places. (A strategy used in Turkey )

You'd need to have a police academy that's modern and have visionary board and management. Once this Academy starts accepting students, reduce some of the older Academies and develop that area into something more necessary, schools, hospitals, centers, houses.

In short you need a top down clean up, the older guys are the ones most interested in carrying old skeletons, but younger people should be more visionary.

Equip all police vehicles with cameras and recorders which can't be turned off. Make sure PO understand that any attempt to avoid recording is unacceptable as it's to protect them, but also to protect the people. Camera technology is pretty advance in this time and age, so it should be possible to have these as mentioned.

It's just a beginning, but I hope you get the idea.


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I agree with PMIK here, the penalty must be harsh, there is too much of this crime in south asia...and as heavy deterrence as possible needs to be there by making examples of proven culprits right now. Given DNA testing and medical testing, there is generally extremely strong evidence chain to be used legally for a conviction these days for this nature of crime.

Deterrence and revenge is fine but the problem will always be conviction of the accused. the loopholes are in the legal system for example motive in a criminal case plays a very important role and such a role that each judgment must contain a paragraph on motive. Now let me highlight two scenarios.

Scenario 1

Ali made advances on Hina but hina rejected him. Angered and insulted by such, Ali broke into her home and raped hina.

Scenario 2

Ali broke into the house of Hina for theft as he wanted to steal the goods at her house. Whilst stealing the gods, he also raped Hina.

You see in both scenarios we have different motives and the courts, both in India and Pakistan would provide maximum punishment for rape in Scenario 1 due to the existence of motive and in Scenario 2 would be more lenient in punishment due to the lack of motive. Now most of these disgusting characters hide the motive by saying that either they werent there for the act of rape, or they were innocent or they had sexual relations with the victim and its her falsely crying rape.

Conviction is the problem and that is where amendment is needed.


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Deterrence and revenge is fine but the problem will always be conviction of the accused. the loopholes are in the legal system for example motive in a criminal case plays a very important role and such a role that each judgment must contain a paragraph on motive. Now let me highlight two scenarios.

Scenario 1

Ali made advances on Hina but hina rejected him. Angered and insulted by such, Ali broke into her home and raped hina.

Scenario 2

Ali broke into the house of Hina for theft as he wanted to steal the goods at her house. Whilst stealing the gods, he also raped Hina.

You see in both scenarios we have different motives and the courts, both in India and Pakistan would provide maximum punishment for rape in Scenario 1 due to the existence of motive and in Scenario 2 would be more lenient in punishment due to the lack of motive. Now most of these disgusting characters hide the motive by saying that either they werent there for the act of rape, or they were innocent or they had sexual relations with the victim and its her falsely crying rape.

Conviction is the problem and that is where amendment is needed.
But what I don’t understand is how can a motive have such a higher impact on verdicts than the actual crime.

We’re talking about culpa here. If you decide to commit a crime you are already guilty, any additional crime should exponentially increase the penalty. Ultimately resulting in death sentence.


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But what I don’t understand is how can a motive have such a higher impact on verdicts than the actual crime.

We’re talking about culpa here. If you decide to commit a crime you are already guilty, any additional crime should exponentially increase the penalty. Ultimately resulting in death sentence.
It doesnt have a higher impact. It has an impact. existence of motive allows for the most severe punishments to be handed out since two things have happened.
1. The case has been proven without a shadow of a doubt
2. Motive has been proven.

Thus the maximum penalty or nearest to maximum penalty can be awarded however if motive is not proven then you have room for leniency so say that punishment for the offence is 10 years maximum and minimum i 3 years. Proving of motive and conviction allows the judge to give 10 years and not proving motive would mean sentence would be 6 years or 7 years.


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It doesnt have a higher impact. It has an impact. existence of motive allows for the most severe punishments to be handed out since two things have happened.
1. The case has been proven without a shadow of a doubt
2. Motive has been proven.

Thus the maximum penalty or nearest to maximum penalty can be awarded however if motive is not proven then you have room for leniency so say that punishment for the offence is 10 years maximum and minimum i 3 years. Proving of motive and conviction allows the judge to give 10 years and not proving motive would mean sentence would be 6 years or 7 years.
But in the two examples you gave. I was under the impression that criminals got away easier because there was only one motive that could be proven.

But I’d argue that regardless of motive on the second scenario. A followup crime should inflict maximum punishment possible.

If burglery gives 10 years and rape gives death sentence. Then I’d argue the criminal deserves death.


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We’re talking about culpa here. If you decide to commit a crime you are already guilty, any additional crime should exponentially increase the penalty. Ultimately resulting in death sentence.

So lets say a person broke into the house, beat up the brother to fracturing the bone without dislocating it i.e. Shajjah i Hashimah as covered in Section 337 Subsection A Subsection iii which maximum punishment for ten years.

He then proceeds to steal from the house. Thats robbery which is aggravated form of theft as he also beat up the brother and that is 10 years Section 392 and then

He rapes the girl so that is minimum 10 years and maximum of 25 years and death but lets set aside death for now. Section 376

So according to what you state, if he received maximum then he should be jailed for 45 years right but no, the punishments would go side by side so when he would be sent to jail, he would start terms for all three crimes simultaneously and spend maximum of 25 years in jail.

Ofcourse as he commits more offences, he would be punished more severely. Ideally in the scenario i just painted, anything less than life imprisonment or death sentence would be an injustice.

To constitute an offense you need both mens rea and actus rea meaning the guilty mind and the guilty act. Merely deciding to commit an act is not an offense.

But in the two examples you gave. I was under the impression that criminals got away easier because there was only one motive that could be proven.

But I’d argue that regardless of motive on the second scenario. A followup crime should inflict maximum punishment possible.

If burglery gives 10 years and rape gives death sentence. Then I’d argue the criminal deserves death.

No i was highlighting the role of mens rea. In scenario 1 criminal could not avoid the prosecutions claim to motive of rape however in scenario 2, the prosecution would struggle since the defense and criminal would say that their motive was theft not rape. What it does is it muddles the case so in scenario 1, you could send the criminal for life imprisonment or death but in scenario 2, there is chance he would get less than life imprisonment.

Law has changed alot making prosecution alot easier and that statistics going around that only 5% of rape accused get convicted in Pakistan is higher due to recent amendments. In the 80s and 90s, it was serious hard work to get a rape conviction and the district prosecutor could send murderers to the gallows but not rapists.


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But in the two examples you gave. I was under the impression that criminals got away easier because there was only one motive that could be proven.

But I’d argue that regardless of motive on the second scenario. A followup crime should inflict maximum punishment possible.

If burglery gives 10 years and rape gives death sentence. Then I’d argue the criminal deserves death.

I would argue the same and the case would be focused on rape but if motive is not proven then it eases the sentence however i have seen courts get tired of this mens rea arguments and have started to highlight that even lack of motive would not stop the court from giving highest punishment when they want to. This was done in 2009 i think but you still see judges and defense talk about motive.


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I would argue the same and the case would be focused on rape but if motive is not proven then it eases the sentence however i have seen courts get tired of this mens rea arguments and have started to highlight that even lack of motive would not stop the court from giving highest punishment when they want to. This was done in 2009 i think but you still see judges and defense talk about motive.
I understand, but in cases of successive criminal act,


Maximum punishment in my terminology would be death sentence.

This out of the very simple truth of the person decided to commit a crime. Thus any additional crimes committed should be considered strike three.

I can understand that it’s a problem that judges have the freedom to judge a case. But that is why we use past cases as reference. In fact all past cases should be reviewed and punishment amended according to what it should have been.

This out of consideration for those judges who’re stuck with old procedures.

Amending a law to make certain crimes be punished harsher will fall victim to how similar old cases were dealt with.

Thus the question. Where is the motive for the crime. If the education system still instills this to students then I don’t see any other way of solving it but by thoroughly going through all past cases and amending with the proper punishment regardless of the said or lack their off motive.


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I understand, but in cases of successive criminal act,


Maximum punishment in my terminology would be death sentence.

This out of the very simple truth of the person decided to commit a crime. Thus any additional crimes committed should be considered strike three.

I can understand that it’s a problem that judges have the freedom to judge a case. But that is why we use past cases as reference. In fact all past cases should be reviewed and punishment amended according to what it should have been.

This out of consideration for those judges who’re stuck with old procedures.

Amending a law to make certain crimes be punished harsher will fall victim to how similar old cases were dealt with.

Thus the question. Where is the motive for the crime. If the education system still instills this to students then I don’t see any other way of solving it but by thoroughly going through all past cases and amending with the proper punishment regardless of the said or lack their off motive.

I agree on it and it will be. The prosecution will go for the severest crime. Things take time to change. The removal of motive being a bar on harshest punishment is recent and slowly it will change but what we cant do is change p;previous offenses already granted. Protection from retrospective punishment is a Fundamental Right.

If they just change the Evidence law, that alone will see conviction increase many fold. Forensic is the key here


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I agree on it and it will be. The prosecution will go for the severest crime. Things take time to change. The removal of motive being a bar on harshest punishment is recent and slowly it will change but what we cant do is change p;previous offenses already granted. Protection from retrospective punishment is a Fundamental Right.

If they just change the Evidence law, that alone will see conviction increase many fold. Forensic is the key here

I totally agree, I didn't mean to imply that past crimes should in retrospect be even harsher. I just wanted to ensure that any reference judges may use from past cases would be invalidated.

I was lucky enough to experience how court precedings work in Istanbul Caglayan Court where my cousin works as a judge dealing with cases where workers have claims. And it was a rather saddening experience as workers had to apply to court for their rights of payment for overtime work.

"Adalet Mülkün Temelidir" is written on all courts behind the judge.

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