TR Propulsion Systems


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But wasn’t the core engine being developed for Airborne vehicles. Atak, gokbey, hurjet, mmu and such.

How can the same core engine be used for land vehicles ?

The only difference between the turboshaft and turboprop engine is in the power transmission. In fact, the tanks should theoretically use a turboprop engine, not a turboshaft, because the power transfer is transmitted horizontally to the engine, but in airplanes like Hürkuş, the part where the power is transferred and the part where the air is taken must be used from the same place, ie the front part. For land vehicles, if you use the TS1400 in turboshaft mode and reverse the part where the air flow is provided and the part where the power is transferred to the gearbox as it is now, you can use it in the same way, you don't need to produce a new engine from the core engine from scratch.


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This is the topic I am most interested to follow, as somebody who whish that Turkey achieve fully independency in military hardware industry, those engines developments are obvious most important steps in that direction. Once you achieve that your country will be in comfortable position to project policy around the world for its own benefit.


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Daym.... very nice video explaining the challenges of making our own engine.

I asked them to make subtitles on a previous video, but they said it's very time consuming. But they would definitely get a lot more views if they did.

How does it work in Turkish :)
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Turkey lost to scholars outside the country 'returned indigenous engine for'

After graduating from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Aeronautical Engineering Department, Prof. Dr. İskender Gökalp, the scope of TUBITAK's Leading Researchers Scholarship Program, especially the "combustion technologies" returned to Turkey to support the field.

Among the scientists who will come to METU with the support of TÜBİTAK, Gökalp's former students are Dr. Christophe Allouis and expert researcher Dr. Jayamaran Kandasamy is also present. Two researchers will focus on research on clean combustion and hydrogen technologies in Turkey with Gokalp.

Speaking to the AA correspondent, Prof. Dr. İskender Gökalp stated that their application to TÜBİTAK 2232 Leading Researchers Scholarship Program in coordination with former students Kandasamy and Allouis has been accepted.

"Burn," "clean fuels" and "hydrogen technologies", especially as telling local engine as well as efficient and on three important topics of the necessary underpinnings for clean energy issues studies they came together to carry out Gokalp, TUBITAK same program with Turkey ' He said that 127 scientists who will come to Istanbul are planning to work with experts in related fields.

Gökalp stated that the level of young people receiving undergraduate engineering education at METU is very good, "However, there is a problem after undergraduate education. It is not the fault of the young people, the infrastructure is not enough. Therefore, they go to the USA and Europe and get the best doctorate. , to keep them in the country. one of the places where METU is the strongest part of the field of engineering in Turkey. " said.

"Non-R & D laboratories will be established in Turkey"

In this context, Gökalp stated that they will conduct research and train doctorate students in the Mechanical Engineering Department at METU and that they will also work for the establishment of centers of excellence in energy, fuel, combustion and propulsion.

Gökalp, who stated that he has been working in Paris and Orléans Universities in France since 1976 after his graduation from ITU Aeronautical Engineering Department and that he is one of the directors of CNRS, a similar institution of France's TÜBİTAK, said, "I established institutes and centers of excellence in the fields of energy, aviation and space and I walked burning issues especially in France and the academy at EU level and its affiliated R & D projects in the industry. from the beginning of 2000, I developed joint projects with Turkey. " he spoke.

Gökalp stated that within the scope of the TÜBİTAK program, an R&D support of approximately 3 million TL for each researcher will be used to establish scientific infrastructure facilities at METU and to train doctoral students.

"The three scientists will start out with 10 doctoral students as people. All on combustion technologies with these resources to set up R & D laboratories are not in Turkey. These include the combustion chamber facilities will be designed and tested combustion system. Thus, burning and established a center of excellence for energy it will be."

Without combustion "domestic engine" is not possible

Combustion for scientists to judge be without defense "national engine" that it is unable to do pointing Gokalp, "the most important issue in the domestic engine to combine all existing local forces. We also want to support Turkey's efforts in this regard. Burning issues, defense industry as well as for many other fields of activity. " said.

Referring to the projects they want to realize, Gökalp continued as follows:

"Unfortunately, burning and immediate issues, are not developed in Turkey. We aim to increase the level of knowledge required in collaboration with industry. Several purpose engines, coal power plants, natural gas plants, cement and glass industries, such as combustion systems related to the disposal of organic waste We intend to enter all subjects of interest in the industry. We would like to transfer our experience in energy and combustion to start studies on these issues at METU. "

Natural gas substitute fuels will be produced

Prof. Dr. Gökalp stated that they will also work with the team at METU to get a share from European programs.

Research on Evaluation of lignite in Turkey Gokalp voicing they walked, "Before coals in a very efficient manner gazlaştırıp have developed a strategy in which natural gas substitution. This is important and will try to continue this project for Turkey." said.

Clean combustion technologies

Coming from Italy to Turkey at METU Mechanical Engineering will research on clean-burning technologies that Dr. Christophe Allouis emphasized the importance of testing these technologies on a commercial scale.

Working with large groups such as Ansaldo in Italy, Dr. Allouis said that nitrogen oxide emissions in particular must be reduced in order to gain market share in these matters.

METU team goal from one of the nature of the carbon dioxide emitted by holding hydrogen combining a new fuel has pointed out that world and contributing to studies conducted in general in obtaining Allouis, "In Turkey, this can be done. To keep the carbon dioxide, but doable. The visibility of the knowledge generated in universities in Turkey We also aim to increase the number of articles and patents. " he spoke.


Prof. Dr. İskender Gökalp told they can obtain pure hydrogen from gasified lignite in Turkey. The ultimate goal of their projects is to develop a gas turbine combustion chamber for synthetic gas. In the meantime, he has become a partner of the project in TÜBİTAK SAGE.


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Daym.... very nice video explaining the challenges of making our own engine.

I asked them to make subtitles on a previous video, but they said it's very time consuming. But they would definitely get a lot more views if they did.

How does it work in Turkish :)
There are other variations of these engines. These are just one of each type.


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Tulomsas engine not Tumosan

Tulomsas doesn't get the recognition it deserves, they have roots in engine tech and have been working on fast train project.

I understand, but all of these companies are joined under Albayrak group.

Perhaps Tülomsas has been integrated to Tümosan afterwards.

I wish I knew why these conglomerates take credit from their own companies.

Used on ferryboat in Van.

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I have a question. How could Tümosan, who could not even produce a more performance tractor engine, acquired the technology to develop armored vehicles up to 1000 Hp? Tübitak? Ukraine? Does anyone have a logical explanation?


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I have a question. How could Tümosan, who could not even produce a more performance tractor engine, acquired the technology to develop armored vehicles up to 1000 Hp? Tübitak? Ukraine? Does anyone have a logical explanation?
A couple of years ago I asked a young engineer about our capability to produce engine for Altay. He said if the government supported it. Turkey could build an engine, it just required political will. He was working for Koc in their branch for building tractors.

I guess Tümosan must have had a research on defense industry. Done some feasibility research or such. When the chance came they took it.


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TÜMOSAN did not have the capability and R&D to produce a 1000 hp engine. I think he had some meetings with Ukraine for a while. I think some parts of the engine were developed in Tübitak MAM. They also do not have a facility for testing the engine. They conduct the tests of the engine at the newly opened RUTE in Tübitak. Because even producing a 600 hp engine in this country just 3 years ago was a dream in the short term.

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