I don't know what Ivchenko-Progress will provide us when we are ahead technologically.
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Ivchenko Progress is a design bureau. Very much like our TR Motor. They have no means of production. More importantly, the production facility, Motor Sich, that is supposed to produce engines designed by Ivchenko Progress, has not produced a new design since the collapse of Soviets. Therefore feasibility and usefulness of any collaboration with Ivchenko Progress, to say the least, is questionable.According to some sources, a contract with Ivchenko-Progress will soon be singed for cooperation in the development of the TF-X turbofan engine.
They have ready off-the-shelf engines that belong to the Soviet era. Some of them are decent(Al-322, TV3/VK-2500, I don't like Al-450) and can be used if no western alternative is available.
Other than that we can outsource some work packages to them. We might get design help. Maybe procure some materials/alloys from them. But they have no next-generation tech like 3D additive manufacturing, single-crystal turbine blades, etc.
Ukrainians don't want to, and it is end of the story. They have even hesitated to share certain marine gas turbine know-how(in a quite limited framework just to place it in a box and design integration) to make integration possible on future warships and abandoned.Why not mix them up? I mean upgrading old sovjet engine with state of the art Turkish knowledge? We will have in no time an decent engine.
Ukrainians don't want to, and it is end of the story. They have even hesitated to share certain marine gas turbine know-how(in a quite limited framework just to place it in a box and design integration) to make integration possible on future warships and abandoned.
Okyay stated that there was a serious increase in the activities of Kale Arge and gave the following information:
- National Turbojet to be added to the engine new
- Acceptance and closing activities for KTJ-3200
- KALE Arge, advanced Turbojet engines and smaller dimensions are working on new engines
and Ibrahim Sünnetçi stated that Turkey is cooperating with Ukraine and the name of engine he remember is Tf-141 turbofan.
F414? That's only 22,000lbf. If these rumours are true it will have the same total power output as an F-22 (2 x F119, 35,000lbf each). It will be awesome if they can pull it off. And it means they really are making a Turkish F-22, including high mach supercruise.Hoping it's something close to output of an GE F-414if rumours are correct