Making a engine for a drone is easier than making an engine for a manned platform. WE can make use of the experience from projects like TF-6000 and ramjet engines and launch a turboramjet engine project for a drone.
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So you are sure that non existent tf6000 will be enough to speed up a drone to mach 2+ levels that ramjet will take over then.Making a engine for a drone is easier than making an engine for a manned platform. WE can make use of the experience from projects like TF-6000 and ramjet engines and launch a turboramjet engine project for a drone.
Lol who said to use TF-6000 as is. I said we should use the experience gained from TF-6000. How many turbojet, turbofan and turboshaft projects Turkiye runs at the moment? KTJ series turbojets, Kale Turbofan, TF-6000, TS-1400, soon engine project for TFX will get in shape. We can use the experience gathered from those projects.So you are sure that non existent tf6000 will be enough to speed up a drone to mach 2+ levels that ramjet will take over then.
Also, i am talking about heat levels on aircraft structure due to speed levels of mach 2+
For Turkey, supercruise for a drone or fighter within 10 years would be superb. Later we ll talk about hypersonic cruise
It is a very long way depends on many if(s). I can only hope that we ll get there.Lol who said to use TF-6000 as is. I said we should use the experience gained from TF-6000. How many turbojet, turbofan and turboshaft projects Turkiye runs at the moment? KTJ series turbojets, Kale Turbofan, TF-6000, TS-1400, soon engine project for TFX will get in shape. We can use the experience gathered from those projects.
The whole Turkish defense industry depends on many if(s).It is a very long way depends on many if(s). I can only hope that we ll get there.
Experimental Investigation of Sonic Transverse Jets in Mach 5 Crossflow
TEI is conducting experimental studies for hypersonic speeds (probably for scramjet engines).
Erinc Erdem
TUSAS Engine Industries - Cited by 844 - Compressible Flow - Experimental Methods in Aerothermal Sciences - Gas Turbines - Ground
@Combat-Master @Zafer @Saithan @nakaFH @Yasar @Kartal1 @Cabatli_53 @Nilgiri @yakusha @TheInsider @Fuzuli NL @Test7 @mulj @T-123456 @Stimpy75 @Stuka
FFS these kinda projects should be OFF the academic circles! DO NOT PUBLISH any details of these critical defence projects OUT IN THE OPEN!
and it lists Konstantinos Kontis as a CO-AUTHOR?!?! WTF?
matters fuck-all. the Greek state keeps its slimy tentacles upon all Greek expats.Man is a professor at Glasgow
You owe every inch of progress in those projects, you are bragging about, to those academic papers.. academic works and universities. Most aerospace projects in Turkey are just reinventing what others' already did, most of those things already in academic papers. Also today's achievements have not become possible in one day, today's aerospace projects are as a result of 40 year accumulation of knowledge and human resource. None of these could be possible without METU(ODTÜ) or ITU or others, and I can say I had professors from USA, Korea, India and more in METU, also worked with Greeks and other. We learned a lot from foreigners, my University extensively encourages working with foreign professors or going abroad to acquire knowledge. Racism has no place in academics, Greece and Turkey may have problems, like we have in Cyprus but that is irrelevant to human to human relations, cultural exchange, sports or etc. I don't want to brag but METU is one of the pillars of advanced technologies (defence projects) in Turkey today! and success of the University comes from open minded culture (where some are constantly trying to undermine). Nobody should hate or judge others because of their name or ethnicity, I hope one day problems could be solved peacefully.FFS these kinda projects should be OFF the academic circles! DO NOT PUBLISH any details of these critical defence projects OUT IN THE OPEN!
and it lists Konstantinos Kontis as a CO-AUTHOR?!?! WTF?????
Having trained human resources even in a company like TEİ today means a lot for tomorrow.Relax it is the groundwork for hypersonic flight. It has nothing to do with a specific product. We are not at that level yet.
It's still in development for years. One of the reasons why Kargı isn't here.We want to see TEI-PG50S made available for civilian use please