Live Conflict Syria Civil War


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There are only 2 ways for Syria to get their occupied lands back from Israel:

1.- Joining the Western camp and become a US-ally, like Jordan and Egypt (the latter only get the Sinai back after they become a US ally at Camp David). Becoming a US ally means American investments and aid.

2.- Go to war with Israel. And Turkey is not ready for that, nor Syria. We need more years.
Why should we go to war with Israel because of Golan heights? We should only go to war with them if they overdo their push for pkk state or they attack us and not in any other case.

Scott Summers

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Why should we go to war with Israel because of Golan heights? We should only go to war with them if they overdo their push for pkk state or they attack us and not in any other case.

I dont think that the TAF will remain silent if the IDF bomb HTS and SNA.

Yesterday the IDF killed 3 Turkish nationals at the Lebanese border for example. They are provoking us.


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I dont think that the TAF will remain silent if the IDF bomb HTS and SNA.

Yesterday the IDF killed 3 Turkish nationals at the Lebanese border for example. They are provoking us.
I dont think they will go that far to provoke us. Israel should be suicidal to choose us as enemy. Not now maybe but in the near future we can be a real threat for them. The current israeli gov is not competent and some ministers there are fanatic. This together with anti-israel rhetoric from Erdogan has exacerbated the situation. Actually there was news in israel tv that Trump is ready to withdraw from Syria if we normalize the relations with Israel. We should certainly do this, we dont gain anything by being against Israel we can gain a lot if we cooperate. Now the situation in Gazza and all those martyred children and families there yes very sad. We should help them in every humanitary way but the Phalestine problem is not ours and we can help them more if we have good relations with Israel. The only hope for those people is to distance themselves from intifada and try to live there peacefully that way they can have a decent life.


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It is unbearable that a country 10000km away comes to our backyard and tells us what to do. If its interests here are essential then yes they will have the upper hand. But if their gain here is only marginal whereas for us it is almost life or death then we should be able to dictate whst happens in our backyard. Are you saying we cannot harm them at all so that they will overrule us even for a peny? You may be right. But then as a nation we should work like crazy. America should know if they bring their air carriers to Med then we will destroy at least the half.
That is the previlige of the strong bro; that's how the world works
You really need to throw away the notion of "international law" and "Western democracy and freedom" since these concepts only apply when they favour the strong only and not vice versa

Why on earth do you think the US started the Russia/Ukriane war? To weaken a potential adversary to the Western hegemony
Why on earth are they always applying sanctions and tarriffs on China? To weaken a potential adversary to the Western hegemony
Why on earth did they create and support the PKK to the point of comitting terror attacks in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq? To weaken a potential adversary to the Western hegemony
Why on earth did they kill Ghaddafi? To weaken a potential adversary to the Western hegemony

We can go on and on.......


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It is unbearable that a country 10000km away comes to our backyard and tells us what to do. If its interests here are essential then yes they will have the upper hand. But if their gain here is only marginal whereas for us it is almost life or death then we should be able to dictate whst happens in our backyard. Are you saying we cannot harm them at all so that they will overrule us even for a peny? You may be right. But then as a nation we should work like crazy. America should know if they bring their air carriers to Med then we will destroy at least the half.

The peace at home and peace at world doctrine needs to be shelved.

People will think this is an attack on Ataturk. But Ataturk would spit on our faces of acting like a bunch of pansies.

He didnt pussy out when taking Hatay by the way despite being frail and on his deathbed.

Davutoglu doctrine and Erdogan giving him a blank cheque is what is become. How stupid was it for Turkiye to beat around the bush when the USA and Russia crossed into Syria.

Man everytime I see Davutoglu I want to punch the wall. I cant stand that man. Same with Ekrem Imamoglu.

Turkiye is next to the Balkans and the Middle East we go further with Africa and Afghanistan.

How stupid for people to believe Turkiye can live like Norway or Australia when the whole neighbourhood can go on fire.

Then you have guys like Israel, Iran, UAE, Saudi, Greece and Russia as your neighbours.
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Azerbaijan Moderator
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That is the previlige of the strong bro; that's how the world works
You really need to throw away the notion of "international law" and "Western democracy and freedom" since these concepts only apply when they favour the strong only and not vice versa

Why on earth do you think the US started the Russia/Ukriane war? To weaken a potential adversary to the Western hegemony
Why on earth are they always applying sanctions and tarriffs on China? To weaken a potential adversary to the Western hegemony
Why on earth did they create and support the PKK to the point of comitting terror attacks in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq? To weaken a potential adversary to the Western hegemony
Why on earth did they kill Ghaddafi? To weaken a potential adversary to the Western hegemony

We can go on and on.......
US did not start the Russo-Ukrainian War neither did they create the PKK. Stop assuming you can sneak this nonsense in and nobody will challenge you.


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They did. The Maidan-revolution and the creating of the PKK/ASALA were clandestine CIA covert ops.
No, they weren't. Russia invading Ukraine kicked off the war and PKK originated in the 80s as a communist-supported group (nice try throwing ASALA in there as well as though they are one and the same with PKK). Who are you trying to fool here?


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I dont think that the TAF will remain silent if the IDF bomb HTS and SNA.

Yesterday the IDF killed 3 Turkish nationals at the Lebanese border for example. They are provoking us.
They tried to sneak into Israel. If they wanted to go they could have applied for Visa and bought airplane tickets


Azerbaijan Moderator
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It wasnt the US that plotted a coup against the Ukrainian pro-Russia president back in 2014 and it wasnt them that placed the jewish clown Zelensky as the president back in 2019 right? It wasnt Zelensky who started bitching about joining NATO and the US didnt even bother to reject his notion and only replied with "we are considering it". It wasnt the former French president Francois Hollande who admitted on french national television that the MINSK agreement signed in 2014 was nothing more than to buy time in order to arm Ukraine to fight in the future against Russia with US blessings. It wasnt the bitch, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of US and hardcore Jewish zionist, Victoria Nulland who convinced Zelenskly to reject the peace agreement back in 2022 in which Putin himself agreed to retreat back to the Minsk agreement lines (and she herself admitted that on TV)....

It wasnt the US that was arming the PKK for years, providing them with logistics, info regarding critical infrastructure in Turkey and possible areas of oil fields in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq (just look at Gabar oil fields). Who on earth funded the bases where they were training PKK members in Greece? Who on earth provided the political protection and recognition of the PKK within the Western political arena? Who on earth provided the PKK with advanced drilling equipments and fundings to literally create a city beneath the ground? Who on earth is protecting the PKK till this day on the field in Syria? Who provided Abdullah Ocalan with the means and logistics to escape to Kenya and then going to the Netherlands when the Turkish state was after his ass before he was captured by MIT in 1999?

Ofcourse the US doesnt have a hand nor created any of these assholes. At the end it is nothing more than a farce in which the US is coming out as the good guy View attachment 73329
1) No, actually. If you actually bothered to even slightly familiarize yourself with Ukrainian history and the over 20 year history of them putting up with corrupt politicians with ties to Russia screwing them over, you'd also be perfectly aware that this wasn't even the first time that Ukrainians have had to throw out a pro-Russian plant. And BTW, wanting to join NATO after getting invaded and having territory annexed and people murdered by Russia is not, in fact, illogical or evil. And source on your Victoria Nuland claims and the Hollande claims, now, or kindly admit that you are pulling stuff out of your ass.

2) So you are now claiming that the US supposedly funded Greece helping PKK (no proof presented as usual), that they supposedly hid Ocalan (and later also helped MIT capture him, weird huh) and completely dodged your earlier statement that the US created the PKK, presumably because you actually know that this isn't true and have no way to defend it so you just hoped we would forget it.

You sure are an interesting individual saying things like that combined with your weird obsession with shitting on every Turkish opposition party while playing the "I'm totally against AKP, honest" game.


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1) No, actually. If you actually bothered to even slightly familiarize yourself with Ukrainian history and the over 20 year history of them putting up with corrupt politicians with ties to Russia screwing them over, you'd also be perfectly aware that this wasn't even the first time that Ukrainians have had to throw out a pro-Russian plant.
Who cares about that? This is something that the Ukrainians are having to deal with themselves! Why did the West enter into the arena of Ukriane in the first place?
Why are you acting as if the Western dream/utopia suddenly came from the sky after the 2014 coup? After the 2014 coup, the first democratic president was even more corrupt and when he was ousted in 2019, a jewish clown came to the position of power and literally drove more than a quarter of the able-bodied men to be buried forever and their families to weep with around 30%+ of Ukrainian territories and one of the most richest to be fully incorporated into Russia

I recommend that you start reading history from the time of the Soviet Union and the deal that they made with the Americans that clearly stipulated that NATO must NEVER encroach on Russia's borders.

What on earth was Zelensky thinking. That jewish clown must be one hell of a master strategist right?

And BTW, wanting to join NATO after getting invaded and having territory annexed and people murdered by Russia is not, in fact, illogical or evil.
With all due respect
Do you think Russia would allow Ukraine whose borders are literally within an airline distance of around 800 km to Moscow to join NATO? Have you gone insane? Do you know that some missiles can close that distance in less than a minute? Not even AD systems can react to that FFS! Russia is a superpower whether you like it or not and they wont sit doing nothing when there is a possibility of 0.0000001% of Ukraine joining NATO whether in 2014, 2019, or now

The reason why Russia annexed Crimea is to prevent Ukriane from joining NATO since NATO's most important target in Ukraine was crimea and Putin's annexation of it means that if Ukraine ever joined NATO it would mean a direct war with the US per NATO's rules. Putin's decision for Russia's security was perfectly on point

Bro,Turkey conducted a military operation in 2 different countries (Syria and Iraq) to remove Western-backed PKK and now you blame Russia for invading Ukraine? Preposterous and Hypocritical at best

And source on your Victoria Nuland claims and the Hollande claims, now, or kindly admit that you are pulling stuff out of your ass.
Here are the sources bro, on TV, through their own words

2) So you are now claiming that the US supposedly funded Greece helping PKK (no proof presented as usual), that they supposedly hid Ocalan (and later also helped MIT capture him, weird huh) and completely dodged your earlier statement that the US created the PKK, presumably because you actually know that this isn't true and have no way to defend it so you just hoped we would forget it.
Oh please since poor old greece was sooooo rich and resourceful that they could recruit, set up bases, and train terrorists on warfare. If you truly believed this shit you said, then I have no remedy for you
Moreover, I never said that the US helped MIT catch Ocalan; what I said was who provided Ocalan with the air routes, idea and means to travel to Kenya and while he was departing to the Netherlands, he was caught by MIT
Why did he decide to go to the Netherlands in the first place? Didnt he know that Turkey was a NATO member and could ask for his extradition? Or was he sure that there was an entity there that could protect him? What sort of entity could reject Turkey's request for extradition? Poor old Netherlands? No, it was and still is the only nation..... the United States of America

If you dont believe it, then dont but no nation gained the most from Turkey's injuries from PKK other than the US. NO nation profited from this fiasco that went on for nearly 30 years other than the US. It wasnt little Greece and never will be

Finally ending it with Kissinger's own words

You sure are an interesting individual saying things like that combined with your weird obsession with shitting on every Turkish opposition party while playing the "I'm totally against AKP, honest" game.
This has no relation to our current arguement, but fine here you go
Iam shitting on every Turkish opposition party because they are factually shit and incompetent
They couldnt win against a president whose tenure suffered an earthquake disaster that killed 50,000 turks literally 3-4 months prior to an election and a lira that was close to worthless whether the fault was with the CHP, AKP, or both.
Iam talking about an opposition whose members like Ozdag who criticises AKP for (reportedly) releasing Ocalan only to indirectly support another party that will undoubtedly release Ocalan.
Iam talking about an opposition that criticises the govt for electing close family members in positions of power yet they themselves are doing the exact same shit and ended up playing a part in the death of 78 people in the recent Bolu fire; some of whom were Turks..... in other words, Turks were burned to their death because of incompetence on all sides
Iam talking about an opposition that promotes LGBT bullshit that will surely force future generations of Turkey to be mentally and physically destroyed
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Azerbaijan Moderator
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Who cares about that? This is something that the Ukrainians are having to deal with themselves! Why did the West enter into the arena of Ukriane in the first place?
Why are you acting as if the Western dream/utopia suddenly came from the sky after the 2014 coup?
Ah, trying more bait-and-switch. So now it's going from "US planned the coup" to "why did the West get involved after Russia started screwing over Ukraine".
After the 2014 coup, the first democratic president was even more corrupt and when he was ousted in 2019
Yeah, that's how it works. If Ukraine has shitty leaders, it throws them out. Difference is that Russia is the only one that invaded them after Ukraine had the gall to throw out one of "their" guys.
a jewish clown came to the position of power and literally drove more than a quarter of the able-bodied men to be buried forever and their families to weep with around 30%+ of Ukrainian territories and one of the most richest to be fully incorporated into Russia
I didn't know Zelensky was the one that ordered the Russian army to invade Ukraine.
I recommend that you start reading history from the time of the Soviet Union and the deal that they made with the Americans that clearly stipulated that NATO must NEVER encroach on Russia's borders.
I read it, I know about it and it's a myth. Gorbachev had two conditions - 1) no NATO troops on east German soil until the last USSR soldier left and b) no nuclear weapons on German soil. That's it. There was never any "no expanding NATO" condition and Russia knows it. What some random politician who was a teenager at the time says is irrelevant in regards to what is ACTUALLY documented.
Here are the sources bro, on TV, through their own words
If you listened to what Nuland actually said, you'd notice that there was no "convincing Ukraine to decline peace". What she actually said is that the proposed peace deal forbade Ukraine from acquiring defensive weapons, allowed Russia to keep everything it had occupied since the beginning of 2022 and have no limits on what they could deploy militarily and people pointed out that this was a shit deal.

The ceasefire stalling for time - yes, Russia was building up its army, so was Ukraine. Difference is Russia was doing it to prepare for invading Ukraine (and it did), Ukraine did it to defend against Russian invasion (which it ended up having to do).

But hey, at least the Hollande video is actually saying what you claimed. Would be more helpful without the Russian dubbing blocking the French speech since it makes it impossible to tell for sure, especially coming from a Russian propaganda Twitter channel.
Oh please since poor old greece was sooooo rich and resourceful that they could recruit, set up bases, and train terrorists on warfare.
Giving basic training to terrorists doesn't require grandiose funding. Borderline bankrupt countries manage it all the time. US not required.
Moreover, I never said that the US helped MIT catch Ocalan
I said it because it stands in contradiction to your statement that they supposedly helped him escape Turkish justice. Reading comprehension is important.
Why did he decide to go to the Netherlands in the first place? Didnt he know that Turkey was a NATO member and could ask for his extradition? Or was he sure that there was an entity there that could protect him? What sort of entity could reject Turkey's request for extradition? Poor old Netherlands?
He didn't exactly openly advertise his stay in the Netherlands and yes, Netherlands can, as a sovereign entity, deny Turkey's request for extradition. No US needed.
If you dont believe it, then dont but no nation gained the most from Turkey's injuries from PKK other than the US.
Yeah because there is no other country in the world that gave support to PKK that gained even more. No sir. And it's not like Greece has a personal beef with Turkey, no sir.
Iam shitting on every Turkish opposition party because they are factually shit and incompetent
You are ONLY ever shitting on Turkish opposition parties while outright ignoring or even trying to defend what AKP does. You aren't even subtle, it's really obvious every time someone posts something horrible AKP has done and you proceed to post something shitting on CHP or whatever almost immediately afterwards, which doesn't even have to be factual BTW.


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Ah, trying more bait-and-switch. So now it's going from "US planned the coup" to "why did the West get involved after Russia started screwing over Ukraine".
This is no bait and switch! It is either you cant understand or dont want to understand to keep believing your fantasy
Again it is the West that plotted that coup in 2014 and I clearly stated why did the West even got involved in Ukraine's matter in the first place
Yeah, that's how it works. If Ukraine has shitty leaders, it throws them out. Difference is that Russia is the only one that invaded them after Ukraine had the gall to throw out one of "their" guys.
Sure that theory is applicable when you have a "true" democracy and not a sham planned by the West
Idk what is hard to cmprehend about "the first democratic leader was even more corrupt than his predecessor dictators and was replaced, in 2019, with an even worse candidate that drove his country into a losing war that ending up not only crippling Ukraine's people but also giving strategic lands and resources to Russia
I didn't know Zelensky was the one that ordered the Russian army to invade Ukraine.
No it wasnt but as I said
Russia is a superpower, whether you like it or not, and they wont stay quiet when a pre-Russian satellite state has a 0.0000001% chance of joining NATO whose borders has an air-distance that is only 800 km from Moscow
In such conditions, democratic leaders supposedly should have a brain to not get involved in fights you cant win. There is a concept called "balancing politics" and I urge you to look it up
I read it, I know about it and it's a myth. Gorbachev had two conditions - 1) no NATO troops on east German soil until the last USSR soldier left and b) no nuclear weapons on German soil. That's it. There was never any "no expanding NATO" condition and Russia knows it. What some random politician who was a teenager at the time says is irrelevant in regards to what is ACTUALLY documented.
It wasnt documeted but that doesnt mean that it wasnt said
If you listened to what Nuland actually said, you'd notice that there was no "convincing Ukraine to decline peace". What she actually said is that the proposed peace deal forbade Ukraine from acquiring defensive weapons, allowed Russia to keep everything it had occupied since the beginning of 2022 and have no limits on what they could deploy militarily and people pointed out that this was a shit deal.
Well duh, because Russia is the stronger side ffs
Do you people even know about the concept known as DIPLOMACY or is it only applicable when it is in favour of the West? Do you expect a nation like the US and lets say, Congo for example, to negotiate on equal terms?
The deal stated that no buffer zone is to be applied to Russia so that it can act if Ukriane ever started to think about joining NATO again and as a sign of goodwill, Putin retreated from Kyiv and will go back to MINSK agreement lines. If this agreement was signed, lots of rich resources, and lands, would still be within Zelensky's hands

And please tell me who told Zelensky, a presumable clown who knows nothing about politics, to continue this war? His generals who reportedly were involved when the deal was signed and said it was the best possible deal currently available? Or did the devil came and whispered into his ear or something?

After the deal was signed, Victoria Nulland told Boris Jhonson to go and reject the deal or there would be no more support from the West in case of peace with Russia which made Zelensky paranoid

Allow me to end it with the words of Georgian Prime minister who saw what happened in Ukraine and learned to not repeat the mistake of the jewish clown Zelensky. He is someone who is playing the filthy game and 100% knows more than both me and you

The ceasefire stalling for time - yes, Russia was building up its army, so was Ukraine. Difference is Russia was doing it to prepare for invading Ukraine (and it did), Ukraine did it to defend against Russian invasion (which it ended up having to do).
Russia was the one stalling for time? Bro you gone mad?
If Russia wanted to annex it, they would have done that 10-20 years ago but they didnt.... care to explain why? Did Russia need 2 decades to rearm and invade Ukraine or did Ukraine need those years after the Minsk agreement to rearm for a potential conflict against Russia?

Invading Ukraine now had become harder for Russia and this means that the one who benefited the most from the agreement was Ukraine and this means that there was a plan behind the scenes to quickly rearm the state while Russia didnt re-arm that much even after the MINSK agreement. So who was planning for the future here?

Just because some points arent clearly stipulated, doesnt mean that you cant read between the lines mate
Giving basic training to terrorists doesn't require grandiose funding. Borderline bankrupt countries manage it all the time. US not required.

I said it because it stands in contradiction to your statement that they supposedly helped him escape Turkish justice. Reading comprehension is important.

He didn't exactly openly advertise his stay in the Netherlands and yes, Netherlands can, as a sovereign entity, deny Turkey's request for extradition. No US needed.

Yeah because there is no other country in the world that gave support to PKK that gained even more. No sir. And it's not like Greece has a personal beef with Turkey, no sir.
Greece has a personal beef with Turkey, I wont deny that
But even I will admit they arent that smart tbh since if they had the ingenuity, means, and finances of training such terrorists, they could have risen way higher in the global arena than they are rn

Are wa talking about the same army and nation? Because I cant believe that this nation👇 trained and equipped the PKK to be this efficient, cunning, and lethal
You are ONLY ever shitting on Turkish opposition parties while outright ignoring or even trying to defend what AKP does. You aren't even subtle, it's really obvious every time someone posts something horrible AKP has done and you proceed to post something shitting on CHP or whatever almost immediately afterwards, which doesn't even have to be factual BTW.
No need to be subtle because we all know how corrupt the AKP is but the opposition trying to act as saints while they are just as corrupt is different
Just look at the recent events about opposition member Imamoglu, who was sent to testify in court due to his threatening statements and he DID offer a formal APOLOGY to all whom he threatened; in other words, he knew he was in the wrong and yet played out a wide scale drama to gain votes
If they are this corrupt now what will they do when they gain a higher power; this is the question to be asked
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People keep shitposting this all-over social media everywhere from twitter to 4chan
Is there an any accuracy to this picture?


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He didn't exactly openly advertise his stay in the Netherlands and yes, Netherlands can, as a sovereign entity, deny Turkey's request for extradition. No US needed.
You didnt get my point it seems
Will Netherlands ever risk destroying relations with Turkey just for one man who wont give the Netherlands any value mentioned? Netherlands have good relations with Turkey and no disagreements either (like Greece, Germany, or France). Thus, it would be the epitome of foolishness to protect Ocalan unless he has plans to just use the Netherlands as a transit point to the US or the Netherlands can hide behind an entity that Turkey cant say "NO" to and honestly only one nation fits the criteria

Another proof for my belief that the US has some sort of hand in creating the PKK and financing, training as well as providing info and connections to Ocalan is his statements that he just released yesterday 👇

In this post, Ocalan stated and I quote:
"If Turkey does not prepare itself for a solution, Syria, Iraq, Iran and international powers have many plans in the future, he said. There is also the possibility of declaring a state there."

So this arise the questions:
How does Ocalan know of such powers when he was jailed since 1999? Which international power can have plans that force any divisions within Turkey? Is it Greece, France, or Germany? No! They arent that strong nor they have the authority to do that since only one nation fits the bill.... that is the US!
Couple that with the question of how did Ocalan manage to escape from the govt and go to kenya, who instructed him? Why kenya out of all nations? Maybe because the Kenyan president at the time, Daniel arap Moi, was a staunch pro-Western leader at that time? What about his plans to escape to West.... I mean why Europe when he knows that Turkey and EU are NATO allies? Probably because he knows that someone there is willing to protect him?

This has similarity with the FETO incident in which the FETO leader escaped to the US in order to get protected from Turkey and when Turkey asked for his extradition, the US said NO! and Turkey couldnt do shit

The one common trait, we can observe, with these Western-made terrorists is that they always escape back to their masters for protection when their plans fails or usage ends. Other leaders like Khalifa Haftar of Libya fits the bill as well

That is why I believe that the US had a hand in creating the PKK. It may have started as a peaceful protest/opposition group at the time but I can bet my money's worth that the US planned to turn such an entity to a terrorist organisation in the first place and no nation is as good as the US when it comes to such shenanigans

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