TR Türkiye - Japan Relations


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"Renewable energy and hydrogen" stand out in Türkiye-Japan cooperation

Japan's Ambassador to Ankara, Katsumata, said, "I believe that new generation energy and renewable energy, especially hydrogen, can be promising areas for the future." said.

Japanese Ambassador to Ankara Takahiko Katsumata stated that Turkey and Japan have many cooperation opportunities in the field of energy and said, "I believe that new generation energy and renewable energy, especially hydrogen, can be promising areas for the future." said.

Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Alparslan Bayraktar and Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Nishimura Yasutoshi met in Istanbul on September 5 to evaluate possible cooperation between the two countries in the field of energy.

Within the scope of the meeting, where a wide range of issues were discussed, from critical minerals to renewable energy, from energy efficiency to natural gas, from new fuels to technologies, a joint declaration was signed by the ministers regarding the launch of the "Turkey-Japan Energy Forum".

Evaluating the cooperation in question to the AA correspondent, Ambassador Katsumata said that the two countries have common aspects in energy and that Japan, like Turkey, is a foreign-dependent country in energy.

Katsumata pointed out Turkey's critical position in terms of its region and stated that the country is at a geographical transition point between Middle Eastern countries, where energy resources such as oil and natural gas are abundant, and between Russia and European countries.

Stating that Japan is carrying out technology development studies focused on nuclear energy and renewable energy in line with its goal of becoming carbon neutral in 2050, Katsumata said:

"There are various initiatives on this issue on a private sector basis. I think there is an extremely wide range of areas in which we can cooperate with Turkey. I believe that new generation energy and renewable energy, especially hydrogen, can be promising areas for the future. The Japan Economy Conference held recently During the visit of the Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Nishimura Yasutoshi, to Turkey, in the joint declaration they signed with the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Mr. Alparslan Bayraktar, it was agreed to launch the 'Japan-Turkey Energy Forum'.By taking advantage of this format, cooperation opportunities in the field of energy between the two countries were agreed upon. "I think it should be investigated."

Katsumata mentioned that bilateral relations can also be improved in the field of mining sector, and stated that cooperation opportunities in the field of critical minerals were discussed in the meetings of the ministers of the two countries, and that the concrete contents of the cooperation will be determined in the future under the coordination of the officials of both countries.

Japan is among the countries mentioned for the second nuclear power plant project planned to be built in Sinop. Aiming to increase cooperation opportunities in energy, the two countries are expected to cooperate in smaller-scale renewable energy projects as well as a large project such as a nuclear power plant.



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If we successfully sell tb2 or anka to Japan there would a great victory of our industry.


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Denmark Correspondent
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The last couple of years PKK has started organizing a lot in Japan. And by seeking assylum and saying bad things bout Turkey they seem to have found and easy way to gain access to Japan.
what surprises me is how gullible Japan must be to believe in the words of these terrorists.

I do know from some tweet that Japan is becoming more aware of the snake PKK is and creating more awareness among the japanese, but unless the state media of japan does its job more thoroughly we should abide our time and wait for better foreign policy diplomacy to ensure enlightenment occurs


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The last couple of years PKK has started organizing a lot in Japan. And by seeking assylum and saying bad things bout Turkey they seem to have found and easy way to gain access to Japan.
what surprises me is how gullible Japan must be to believe in the words of these terrorists.

I do know from some tweet that Japan is becoming more aware of the snake PKK is and creating more awareness among the japanese, but unless the state media of japan does its job more thoroughly we should abide our time and wait for better foreign policy diplomacy to ensure enlightenment occurs
Nothing to do with being gullible they simply never bother to look into it. I'm also certain that if it weren't for all of these tweets exposing the pkk structure in Japan, the Turkish government wouldn't even bother to do anything about it.

There simply isn't much being done about pkk lobbying internationally. Even the whole Sweden situation turned from pkk concerns to Quran-burning concerns. Sure, western countries may willingly support bolstering these pkk affiliates against Turkey, but at the end of the day, the pkk too sits on their list of foreign terrorist organizations.

Yet there is no active pointing out about that hypocrisy, or the fact that the very same French company that pleaded guilty in court to aiding ISIS still continues its operations in sdf-held areas. But since now its ypg tunnels being built instead of isis tunnels, the West remains mute. Instead, we only get a few words whenever pkk sympathizers actively chimp and start destroying public property, like in Paris, for example. Meanwhile, French government officials:

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