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It looks awesome!New CGI by Harshal Pal - in A2A configuration with 8 x NG-CCM (ASRAAM) and 6 x Astra Mk-3 Ramjet BVRAAM
View attachment 29823
Hello! I am new here.
I always wondered as to why we are not pursuing a possible N-AMCA for carrier ops. So could the main reason be the lack of additional lift generating surfaces such as LERX/LEVCON/canards in AMCA's current frozen configuration? I have heard that such control surfaces help control the aircraft's pitch rate when performing a jump at a certain AoA from a ski-jump.
I dont get it,why not the AMCA in 2032,wont the TEDBF be 4,5 gen?
Yikes, delayed again
I dont get it,why not the AMCA in 2032,wont the TEDBF be 4,5 gen?