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I mean we could. I hope so.Would you guess if we are going to see some assembly photo(s) before the March 18 rollout?
PTC Creo?It is not software !! It is design tool company ,catia! TUSAŞ get full version with paying millions usd to dassault systems. Additionally ,TUSAŞ also uses one more design tool as well.
is it still 6+2?The latest info I know is the 6+2 configuration. (6 big AAMs+2 small AAMs)
Can't view the video
So should we expect something for the 29th ? We didn't see anything this month.
View attachment 48321
So should we expect something for the 29th ? We didn't see anything this month.
View attachment 48321
Genel Müdür Temel_Kotil
CEO at Turkish Aerospace Temel_Kotil
He said that Turkiye will produce 2 MMU at month initially for the first year
He said, they can double this number if necessary, alsoI sorry but I would like Turkiye to do EXACTLY as usa DO.
Keep MMU current stage of product as HIDDEN as possible
Hope we gonna see that fella soon