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Mods be like: wE hAvE fReE sPeAcH oN tHiS fOrUm, oKe?!1
Truly the 'Murican way to solve any problem
There's probably more of them working in shifts .
Anyway, back to topic. Where are the French?
Telling you to mind your own bizuhnes (in your own land) lol...and farting in your general direction...
Check this accurate recreation:
It seems they've been roasting you lot pretty much one-way ever since Agincourt (it in itself a poorly scripted rematch for hastings one can say)....
"go and boil your bottoms you sons of a silly person" lul
Par for the course?
@Vergennes @Kaptaan @Saithan
That one comment there: "Still nicer than any frenchman I've met"......LMAO!