Analysis Turkey and Israel draft a new maritime deal


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With the way Erdogan is acting they would be stupid not to see Turkey as a threat but this can change very fast depending on the next leader that Turkey chooses.

Just as Tukrey would with anyone, or anybody with anybody for that matter.

I think you didnt really understand the context of my previous post, i wasnt talking about support from israel, i was talking about France's biased attitute towards Azerbaijan.

If you are mediator then its irresponsible and hypocritical to pick sides there is no other way.
And about the ''right side'' well, thats relative, to me neither Palestinians nor Israelis are ''right'' i have no dog in this fight and certainly dont want to sacrifice the interests of my country to appease some people so that i can feed my ego when i see my pictures on the streets.
This stupidy has cost and still costing Turkey darly.

You might imagine me as the ''typical atheist Kemalist'' which couldnt be further from truth, i pic sides where its worth it like Serbs agains Bosnians. Im proud about the fact that Turkey has flown thousands of sorties from a Italian AB to the war in Bosnia to help our Bosnian brothers agains Serbian barbarism. Im proud about the fact that Turkish army was recieved with flowers and tears of joy in the streets of Prishtina.
I shed tears of joy when our Azeri brothers recieved our soldiers as their own sons in their hard earned victory parade.

But doing the same for Palestine? I see no reason why Turkey should do that espacially for the reasons:
A - the fact that Palestinian flag is literally the flag of Arab revolt against Ottoman Empire
B - the fact that PLO had ties to pkk in their early years
C - the fact that Palestinians took a stance against Turkey when Turkey wanted to secure its border in Syria calling it ''meddling into Arab affairs''

And you know what, i would gladly fulfill their wish not to meddle in Arab affair just as Turkey did in its first 80 years of republic and has been pretty successful with it.
I will reply later
With the way Erdogan is acting they would be stupid not to see Turkey as a threat but this can change very fast depending on the next leader that Turkey chooses.

Just as Tukrey would with anyone, or anybody with anybody for that matter.

I think you didnt really understand the context of my previous post, i wasnt talking about support from israel, i was talking about France's biased attitute towards Azerbaijan.

If you are mediator then its irresponsible and hypocritical to pick sides there is no other way.
And about the ''right side'' well, thats relative, to me neither Palestinians nor Israelis are ''right'' i have no dog in this fight and certainly dont want to sacrifice the interests of my country to appease some people so that i can feed my ego when i see my pictures on the streets.
This stupidy has cost and still costing Turkey darly.

You might imagine me as the ''typical atheist Kemalist'' which couldnt be further from truth, i pic sides where its worth it like Serbs agains Bosnians. Im proud about the fact that Turkey has flown thousands of sorties from a Italian AB to the war in Bosnia to help our Bosnian brothers agains Serbian barbarism. Im proud about the fact that Turkish army was recieved with flowers and tears of joy in the streets of Prishtina.
I shed tears of joy when our Azeri brothers recieved our soldiers as their own sons in their hard earned victory parade.

But doing the same for Palestine? I see no reason why Turkey should do that espacially for the reasons:
A - the fact that Palestinian flag is literally the flag of Arab revolt against Ottoman Empire
B - the fact that PLO had ties to pkk in their early years
C - the fact that Palestinians took a stance against Turkey when Turkey wanted to secure its border in Syria calling it ''meddling into Arab affairs''

And you know what, i would gladly fulfill their wish not to meddle in Arab affair just as Turkey did in its first 80 years of republic and has been pretty successful with it.

Why is it always your leader that need to act according to their or anyobody whims? That is passive and inferior position.

Sorry, i misunderstood that.

Friend, it would be to arrogant from my side to assume anything about you across online platform, we are discussing politics and it is normal to have different views besides our own personal bias and misconceptions.
About picking sides, everyone has to pick one, i understand position of lot of turkish people when they are reserved towards arabs because of their role at ends of ottoman empire, that is huge historical and national trauma for you that you in some way live even today but thing is like everybody has some principles and guidance in life, states have that to. So, in that order if you want to raise voice for any injustice and try to do something about it you need to be consistent as much as possible, how can you raise voice for Uyghurs if you do not support Palestine cause and many other parallels related, even if Palestine authorities make stupid moves like you said. Thing is that i am truly convinced that israel is not your friend to put it mildly, i accept international reality and conditions but that does not mean that you should aim towards better relations with them, do not see longterm gain in that.
How i see Turkey, you are the country that has potential to change and lead muslim world to the better things in world, your efforts in economical, technological, science, military areas are truly admirable and i think that because of that that there is much more potential around muslim world to spread those efforts to the benefit of all, i know it is not one way ticket and that others should respond accordingly but improving and cherishing relations with israel will not make it easier for sure.


It is quite possible to make deal with Israel since we are allies in Syria.


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shows you how bad ak party politics have been, that today Turkey is desperate to cut a deal with Isreal to break the anti-Turkey alliance that has formed against Turkey.
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