Turkey to build its future with Europe


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The only way the bloc can prove it has no problem with the world’s Muslims is being respectful toward Turkey,” he stated, adding that the idea that Ankara must make concessions to Brussels to gain its amity is unjust.
I don't think EU is being twattish towards anyone but Turkey...


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EU especially the ones that don't like Turkey and have actively been supporting Greece are doing what I'd call peptalking into a mirror.

Trying to convince yourself and others that you've been trying to establish a dialogue, but truth is that you've been talking into a mirror/wall and not really having a dialogue.

So now Michel (who is probably french) is trying to lead the talks into a single direction, which is sactions on Turkey. It's going to be interesting what's going to happen. Especially considering that Turkey has participated in all meetings, but Greece has been absent to quite a few.

I think this was preplanned. empty words to fill out the void, no action to back up the words, and finally they'll have created empty mass media articles enough to try for sanctions.


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Turks aren’t Christian or European. Erdogan is playing on all sides he uses secular Westernized tongue with Europe and Islamic tongue with Arabs and Muslims and turanian tongue with Hungary and turkic nations and Eurasian tongue with Russia and China

Thats because Erdogan in his core is merely a populist. He has dabbled in practically all idealogical spectrums to gain support from people that are disillusioned with their parties of choice. If anything its the opposition that keeps Erdogan in power and its the reason why people keep voting for Erdogan. This wouldnt be a bad thing if he was a logical pragmatist, but unfortunatly he is a self-absorbed authotarian maniac who will destroy the entire country and its institution to keep himself in power.


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Thats because Erdogan in his core is merely a populist. He has dabbled in practically all idealogical spectrums to gain support from people that are disillusioned with their parties of choice. If anything its the opposition that keeps Erdogan in power and its the reason why people keep voting for Erdogan. This wouldnt be a bad thing if he was a logical pragmatist, but unfortunatly he is a self-absorbed authotarian maniac who will destroy the entire country and its institution to keep himself in power.

Thats what a politician does. Erdogan plays his game of chess right when it comes to domestic politics.


German Foreign Minister Maas: "Europe and the United States should once again work closer together strategically. As in Libya or Syria by Russia or Turkey, we must not leave a vacuum filled by others. "
So laughable how the EU is paralysed as soon as the US acts a little less imperialistic. Instead of working with allies, the EU alienates them and tries to gang up on them for them not being the free, safe and 100% democratic countries as them selves, because of the geopolitical and geographical reality of today's world.

For those who think that German democracy can survive the same things Turkey underwent since 2011, are sorely mistaken. In France, one dead teacher led to mosques being searched and possibly closed, families being raided, NGO's being banned and a prohibition for journalists to do their jobs to cover police brutality.

Image how much of the democracy in these EU countries would survive when being faced by millions of refugees, two neighboring countries torn apart by war, a terrorist entity that wants to take a third of their country which is being armed by the hyper-power of the world, while going under an internal coup by a parallel state-power. Not much I can tell you, they would fare far worse than Turkey.
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Europe will always treat us as enemies no matter what.

Its our fault for not opening the gates for refugees and signing a deal just to get that sweet eu money while the eu screwed us.

Since Turkiye is defending its interests and refuses to be a slave that is subjucated they are threatening the country with sanctions.

Bridges with the eu should be burnt for good.
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