We gotta do something about those tooLast week I saw an video on twitter released by pkk rats. It looks like it’s from a border region, a mountainous area probably Iran border. In video a group of soldiers walking in front of Kirpi, then when another Kirpi was passing they detonated IED, luckily missed. I don’t know why we are not using UGV based on plosive detectors using Adele an ground radar detectors, and why we don’t deploy UAVs watching our soldiers, not necessarily tb-2, a mini drone would be sufficient.
Bingöl'de radikal dinci grup polise saldırdı
Bingöl'de polis, terör örgütü IŞİD'in sözde Türkiye sorumlusu olan "Ebu Hanzala" kod adlı Halis Bayancuk'un başyazarıwww.veryansintv.com
Tarikat's are growing in Turkey it seems all thanks to AKP
The Ebu Hanzala group is what? or Hizbullah? Aren't those religious sects?Salafists dont have tarikats
The Ebu Hanzala group is what? or Hizbullah? Aren't those religious sects?
Tarikat has many translations, in this context it means Sect.They are groups but reject being called a tariqah due to their opposition to sufism and having a sheikh leading them.
Salafists also fight among themselves as they believe their group is on the right path.
Its a clusterfck thats why i stay away from any group or tariqah. They are screwed up all of them.
Tarikat has many translations, in this context it means Sect.
Ebu Hanzala is a Salafist and his group is similar to that of Sufi tariqahs, period.
Hm....... it seems that the AKP are cleaning their previous mess![]()
Bingöl'de radikal dinci grup polise saldırdı
Bingöl'de polis, terör örgütü IŞİD'in sözde Türkiye sorumlusu olan "Ebu Hanzala" kod adlı Halis Bayancuk'un başyazarıwww.veryansintv.com
Tarikat's are growing in Turkey it seems all thanks to AKP
I feel like you mentioned alot of «politics» rather the matters of islam. Seems very mixed bro.Salafists and Sufis hate each other. Salafist groups and sufi tariqats hate each other pretty much. None are a fan of each other.
Difference between both that salafists usually use violence or terrorism while sufis will only fight back if they are attacked.
Thats why most terrorist groups are salafist while a few are sunni and shia while the taliban follow deobandism.
Salafists always formed their own groups to challenge mainstream thats why you never see them at mosques because they believe the average Sunni in Turkey is a "kafir".
Their whole issue is all about kicking Muslims out of Islam while Sufi tariqahs are like evangelists they rely on their followers money while they are able to infiltrate turkish politics due to some minister being apart of their tariqah which gives them lobbying power.
Salafists believe all countries in the Islamic world are illegitamate have to be brought down with violent methods. But somehow saudi arabia does not count here for them.
Thats why they have no problem in killing Muslims. They believe its righteous and for the greater good.
Thats why they should be crushed first. They will never spare us the Ottomans did a good job in crushing the wahabis. They deserved it.
I feel like you mentioned alot of «politics» rather the matters of islam. Seems very mixed bro.
If im gonna be honest with you most of the muslim natio dont even know about sects. Most are laymen, and most are not practising. Salafi people do like hanbali and all the 4 imam, because they believe that they all preached the ortodox way of islam. Maybe you have had or seen bad encounters from personal experience. You find strict people in every sect but i have not seen any call this different muslim empires kuffar. Salafis can do something called «tabdee» ( that means they see them as a deviant sect, and not takfir because takfir means you straigtDo both sufis and salafists even care about Islam?
Both sides always believe they are on haqq. Salafists are more toxic because its their way or the highway.
I say this as a Sunni. Also salafists dont like Hanafis they call us hanafis as heretics.
Even have the audacity to call Maturidi a "kafir". Even North Africa hates Salafists/Wahabis. Takfir al hijra that same group that inspired the GIA in Algeria for decades caused problems with their usual bombings, massacres upon Muslims. They spared nobody.
Salafists a lot of them also make takfir upon a lot of the Islamic Empires. Not to say the Ottomans, Seljuks, Ummayads or the Abbassids were perfect but they dont deserve to be takfir just because they were sinful rulers.