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in all the aircraft I have seen, they do not open facing towards the nose but the other, backwards?
I am not in a desirable situation rn
What if its raining and water come inside ?! Does it demage the drone ?
Would've never expected a Nirvana reference from Mr. S. Bayraktar.
Βίντεο: Το μη επανδρωμένο τουρκικό τζετ, Κizilelma, σε δοκιμές τροχοδρόμησης - Πτήση
Σύμφωνα με βίντεο που έδειξε στο Twitter ο Selcuk Bayraktar, τεχνικός διευθυντής της τουρκικής εταιρίας Baykar, το μη επανδρωμένο τζετ της, Kizilelma (το πρώην MIUS) κάνει ήδη δοκιμαστικές τροχοδρομήσεις! Το Kizilelma σύμφωνα με τον προγραμματισμό που έχει ανακοινωθεί, θα κάνει την πρώτη πτήση
Chinese should be the last ones complaining about copying considering their J-20 is a blatant duplicate of Russia's MiG.土耳其造出“歼-20”,中国五代机的影响力,比我们想象中的要大_无人战斗机_空战能力_纳多
因为按照土耳其军方的需求,该机不仅要具备一定的空战能力,还要拥有在土耳其海军安纳多卢号两栖攻击舰上进行起降,充当舰载无人机能力。 在采用了拥有超机动性能的鸭翼布局后,该机将获得远超现有其他空战无人机…
And Chinese said "this is a J20 COPY"
Turkey's new generation of unmanned fighter jets has been exposed and has entered the rollout test phase. The aerodynamic layout resembles that of China's J-20 fighter jet. This may mean that this type of UAV is essentially different from the same type of equipment in the United States and Russia. At the same time, this also shows that with the Chinese people's pearls and jades ahead, more and more pursuers have also begun to like Chinese-style thinking.
Not for comparison, but in terms of how much the landing gear will change in the next(carrier capable) variants:
View attachment 50625
T-45 Goshawk - 80s/90s era
(2 seat carrier-capable trainer aircraft with 5,500 lbf engine and 13,000 lb MTOW)
View attachment 50626
MQ-25A Stingray (state-of art)
(Carrier-Based Unmanned Aerial-Refueling System with 10,000 lbf engine and over 40,000 lbs MTOW)
View attachment 50627
That is simply not true.Chinese should be the last ones complaining about copying considering their J-20 is a blatant duplicate of Russia's MiG.
For the functions in question automatic and autonomous are no different.Alright I’m a little confused now.
the original KE clip released by Baykar said that the aircraft completed its first autonomous taxi and pre take off roll. Yet, some sources now say it completed its first automated (even some used the term automatic) taxi tests.
Are different sources using both terms interchangeably by mistake or Somethin?
You see, I’m not an engineer but even I know the difference between both and as far as I’m concerned it’s a critical one, too.
He mentioned that the TISU is a special project for Mr.Demir, i wonder what this means.Aksungur will be powered by a turboprop engine (likely PT6) and enter the Naval Forces inventory. This version will use torpedos (Orka) to fire against underwater threats. At present, variants that will carry sonobuoys are being developed for TN.
Thanks Tolga Özbek. Meanwhile, Mr. Tolga lost his beloved mother. My condolences to him.
2 ORKA torpedo or ÇAKIR missiles / Equivalent weight bombsAksungur will be powered by a turboprop engine (likely PT6) and enter the Naval Forces inventory. This version will use torpedos (Orka) to fire against underwater threats. At present, variants that will carry sonobuoys are being developed for TN.
Thanks Tolga Özbek. Meanwhile, Mr. Tolga lost his beloved mother. My condolences to him.