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What is the source of this statement, especially pertaining that they are 24/7 in the air? Because according to my calculations, there are indeed on average multiple (6+) TB2's in the air in the world at any time looking at the flight hours logged so far. Something which I found hard to believe at first but now less so.A total of 6 #ANKA and 6 #TB2, are used for 24/7 reconnaissance and surveillance missions at all sea borders from the Eastern #Mediterranean to the North Aegean.
You can actually see them in action on FlightRadar. They mostly operate in the Aegean or the South Eastern borders. I sometimes see 4-5 in the air at the same time. Sometimes they turn off their transponders and then appear somewhere else. But yeah, they are actually operating 24/7.What is the source of this statement, especially pertaining that they are 24/7 in the air? Because according to my calculations, there are indeed on average multiple (6+) TB2's in the air in the world at any time looking at the flight hours logged so far. Something which I found hard to believe at first but now less so.
Bozoks under the right (from us viewers) wing? BTW what is the occasion for all this unveiling? Teknofest?
Bozoks under the right (from us viewers) wing? BTW what is the occasion for all this unveiling? Teknofest?
2020: Libya'da Pantsir katliami# BayraktarTB2 The 7-year story of SİHAs ...
The closest to it would be:Do we have harop-like loitering munitions?
Do we have harop-like loitering munitions?
Yeah, I'm sure they've already worked on the delivery systems. I think someone mentioned that a "Harop like" loitering munition was in the process of being built and mass produced - but nothing has been revealed to the public yet.Alpagu should be used in the future in swarms from launchers like these
Can not deny the reportI think NATO is growing ever more to be a joke of an organisation - Hope Turkey Nukes up soon, so we can leave NARUTO and form our own Turkic-Asian-African Pact
NATO vysoce ocenilo ruské protiletadlové komplexy Pancir
Ruské protiletadlové raketové a kanónové komplexy Pancir-S jsou ideálními prostředky boje proti vojenským bezpilotním letounům, NATO musí prioritně odstraňovat podobné hrozby před zahájením svých operací