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US Congress alarmed by Turkish drones' global success, capability​

Twenty-seven United States Congress members have voiced concern and alarm over Turkey’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Experts say that the letter is tied to the increased activities of the anti-Turkey lobby in the U.S. in recent years. The letter disregards the positive impacts of Turkish drones and ignores that the machinery has been used to hinder Russia from furthering its interests in several geographies.



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US Congress alarmed by Turkish drones' global success, capability​

Twenty-seven United States Congress members have voiced concern and alarm over Turkey’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Experts say that the letter is tied to the increased activities of the anti-Turkey lobby in the U.S. in recent years. The letter disregards the positive impacts of Turkish drones and ignores that the machinery has been used to hinder Russia from furthering its interests in several geographies.

Christians, Greeks, Jews and Armenians lobbying against us.

Why am I not surprised because Us politicians are the biggest whores on this planet without any shame.


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Yes TS stands for Turbo shaft, my mistake. I meant TJ1400 the core engine

I don't know much about jet engines but Mahmut Aksit himself is telling that from the same TJ1400 core engine they can derive Turbojet, Turboshaft, Turbofan and Turboprop engines

Professor Aksit, is explaining the basics of gas turbine engines in it’s simplest form.
As explained before the Turboshaft and turboprop engines convert jet propulsion to torque generation. (Hence HP ratings.)
A gas turbine engine pulls air from outside and pushes (compresses) it in to combustion chamber by compressor blades. These blades can be designed to allow axial flow of air (along the length of the engine) or radial flow of air (in a circular motion in side the engine). In a turbo shaft or turboprop engine, since you do not need jet propulsion by exhausting hot gasses, to use the radial flow system is more convenient and in some cases more efficient method of design. Plus you may not need multiple compressor sections to provide enough air flow.
A radial compressor like below will rotate air inside the engine centrifugally.

An axial compressor like below will push air into the engine along the axis of the engine - along the length of the engine.

All turbofan and turbojet engines, if thrust is needed must have axial flow of air. Even if some sections are radial to improve air intake, the resultant air flow has to be axial. You need as much hot axial thrust as possible, to achieve healthy jet propulsion.
TS1400 and CTS800 have radial compressors. To make TS1400 in to a turbofan, you have to change the compressor section and with it, most of the innards of the engine. Then add a fan to push more air in to the path of the axial compressors. And redesign the engine so that air bypass canals are introduced.


So TS1400 doesn’t really become TJ1400. But may be TJ4000 or TJ4500. It will not be as powerful as a turbofan. But will have jet propulsion.
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Let me guess Turkish drones are eating up innocent christian children.

Seriously they would believe that shit.


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Professor Aksit, is explaining the basics of gas turbine engines in it’s simplest form.
As explained before the Turboshaft and turboprop engines convert jet propulsion to torque generation. (Hence HP ratings.)
A gas turbine engine pulls air from outside and pushes (compresses) it in to combustion chamber by compressor blades. These blades can be designed to allow axial flow of air (along the length of the engine) or radial flow of air (in a circular motion in side the engine). In a turbo shaft or turboprop engine, since you do not need jet propulsion by exhausting hot gasses, to use the radial flow system is more convenient and in some cases more efficient method of design. Plus you may not need multiple compressor sections to provide enough air flow.
A radial compressor like below will rotate air inside the engine centrifugally.
View attachment 27752
An axial compressor like below will push air into the engine along the axis of the engine - along the length of the engine.
View attachment 27753

All turbofan and turbojet engines, if thrust is needed must have axial flow of air. Even if some sections are radial to improve air intake, the resultant air flow has to be axial. You need as much hot axial thrust as possible, to achieve healthy jet propulsion.
TS1400 and CTS800 have radial compressors. To make TS1400 in to a turbofan, you have to change the compressor section and with it, most of the innards of the engine. Then add a fan to push more air in to the path of the axial compressors. And redesign the engine so that air bypass canals are introduced.

View attachment 27756
So TS1400 doesn’t really become TJ1400. But may be TJ4000 or TJ4500. It will not be as powerful as a turbofan. But will have jet propulsion.
Great post, and some small corrections along with addition
The fans in the turbofan engines are the main source of the thrust and bigger fans does not mean more air flow for the compressor but bigger airflow for the bypass canal, 95% of the thrust that produced by a high bypass ratio (example,1/20 even 1/30 with the new carbonfiber fan technology because you can increase the fan diameter with lighter material) turbofan engine like Leap engine for example, comes from The fan and as a result from the bypass canale.remaining %5 comes from the jet gasses that come out of this is how you have high efficiency with low fuel consumption and relatively low speeds (0.6-0.7 mach)

On the other hand low bypass ratio (around 1/2) engines (mostly military applications) which enables higher speeds even up to 0.9 mach and high fuel consumption.

as people said earlier we need a turbofan for subsonic mius and turbojet engines for hurjet and supersonic mius.but we cannot use ts1400 or ts3000 engines to come up with turbofan and turbojet engines.
Turboshaft and turboprop engines are designed specifically for low speeds not just their radial compressors but also their inlets combustion chambers and either you are gonna make these changes or you are gonna design a new engine from scratch.
Because i dont think the ts1400 core would be suitable even for mach 0.8 speeds let alone supersonic speeds for a turbojet.

edit: i made a mistake.almost 100% of the thrust in an airline turbofan comes from the fan. It is turboprops which you get 95% of the thrust from the propellers and 5 % from the turbine gasses.
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Great post, and some small corrections along with addition
The fans in the turbofan engines are the main source of the thrust and bigger fans does not mean more air flow for the compressor but bigger airflow for the bypass canal, 95% of the thrust that produced by a high bypass ratio (example,1/20 even 1/30 with the new carbonfiber fan technology because you can increase the fan diameter with lighter material) turbofan engine like Leap engine for example, comes from The fan and as a result from the bypass canale.remaining %5 comes from the jet gasses that come out of this is how you have high efficiency with low fuel consumption and relatively low speeds (0.6-0.7 mach)

On the other hand low bypass ratio (around 1/2) engines (mostly military applications) which enables higher speeds even up to 0.9 mach and high fuel consumption.

as people said earlier we need a turbofan for subsonic mius and turbojet engines for hurjet and supersonic mius.but we cannot use ts1400 or ts3000 engines to come up with turbofan and turbojet engines.
Turboshaft and turboprop engines are designed specifically for low speeds not just their radial compressors but also their inlets combustion chambers and either you are gonna make these changes or you are gonna design a new engine from scratch.
Because i dont think the ts1400 core would be suitable even for mach 0.8 speeds let alone supersonic speeds for a turbojet.

edit: i made a mistake.almost 100% of the thrust in an airline turbofan comes from the fan. It is turboprops which you get 95% of the thrust from the propellers and 5 % from the turbine gasses.
For a subsonic passenger liner with large fans and high bypass ratios, cold thrust created by the fan constitutes up to 75-85% of total thrust of the engine.
For a low bypass turbofan fighter engine, capable of supersonic speeds, this could be as low as 30%.
These values would change greatly with air density and speed. At much higher altitudes where air is rare, a turbofan starts to become less efficient at high Mach speeds than a turbojet. A good example is SR-71 engines. They are turbojets. As the plane‘s cruising altitude is around 70-80000ft, it actually needs only engine thrust and no need for fan assist. Same with Concorde engines. They too were turbojets.
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Great post, and some small corrections along with addition
The fans in the turbofan engines are the main source of the thrust and bigger fans does not mean more air flow for the compressor but bigger airflow for the bypass canal, 95% of the thrust that produced by a high bypass ratio (example,1/20 even 1/30 with the new carbonfiber fan technology because you can increase the fan diameter with lighter material) turbofan engine like Leap engine for example, comes from The fan and as a result from the bypass canale.remaining %5 comes from the jet gasses that come out of this is how you have high efficiency with low fuel consumption and relatively low speeds (0.6-0.7 mach)

On the other hand low bypass ratio (around 1/2) engines (mostly military applications) which enables higher speeds even up to 0.9 mach and high fuel consumption.

as people said earlier we need a turbofan for subsonic mius and turbojet engines for hurjet and supersonic mius.but we cannot use ts1400 or ts3000 engines to come up with turbofan and turbojet engines.
Turboshaft and turboprop engines are designed specifically for low speeds not just their radial compressors but also their inlets combustion chambers and either you are gonna make these changes or you are gonna design a new engine from scratch.
Because i dont think the ts1400 core would be suitable even for mach 0.8 speeds let alone supersonic speeds for a turbojet.

edit: i made a mistake.almost 100% of the thrust in an airline turbofan comes from the fan. It is turboprops which you get 95% of the thrust from the propellers and 5 % from the turbine gasses.
So the hot exhaust gas coming out of the rear of an airline turbofan is totally useless for propulsion or what?


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AL-322F fully matches with TEI Tf6000. If 322F can give more than 9000lbf with afterburners, Tf6000 will also reach similar thrusts with afterburner.


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TEI TF-6000 will be smaller in diameter and lighter or it will far exceed 6000lbf if designed in similar dimensions to AL-322F.


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TEI TF-6000 will be smaller in diameter and lighter or it will far exceed 6000lbf if designed in similar dimensions to AL-322F.

I think so. The Al-322F produces 5500lbf cruise flight thrust in 560kg mass and goes up to 9000lb max with afterburner during takeoff.
The TEI TF6000 will produce (target) 6000lbf of continuous cruise thrust, it probably sees 10000lb with afterburners. Idon't know If Ukraine has single crystal blade tech but TEI has superior and up to date manufacturing technologies compared to Ukraine. That's why, I think the total weight, diameter and even fuel consumption rates of the Turkish engine will be superior to its Ukrainian counterpart.


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I think so. The Al-322F produces 5500lbf cruise flight thrust in 560kg mass and goes up to 9000lb max with afterburner during takeoff.
The TEI TF6000 will produce (target) 6000lbf of continuous cruise thrust, it probably sees 10000lb with afterburners. Idon't know If Ukraine has single crystal blade tech but TEI has superior and up to date manufacturing technologies compared to Ukraine. That's why, I think the total weight, diameter and even fuel consumption rates of the Turkish engine will be superior to its Ukrainian counterpart.
No, I can %100 confirm that Ukraine doesn't have single-crystal technology. If designed with the same dimensions I expect TF-6000 to produce up to %25 more thrust than Al-322.


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So the hot exhaust gas coming out of the rear of an airline turbofan is totally useless for propulsion or what?
Yes and No!
Most of the thrust is produced by the fan. In a turbofan, the thrust it produces very much relies on the amount of air that by passes the engine core. Modern engines like the one used by the A320 neo, the Pratt and Whitney PW1000G has a by pass ratio of 10:1. That means, for every 1 part of air that goes through the engine core, 10 parts of air goes through the by pass.


As you can see here, the fan makes most of the engine. The actual core is much thinner and smaller.

How it works is simple. A force of same magnitude can be produced by giving a huge mass of air low acceleration according to Newton. This does not only improve the fuel efficiency, it also reduces the chance of thrust losses during different flight regimes. The air that goes through the combustion is mainly used to run the compressors to keep the engine going. Very little of it actually produces the forward thrust. That is why it is sometimes called as residual thrust.
At optimum conditions core may produce only 15% of the total thrust available.
But as the altitude and the speed increases and the rarified cold air thrust decreases too. Engine core’s contribution to thrust at this instance may be as high as 25%.


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No, I can %100 confirm that Ukraine doesn't have single-crystal technology. If designed with the same dimensions I expect TF-6000 to produce up to %25 more thrust than Al-322.
Ukraine uses super alloys in their blades. Russian Saturn AL31 engines were the same. They only started using single crystal blades in their “F” class engines , like AL31F and AL41F.
Using single crystal does not solve all the problems though. The blade design has to be correct with the right cooling canals introduced in to the blades and more importantly the quality of the coating used to withstand extreme heat.
But with smaller diameter cores, these engines should be easier to manufacture.
We have however shown we can successfully produce single crystal blades for not only TS1400 but larger diameter T700 engine as well.
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