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What if the tender you speak of states electrical propulsion as a requirement. Electrical propulsion has its own advantages. Havelsan UAV is developed for specific needs. Baykar DIHA will be used on ships and artillery batteries that need more range. Havelsan BAHA will be mostly used by infantry units for short-range recon missions. It is silent it has no IR signature and it is cheaper it doesn't need maintenance. It is stationed between Baykar mini UAV and Baykar DIHA.
~10hp 2strok engine at some thousands ft altitude wont have any significant heat signature


Cirit is a laser guided missile without enough maneuverability !! No way it could be used as a2a !! This is sungur's role ? Sungur if is thrown from uavs can reach 15-20 km rang and would be perfect for uavs imo
Laser guidance doesn't cause inefficient maneuveribility. There are laser guided SAMs which are pretty effective .
Radar guidance but which generation?

Here is the fastest MANPADS with laser guidance!



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BITES TB2 Simulator


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Nonsense stuff from haluk baykar Yeah a unmanned craft that can't get to mach 1 or 2 will be better than a stealth jet like F-35

"MIUS will be better than F-35"

He didn't say it's better, he said it'll be more 'etkili' effective than F-35. Which I have no doubt that it will be. No operational constraints, no man behind the yoke, cheaper and more importantly made in Turkey.


He didn't say it's better, he said it'll be more 'etkili' effective than F-35. Which I have no doubt that it will be. No operational constraints, no man behind the yoke, cheaper and more importantly made in Turkey.
"cat would call the meat It couldn't get bad" "Kedi erişemediği ete mındar dermiş" mentality


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"MIUS will be better than F-35"
I still dont understand why you ppl are criticising Baykar?
Who knows, Maybe MIUS will actually be a better alternative than F35!
I mean it will be
1- Cheaper in production and operation cost
2- Smaller so harder to detect
3- Rumored to contain an internal weapons bay
4- Rumored to be able to involve in air-to-air scenarios
5- Smaller so more planes can be stored in the ship; thus, giving greater versatility
6- Above all, mostly domestic

All what I will say is that 10 years ago, you used to fly F16s to destroy tanks; yet now you buys fly the 80% cheaper tb2s to destroy the same type of tanks if not more advanced

Those with bright brains create new possibilities through ingenious ideas
Lets leave it to those who actually knows their jobs and stop criticising them


I still dont understand why you ppl are criticising Baykar?
Who knows, Maybe MIUS will actually be a better alternative than F35!
I mean it will be
1- Cheaper in production and operation cost
2- Smaller so harder to detect
3- Rumored to contain an internal weapons bay
4- Rumored to be able to involve in air-to-air scenarios
5- Smaller so more planes can be stored in the ship; thus, giving greater versatility
6- Above all, mostly domestic

All what I will say is that 10 years ago, you used to fly F16s to destroy tanks; yet now you buys fly the 80% cheaper tb2s to destroy the same type of tanks if not more advanced

Those with bright brains create new possibilities through ingenious ideas
Lets leave it to those who actually knows their jobs and stop criticising them
A drone never take on the F-35 nor replace him. Baykar just playing for the uneducated people MIUS can't get to mach 1 an F-16 or F-35 would eat it like a food.
F-35 always will be better than MIUS baykar has to stop talk about things he doesn't know.

A jet will have to maneveur when a missile is fired against it MIUS can't do this and It is not stealth 0.8 in a turn will make Its engine burn lol


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A drone never take on the F-35 nor replace him.

In the not too distant past it was said that computers could never play chess better than humans. I don't think you know what you're talking about. MIUS may well be more effective than the F-35. Our main problem is will it be effective from other unmanned jet fighters?


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A drone never take on the F-35 nor replace him. Baykar just playing for the uneducated people MIUS can't get to mach 1 an F-16 or F-35 would eat it like a food.
F-35 always will be better than MIUS baykar has to stop talk about things he doesn't know.

A jet will have to maneveur when a missile is fired against it MIUS can't do this and It is not stealth 0.8 in a turn will make Its engine burn lol
The first variants will be close to mach 1 however right after that it will be supersonic.


Exactly, brother, F-35 IS SO BAD the USA has already invested trillions of dollars in the F-35 project. On top of that, he plans to build 700 of them and produce several thousand cases.
In addition, there is no need for air defense for tanks, guns, guns, planes, ships. There is a UAV, it is enough for every job, we know how to make a UAV.

we are on our way to be the weakest HvK in the region but we aim to solve every dick with a drone mius 6 tons capacity f35 30 tons take off, look what you're comparing :DDDD


Be HVKK make your 100 year plan with F-35 some fella fucks up the deal Uneducated people claims F-35 is a bad jet and we can do everything with drones what a circus we live in


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Exactly, brother, F-35 IS SO BAD the USA has already invested trillions of dollars in the F-35 project. On top of that, he plans to build 700 of them and produce several thousand cases.
In addition, there is no need for air defense for tanks, guns, guns, planes, ships. There is a UAV, it is enough for every job, we know how to make a UAV.
Mate, pls check the target program for the F35
The F35 was supposed to be the New F16. In other words, it was supposed to be the CHEAP, JACK OF ALL TRADES, 5th gen jet. What was the outcome? Trillions of dollars spent and the end product was an expensive jet, with expensive operation costs, engine issues and above all can be stopped by a button in the US
Absolutely insane! Pls stop reading US-propaganda ffs

I do remember when the US stopped drone sales to Turkey around 10 years ago. Erdo, at that time, said we will make our own lethal drones and the whole world made mockery of him and the Turks. Nowadays, no newsagency doesnt talk about Turkish drones and Baykar and the story of success of Baykar and TAI!
Now the whole world is racing to buy Turkish weaponry

The same is happening with the F35! Turkey got sacked! Erdo said we will make our own weapons! The whole world made fun of him; now both prototypes of the Hurjet and TFX have commenced and the MIUS is peogressing way too well

Those who are brainwashed by the West, will always remain below the West!
You dont need F35!
F35 main role was Air-to-ground targets!
Drones that can carry similar weapons, cheaper, stealthier, and smaller are harder to detect than the F35 with its massive heat signature compared to small stealth drones. Moreover, you have Hurkus and Hurjet!
What is the use of the expensive F35? Nothing other than Showcasing it..... this will make the army more of a "show" than actual lethality just like Egypt's and Greece's Rafales. A true lethal army is an army that is effecient, fast, adaptive, and cost-effecient. You dont need fancy looking stuff
Like.... if all what you wanna do is call some1 through a phone, why buy an Iphone when a cheap Samsung can do the same job and offer more versatility
Air-to-air you have the TFX instead of the F22


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Exactly, brother, F-35 IS SO BAD the USA has already invested trillions of dollars in the F-35 project. On top of that, he plans to build 700 of them and produce several thousand cases.
In addition, there is no need for air defense for tanks, guns, guns, planes, ships. There is a UAV, it is enough for every job, we know how to make a UAV.

we are on our way to be the weakest HvK in the region but we aim to solve every dick with a drone mius 6 tons capacity f35 30 tons take off, look what you're comparing :DDDD
Be HVKK make your 100 year plan with F-35 some fella fucks up the deal Uneducated people claims F-35 is a bad jet and we can do everything with drones what a circus we live in
Pls read this before spreading wrong analysis



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Exactly, brother, F-35 IS SO BAD the USA has already invested trillions of dollars in the F-35 project. On top of that, he plans to build 700 of them and produce several thousand cases.
In addition, there is no need for air defense for tanks, guns, guns, planes, ships. There is a UAV, it is enough for every job, we know how to make a UAV.

we are on our way to be the weakest HvK in the region but we aim to solve every dick with a drone mius 6 tons capacity f35 30 tons take off, look what you're comparing :DDDD
It's not a bad aircraft but it certainly is a failed project. It doesn't matter how much they invested, it's a really suspecious "investment" it will never pay off, production cost will not go any further down, life cycle cost of it is insanely if you compare to other aircrafts.

It can't supercruise, is only stealth with weapons in the internal bay, limited combat range, the only thing revolutionary is it's avionics and therefore enhanced situational awarness for the pilot command & control capabilities.

I would choose a F-15 over the F-35 anyday.


Mate, pls check the target program for the F35
The F35 was supposed to be the New F16. In other words, it was supposed to be the CHEAP, JACK OF ALL TRADES, 5th gen jet. What was the outcome? Trillions of dollars spent and the end product was an expensive jet, with expensive operation costs, engine issues and above all can be stopped by a button in the US
Absolutely insane! Pls stop reading US-propaganda ffs

I do remember when the US stopped drone sales to Turkey around 10 years ago. Erdo, at that time, said we will make our own lethal drones and the whole world made mockery of him and the Turks. Nowadays, no newsagency doesnt talk about Turkish drones and Baykar and the story of success of Baykar and TAI!
Now the whole world is racing to buy Turkish weaponry

The same is happening with the F35! Turkey got sacked! Erdo said we will make our own weapons! The whole world made fun of him; now both prototypes of the Hurjet and TFX have commenced and the MIUS is peogressing way too well

Those who are brainwashed by the West, will always remain below the West!

You dont need F35!
F35 main role was Air-to-ground targets!
Drones that can carry similar weapons, cheaper, stealthier, and smaller are harder to detect than the F35 with its massive heat signature compared to small stealth drones. Moreover, you have Hurkus and Hurjet!
What is the use of the expensive F35? Nothing other than Showcasing it..... this will make the army more of a "show" than actual lethality just like Egypt's and Greece's Rafales. A true lethal army is an army that is effecient, fast, adaptive, and cost-effecient. You dont need fancy looking stuff
Like.... if all what you wanna do is call some1 through a phone, why buy an Iphone when a cheap Samsung can do the same job and offer more versatility
Air-to-air you have the TFX instead of the F22
You are the brainwashed one just like the turks here F-35 is a failed program yeah thats why US is ordering them like food lol cope and seethe


With this mentality we deserve to be the weakest HVKK in the region Imagine comparing F-35 with hürküş One is a donkey other is a arabian horse


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With this mentality we deserve to be the weakest HVKK in the region

A F35 is a flying supercomputer like the pc in your pocket, when they want to locate you or track you that can easily be done. Our former airforce commanders made a video about it, i prefer f16 then a f35. If America can see you using ther weapons against certain x country what do you have to that stealth?



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F35 is indeed a good aircraft, no one is denying that.

What is not good is that it is an open book for the US. How safe would you feel Turkey going into war with an aircraft that is open book for the US?

How was the US intelligence sharing for instance of the Reapers against PKK? How reliable? We got a reputation of our air force bombing empty mountains based on those reliable info

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