TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series


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Cirit is a laser guided missile without enough maneuverability !! No way it could be used as a2a !! This is sungur's role ? Sungur if is thrown from uavs can reach 15-20 km rang and would be perfect for uavs imo

U.S. Air Force demonstrated similar concept with APKWS. Variant of Cirit, could be ideal for cost-effective C-UAS roles. Especially against improvised COTS UAVs that Sungur would be overkill solution for. Alka + Cirit variant could be an good combination for base defense against asymmetrical air threats along with 35mm single barrel weapon system.


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Nobody says F35 is a garbage. However, imagine that we have 100 F35s in inventory. İn case of War, can you use them against Greece, Armenia, PKK? Can you use your indigenous missiles and ammo with them? Also embargo is always possible about them . Maybe five years ago it was the best option for us. But after this phase, it is not a choice for us.


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A drone never take on the F-35 nor replace him. Baykar just playing for the uneducated people MIUS can't get to mach 1 an F-16 or F-35 would eat it like a food.
F-35 always will be better than MIUS baykar has to stop talk about things he doesn't know.

A jet will have to maneveur when a missile is fired against it MIUS can't do this and It is not stealth 0.8 in a turn will make Its engine burn lol
Still insisting as though you know better than Haluk Bayraktar. If you have manufacture an aircraft better than or equvalent to tb2 then you would be convincing but unfortunately.

*First of all an UCAV can be sacrificed in any dangerous condition but manned aircraft not...

* An UCAV can be designed wrt very harsh technical needs such as more than 9g limit for manned aircraft,

* You can make abnormal maneuvers ( esp. with the help of front canards) that human beings cannot resist for avoiding missile attact till to structural strength,

* If you enough data transfer power for distant control and good software UCAV will be so dangerous with the help of sensor fusion and artificial intelligence software,

* Radar cross section will be lower than classical or even shealth aircraft with all composite body with reasonable price

* Everything aside this will be domestic and national. If a foreigner said so pessimistic comments it's understandable. But for a man from us it doesn't seem good.

Please do not let political jealousy cover your objective opinions.


Still coping because they didn't sold the F-35 to us I see you can cope but can't run from the facts F-35 is much more effective aircraft than anything baykar can make. Playing for the uneducated MIUS is a good concept but nowhere near the F-35 thats why we have the TFX. You cannot replace a fighter-bomber jet with a drone also about the aircraft TB2 is a drone not a full fledged combat aircraft Drones are good against helicopters or ground targets you can't say that a F-35 with 30 ton capacity is inferior to MIUS thats just childs play. Baykar can cry all he wants about F-35 the educated knows that Fighter-Bomber jets can take on the MIUS easily. Final message cope and seethe because F-35 will always be better than MIUS(Both are diffrent classes you can't force MIUS to take on other jets)
Still insisting as though you know better than Haluk Bayraktar. If you have manufacture an aircraft better than or equvalent to tb2 then you would be convincing but unfortunately.

*First of all an UCAV can be sacrificed in any dangerous condition but manned aircraft not...

* An UCAV can be designed wrt very harsh technical needs such as more than 9g limit for manned aircraft,

* You can make abnormal maneuvers ( esp. with the help of front canards) that human beings cannot resist for avoiding missile attact till to structural strength,

* If you enough data transfer power for distant control and good software UCAV will be so dangerous with the help of sensor fusion and artificial intelligence software,

* Radar cross section will be lower than classical or even shealth aircraft with all composite body with reasonable price

* Everything aside this will be domestic and national. If a foreigner said so pessimistic comments it's understandable. But for a man from us it doesn't seem good.

Please do not let political jealousy cover your objective opinions.


F35 is indeed a good aircraft, no one is denying that.

What is not good is that it is an open book for the US. How safe would you feel Turkey going into war with an aircraft that is open book for the US?

How was the US intelligence sharing for instance of the Reapers against PKK? How reliable? We got a reputation of our air force bombing empty mountains based on those reliable info
My argument is MIUS is not better than a F-35 or anyother Fighter jet thats it


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In the not too distant past it was said that computers could never play chess better than humans. I don't think you know what you're talking about. MIUS may well be more effective than the F-35. Our main problem is will it be effective from other unmanned jet fighters?
MIUS will be next to TFX.


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You are the brainwashed one just like the turks here F-35 is a failed program yeah thats why US is ordering them like food lol cope and seethe
You know your argument is foolish. Because of big order, its a good plane? "To big to fail." Of course, its a formidable plane, but not because of ordering.


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My argument is MIUS is not better than a F-35 or anyother Fighter jet thats it
It doesn't have to be better, if it fulfils our needs it is good enough.

In what way if F35 better? We cannot use the F35 to her full potential like the US does. The US can use the F35 fully netcentric which makes the F35 so valuable, can we? If not than what is the super value for us, that she is a bit more stealth?

We need aircraft, drones, ships that we can use fully in our own netcentric environment, the only way to get that is building your own stuff.


We are all looking forward to seeing MİUS no matter who has produced.

Please stop mismatching and underestimating.


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Yes I saw many.
At least not here. Being better is not the same as will being more effective. yep,F-35 is a capable jet and a much better than MIUS. Mr. Bayraktar is right. MIUS 'll be more effective than F-35.

As you can see it doesnt mean the same thing


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Why does it bother some people here that people find MIUS more useful and better for Turkey than the F-35? No one says MIUS is better than the F35.


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Although an unmanned aircraft brings some disadvantages, it is certain that they will provide a great advantage over manned aircrafts and will bring strategic superiority. Do you think that in an environment where missile technology is so advanced, an aircraft like the F35 can easily be sent to an area that is effectively protected by enemy state of art air defence elements just because it has stealth features? This is impossible because today's combat concept is based on the concept of bringing stealth manned aircrafts close to enemy elements as much as possible without being detected and destroying the target with stand-off munitions. This is exactly where AI-based unmanned aircrafts like MIUS which are thought to start a new era in air-to-air and SEAD/DEAD combats, come into play. With similar stealth characteristics, it can even be sent to the best protected areas of enemy territory or it can attack the target from stand-off ranges if desired. This is an aircraft that can withstand very high G forces in dogfights. If it can be supported by an effective decision support system and intelligent autonomy, platforms like MIUS are certain to be the most dangerous weapons of the future wars.


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It is very important to advance in these technologies early. The level Turkey has reached in the production of strategic turboprop and turbodiesel drones is in a place that almost no one in the region have reached. While the first variants of Anka was able to carry 200kg payload, today's Anka carries 400kg. Although this technology exists in Europe, they do not attach importance to this field so they are currently developing projects to close this gap but they have problems with cost effectiveness. Similarly, there has not been much development in Europe apart from the technology demonstration concept called Neuron. If I remember correctly UK is working on a similar technology. Neuron was developed with a requirement with an air blush on the top, which mean it does not have high maneuvering features but MIUS is exactly like a combat aircraft. its air blushes on the sides and its vertical stabilizers at the back and canards at the head actually prove what Turkey is trying to do. MiUS will be supported by much more powerful turbofan engines in the future versions and It will reach supersonic speeds and prove its real efficiency at that time.


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There are a few accessories that will make MIUS much more dangerous. One is the advanced long range AESA radar and the another one is the advanced ramjet AA missiles. They are all pieces of a big puzzle. Baykar'll produce an advanced jet UAV. Aselsan'll produce an advanced long range AESA radar, and SAGE ramjet AA missile... This combination is a photo that'll make the air forces of many countries sweat.

That is what we are talking about the "more efficient". F-35 is a perfect jet but ...There is an eye that watching you always. there is a hand that touching you always. There is a brain that think instead of you always...There's a computer and it's constantly whispering you to its owner.

F-33 is a still perfect fighter if you are U.S.


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You are the brainwashed one just like the turks here F-35 is a failed program yeah thats why US is ordering them like food lol cope and seethe
Not that I think F-35 is an irredeemable piece of trash but you aren't really familiar with the US military-industrial complex if you think the army ordering lots of F-35s is an indicator of anything other than a money laundering scheme.

It's not a completely garbage plane and I don't think a drone will be able to replace it but it fell far, FAR short of what was originally promised. Like "the US military has scrapped projects for less" kind of far.

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