TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series


9 1,286
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Simply sending out two TB3s to circle around is one thing. Actual sortie generation is another thing, if we’re talking about naval platforms.
Well TB3 is slow and Anadolu isn't really an AC so don't think it would make sense to design it with lots of serial sorties doing bombardment. If you calculate the max number or weight of payload delivered per hour with repeated sorties, it's never gonna get close to real fighters from AC. Would make more sense to use TB3 for targeting of long range missiles and maybe kamikaze drones


10 1,401
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I have been thinking about a concept that goes like this;

Modern warships have this problem where when you pack them full of missiles, they become precious targets and they have to go back to a dock. These two problems can be overcome, I believe, with extensive use of USVs. Of course, this is not really an option in deep ocean, but neither Mediterranean nor the Red Sea qualifies as oceans, do they.

So UAVs out of Anadolu do ISR and EW, while slightly larger USVs act as mobile VLS carriers and nothing else. Some other USVs act like land based anti air batteries, in a layered fashion. While others do ASW. Maybe even dedicated USVs for EW, too. There may even be USVs that can be used for cheap shore bombardment en masse, striking closer land targets acquired by UAVs. In essence, this allows command & control of a large and dispersed force from one command center. You acquire, classify and nuetralize targets. This is what TSK did in operation Spring Shield, adapted to naval warfare.

In the future, a VTOL capable long endurance UAV with similar specs to TB3 will allow ships without runways to fulfill this role in the future, too. You disperse command and control to 3-5 frigates in that way therefore mitigating risk.

This is more or less useless against a competent air force. Then you need 5th gen aircraft taking off from carriers. But when the enemy is an "eastern style" force, like Haftar's militia, Hezbollah or SAA, this might actually work.

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