It would be an interesting concept if we put them on mobile stations like Otokar Ural for example. The pickup can carry multiple operational launcher tubes and even additional ones for reloading. They can be used very effectively for striking identified targets in fortified positions before assault.Alpagu loitering drone
KGK-82~300 kg, Teber 81~155 kg, Teber 82~270 kg and MAM-L~22.5 kgAKINCI MALE+ class UCAV fully loaded with bomb.
2x TEBER 81/82 laser guided bomb
2x KGK 82 INS/GPS guided winged bomb
8x MAM-L SAL guided miniature bomb
View attachment 1103
TEBER is a laser guidance kit for use on MK- 81 and MK-82 general purpose bombs. TEBER converts these bombs into precision smart weapons using Inertial Navigation System (INS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and Semi-Active Laser (SAL) Seeker.
An add-on SAL Seeker, mounted on the front section, provides a precise hit capability against moving targets. The Laser Seeker may be equipped with a proximity sensor.
The TEBER tail section is composed of GPS and INS for precise guidance and can be integrated onto the bomb by user in the field. The tail section can also automatically identify the types of the bombs (MK-81/MK-82).
1. Its in testing
Seems a bit off
Seems a bit off
If Teber just used INS, that’s normal
Seems a bit off